

"Good morning, Sir!"

"Good morning, Sir!"

"Good job, Mr Boss!"

The greeting in the morning was very familiar to a man who owned the largest company in his capital city. Bryan James, his name. A man who has a tall and well-proportioned stature, a young man who is still in his twenty years, already has a company that he has built himself.

No frills with the help of his parents, nothing at all. This company or better known as the Bryja corporation was actually built by himself from scratch. Initially Bryan worked in his father's company, from that start Bryan became interested in the business world.

And in the end Bryan chose to build his own company, from the beginning when Bryan built this company it was certainly not as successful as it is today. Bryan had to go through the ups and downs of the business world, but that didn't stop Bryan from giving up, on the contrary. Bryan is getting more and more passionate about building a successful company, and this time he has accomplished it.

Bryan who is cold to his employees does not make his employees feel uncomfortable being here, Bryan has a wise and wise nature that makes them admire him.

The greeting from his employees who always sounded did not make Bryan greet him back, the man just nodded his head—as if he appreciated the greeting of his employee.

"What's today's schedule?" Bryan asked in his even tone, as soon as he got to the front of his room and asked his secretary, Jessica Blanco.

The closeness of the two, which is actually only limited to the CEO and Secretary, who of course is always together, makes Bryja employees misunderstand them. Many of them matched Bryan and Jessica.

Because Bryan didn't want to seem like he was denying it, Bryan chose to keep the news quiet. Since he himself was sure that the news would slowly fade away in time, he just had to wait patiently for it.

By the way, at this time Bryan hasn't given his heart to anyone. More precisely, Bryan hasn't found the right woman for him, things like that are no longer a joke, he has to sort and choose the right woman to be his lifelong companion.

"For today, at around ten in the morning, you will have a meeting with a client from Theonas Corp, then after lunch you will see the land that will be built for the third branch office."

Bryan nodded in understanding, without saying anything Bryan immediately rushed into his room. The dashing man with a white shirt and tie that matched his navy blue suit sat on his oversized chair and began to struggle with his laptop and papers that always accompany his days.


In a different place a girl with waist-length hair that was hanging down was holding out her hand to wipe the sweat that was already dripping down her temples, jogging on the sidewalk to coincide with the sunlight this morning making her sweat like this.

If it wasn't for one of the requirements to enter the dance competition, he wouldn't have gone to such great lengths to lose weight like this.

The girl named Kanaya Olivia, came from a fairly well-known family in the capital city. Having a beautiful face makes Kanaya feel worthy if she joins a dance competition, not only that, there is no need to doubt her ability to dance.

The figure of this nineteen year old girl has just set foot in the world of lectures. Coming from a respectable family, his classmates recognized him, especially his former high school friends, who are now in the same college as him, making Kanaya even more friends.

"If the conditions weren't there, it's certain that I will pass the selection and win this competition," Kanaya grumbled in annoyance.

Seeing the atmosphere of the capital, which is currently jammed, made Kanaya even more uncomfortable. Usually Kanaya will only do sports around her house, or at the most she will go around the complex. However, at this time Kanaya really had to, it was because Kanaya was ordered by her mother to buy the ingredients for the dishes that were starting to run out.

Kanaya gave up, the girl who was already dripping with sweat sat on a chair in front of the mini market terrace. While waiting for his face not to sweat anymore, then Kanaya entered the mini market.

A few moments later after feeling his sweat start to decrease, Kanaya got up and entered the mini market while her hand reached for her cellphone—looking for the notes she had written on her cellphone note.


Suddenly, when she felt someone mention her name, Kanaya immediately turned to the source of the voice. His lips immediately pulled up when he found his high school friend. If usually Kanaya would immediately hug whoever her friends met her, different from this time. Kanaya felt herself stinking with sweat, so Kanaya gave up on that.


"You're really Kanaya, right?"

Kanaya nodded. "Yes, I'm Kanaya. Lo Frans, right?"

The man who was much taller above Kanaya nodded quickly while smiling broadly. "You still remember me."

"Obviously I still remember it. Frans, the guy who likes my friend hahaha..." Kanaya said with a laugh. "How is it? Are you with Fiola yet?"

Understandably, Kanaya and her friend, Fiola, are no longer communicating with each other. He and Fiola only got along in tenth grade, that was also because of the same class. After advancing to the eleventh grade, they had to be re-divided the class and so on until the twelfth grade.

Frans scratched the back of his neck that didn't itch. "No."

"Patience, there are still many girls in this world," said Kanaya while patting the man's shoulder, intending to give encouragement.

"Does that include you?"

Kanaya lowered her hand and rolled her eyes lazily. "Do you think I'm a boy? Yes, obviously I'm a girl, can't you see I'm already beautiful like this?" he said a little annoyed.

"It's beautiful, but it's a shame you stink!" Frans said waving his hand in front of his nose. Frans' words suddenly made Kanaya ashamed to death, why would she forget that she had been exercising and sweating quite a lot, it was certain that her body really smelled. Embarrassing.

"Seriously I s-smelly? I just finished exercising because," Kanaya sniffed her own body, one eyebrow raised in surprise, Kanaya didn't smell a bad smell at all.

Seeing Kanaya's panicked face made Frans hold back his laughter that would explode at any moment, it was a matter of concern if he laughed out loud in a public place like this.

"Just kidding! It's really serious, you!"

"You're really annoying! Just watch out if I meet Fiola later, I won't help you anymore to get close to Fiola!"

"Thanks in advance, but I'm already married."
