
Brought to the DeCaDeNcE

Both where born as the definition of misfortune, betrayed by their believes and those the believed in, they cursed their weak self and abandoned everything behind them. So, he saw them, he who had shaped the world to his image gave them the power to shape and build their own world, but contrary to what he wanted, both searched a means to go back to their worlds to enact their revenge and to do that, the needed to climb the separate and isolated worlds and reach the submit, where the door of the origin was. This is the adventure of no longer humans existence, traveling from world to world in search for a means to go back to their world for a selfish purpose.

Poker_mon · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs

Two Face

"with this minimum you can move around without being noticed, also, this is an inventory bag, sorry, we can only provide you the basic one" Said Marilyn handing Nine different set equipments to hide his existence to others.

[Equipments ]

- New sets of Cloths consisting of a black pant and a white shirt, with a black jacket, with the logo of an Avian eagle on the back, a pair of brown boots.

"This sets are equipped with stealth and speed spells, also, here, I took the time to register you under the guilds name, wouldn't that disturb you?" Marilyn eyed Nine with a lovely smile, he nodded and carried the belongings preparing to leave.

"Wait, Mrs Nine!" Marilyn stopped him, he turn to look behind frowning, 'what again?' he asked himself.

"You can't go now, stay for they night, have a bath and breakfast, and tomorrow you can leave, is that okay?" She asked.

"A bath?" Now that he thought, since he came from this world, he never had a proper wash of his body, when he was born, he had a brown fur, but the system said he evolved at a certain point, as mentioned, he had physical and body evolution, consisting of growth and puberty stage, which depended on what he ate.

Now, he did not know the colour of his fur which was covered in blood, dirt, sweat, and other substance of animals, and the odor he gave out was destructive.

"You see, we are still using a spell to sanitize and disinfect the areas you passed" Said Marilyn holding onto her breath and she spoke fast enough for him to hear.

"Okay, I got it, how can I remove the smell and dirt?" Asked Nine defeated by the small ladies talk, she smiled and took him to a room, his room after keeping his stuffs, he was directed to another.

"Here, enter this room, all necessary things needed to remove the odor are in there, used as much as you need" Said Marilyn.

"You see, we have cases of adventures coming back with monster odor, and stinks all places, so we decided to make measures for members only " Said Marilyn.

"Okay, thanks" Nine open the door and entered a steaming room, Marilyn waved at him and closed the door.

"Okay " Nine nodded, he moved to towards the bath, he took the soap and brush and started scrubbing his fur.

"What do you think about him?" Asked Hugh looking out the window, at the three round moons in the sky, his usually carefree and lazy expression was no more.

"Why asking, didn't you have a chat with him?" Answered the woman seated on the sofa with a bottle of beer in her hand, she drank and why staring at Hugh back.

"Oh.. just answer, why most you always dodge the question " Retorted Hugh.

"... I myself can't decide, from the moment he exited the purple forest, we have been monitoring him, just from a glance, we can see that he is not from around, but after a whole day of investigation, we can spot his origins nor family background, is he he popped out from nowhere " Reported the woman.

"Not really, he came out of the purple forest, the question is, was he born there? Or teleported there?" Said Hugh, he left the window and sat down on his chair, supporting his head, his dense purple eyes looked far in the distance.

"What are you looking at?" Asked the woman.

"Hmm... No, just wondering whether we should kill him or not" Said Hugh, the woman stopped drinking and look at him, "you want to kill him?" She asked.

"No, that's not it, I like him, he look promising, but I don't like unknown variables, especially those that can't be controlled " Said Hugh, rubbing his eyes in deep reflection.

"Variable?" Question the woman, she arrange her hairs and tilted her head, before looking at the ceiling, "ah, I see, if that's the case, eliminating him is surly the best solution " She said.

"Ahhhh... We were asked by the master to eliminate the child, but another problem came up, this is tiring " Said Hugh looking exhausted.

Soon the door open up and a girl with black hair and golden eyes showed up, she walked with a cup of coffee and placed it on the table.

"We aren't killing him" Said the girl, Hugh and the woman stared at her, before nodding, If Nine was here, he would have immediately identified the woman sitting on the sofa as the other existence with the purple aura, but the girls presence was different.

"When am I supposed to remove this?" Said the girl showing the bracelet on her wrist, "and it looks like the guy noticed it" asked the girl.

"You can't " Said Hugh, "if you, that damn bastard would find out" Said the woman, "and he might escape or create a massacre on his path" Continued Hugh, "and if that happens, Hugh would stress to old age and the master would not be pleased " Said the woman.

"Huh, Leticia, it's painful " Complain the girl, but her expression remain stoic and distant, "when are we starting?"

"Tomorrow, during the banquet the Lord organized for the son's recovery, if only he knew" Said Hugh.

Both ladies nodded, the woman called Leticia stood up, black mist covered her body as her body gradually dispersed in black mist, "okay, I would get the team prepared " She said and vanished.

"I think you should also prepare, you and Marilyn would be following me, your task is to look after the receptionist, I don't want her to die, git it?" Said Hugh seriously.

"... Okay" The girl nonchalantly answered and left the room, her black eye suddenly turn red before regaining its black color.

Hugh sighed and supported his head with his hand, "I wonder how tomorrow would be, home we finish with all this easily " He said.

After a thorough fight with his body, eliminating the odor and dirts, he sat on the bed studying at the panel information.

"So, what next?" This question was directed towards nowhere, waiting for no answer, but to his surprise, a respond came.

"Get stronger " His eyes blinked, and he grin showing his canine, "that was my intention..."

[Evolution available for user]

[Human beast Modifications ]

[Would you accept?]

