
Brought to the DeCaDeNcE

Both where born as the definition of misfortune, betrayed by their believes and those the believed in, they cursed their weak self and abandoned everything behind them. So, he saw them, he who had shaped the world to his image gave them the power to shape and build their own world, but contrary to what he wanted, both searched a means to go back to their worlds to enact their revenge and to do that, the needed to climb the separate and isolated worlds and reach the submit, where the door of the origin was. This is the adventure of no longer humans existence, traveling from world to world in search for a means to go back to their world for a selfish purpose.

Poker_mon · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs

The Banquet (5)

Morgan had never brought down her vigilance, even when she stared at Nine thinking how to assist him, but she could not materialize things she did not fully understand, for the moment what she need was power, because the real enemy wasn't dead, not yet, but went her attention went down, at the moment Nine showed a combo fight of different martial style fight, an attack was launched, one that could not be dodged easily.

At that moment of crisis, Morgan had to take a rapid decision, her time slowed down, her vision grew, her senses sharpened, here she was in full vampire survivability mode.

A vampire is like a beast, when cornered, it showed unbelievable abilities, veins showed up on her arms as she lifted the rifle, her amber eyes turn scarlet, from her the ground grew cracks as she bend down and shot out destroying part of the guards tower.

Soon she found herself a distance away from the ground floor, and was free falling, but what was more shocking was the fact that, she was taking aim to shoot down the horror.

From the position she was, he was clearly visible, he was in a pitiable state, it was already weak in the first place, if they where in the red zone he wouldn't be suffering like this, Morgan lauded a new bullet, after mastering it with the first shot and understanding the concept, a sturdy and more destructive bullet was materialize.


The boulder collided with the tower destroying it, Nine was worried, was she dead, but soon he saw a small shadow free falling why taking aim, "damn, that's cool!" He smirked at the sight, he did not know why, but he started loving this lady's reckless and insulting attitude.

Neutralizing the monsters around with his punches, he spoke, "show list of evolution!" The system sounded, and for a long moment before being dragged to the banquet, he could take a look at his panel status, which certain changes occurred, he inhale the red fog.


[Name: Nine]

[Status: Young Adult]

[Ability: Claws(Advanced [red]), wind blade(basic[red]), Maximum force advanced (purple), breed low(red), terror standard (purple)]

[Title: Corpse eater, scavengers, insect nightmare]

[Other information on stats]...

[Agility: Superior] (purple)

[Strength: Advanced] (Green)

[Speed: Superior](purple)

[Dexterity: Advanced][Green]

[Craftiness: standard](Green)

[Intelligence: Average](Green)

[Stealth: Advanced][Green]


[Giant eagle claws(slash function)]

[Black horn snake skin]

[Black horn snake scale, durability (red)]

[Giant eagle feathers (stealth equipped)]

Update [Black pants (note: destroyed), white shirt (destroyed), Jacket (destroyed), boots ]

[Threat level: 1]

[Evolution available ]

-Gorilla mutation [strength warrior ]

- Werewolf Mutation [unique breed]

- Tiger [legendary specie]

- Lion [King class]

- Semi- beast man [human and beast mixed]

Nine, why fighting the monsters attacking him, tried to read the information of all potential evolution, soon, he realize that, none talked of an evolution that would turn him back to human, and what was strange, nothing really went with his actual specie as an Ape, all went off, and only the first option came closer, but what he needed wasn't strength but speed.

"This world is really confusing!" He roared, his fist destroying a monsters thorax and extracted his hand and eat the monsters heart, he could feel his stats increasing slightly, but not enough to make him move to the next stats leveling up.

[Semi- beast man ]

He read the description and was seriously disappointed, this option granted him the ability to become a semi human, in that case, he would resemble the locals of this place.

Benefit granted where, a percentage increase in intellectual reasoning to superior red level, a decrease in habitants hostility and distance towards you, it's disadvantages where, a decrease in strength and speed, he immediately dismissed that evolution option, he did not have the time to check on all evolution, so he went for what was more eye-catching.

[Werewolf mutation ]

-All stats change and increases, increase in speed and endurance.

-increase in intellect.

- increase in claw strike.

- Increase in this world's hostility against you.

Apart from the last option, the rest weren't bad, he immediately accepted the request for a shift in race.



[A change in your race specie is at the point of going through, host can decide between stopping all activities and going through the process or entering rapid mutation why being awake.]

[Warning: Pains and damages shall be caused on host mental state if he happens to take option two]

[Warning: Host is unable to chose option 1]

[Warning: Host is in danger, all resources available shall be used in other to effectuate a safely Mutation ]

[Commencing Procedure of Mutation ]

[Werewolf: In the coldest of all the night, his marks cold be seen in the cold snow, he was a hunter who hunted the hunters, he was the ruler of the mountainous and snowy lands, his moon like eyes govern the night and his white fur married the cold snow, he would hunt and hunt to satisfaction, his name,, the Winter werewolf ]


It took a minute for Nine to chose, he soon heard the shot and a red line of light shooting towards a particular direction.


"Arrrggghhh!" An agonizing scream was heard originating from the beast, he must have gotten him, Nine looked up at the falling Morgan, the rifle she had with her started dispersing into dust particles as she dropped like a stone towards the floor.

Nine hands moved fast grabbing two monster by the neck, he rotated them at full force.

[Maximum force applied ]

Dispersing the monster, he bend and the already torn out cloths where totally shredded apart as his legs turn to that of a werewolf, he shot out like a bullet towards Morgan falling position.

Soon his hands followed, as a hand covered in black fur showed up with sharp claws, he sliced the monster submerging him and burst out of the crowed leaving a mist of minced meat and blood behind, he grind and step on them, jumped high in the sky and caught Morgan before she could hit the floor, While falling, he used his body as damage reducer to ease the impact.


"Ugh..." He looked down at the half conscious Morgan, she smirked, "is it me or you look more like a Werewolf now?" She asked closing her eyes.

Nine wasn't in good condition to, he too was losing consciousness, and with monsters around, that was dead for sure, he thought about abandoning Morgan and escaping on his own, but after looking at the girls face, he gave up and sat down.

The monster ran towards him in rage, and Nine was powerless, when he thought that everything was coming to an end.


Crackle crackle Boom! bang!

Tzzz tzzz tzzz...

A lightening strike came from the sky with a thunderous sound hitting the ground roasting down all the nearby monsters, and it did not end there, like a living entity, the lightening stroke the ground, a beam of lightening shot out dispersing the red mist away and burning down the remaining monsters.

When the lightening started subsiding and reducing in intensity, Nine who had slightly closed his eyes dew to the sever pain the light inflicted to his enhanced eyes, saw a silhouette within the torrent.

A female with full plate amor, and a sword in hand which sparkle of electricity stood there, she turn and looked at both him and Morgan with a frown on her face, but even with that, it did not damage the beauty she exuded, her blue clear eyes where like the morning sky after a heavy rain, appeasing and calm signaling the disaster has passed, her soft and pink lips, her well sculpted nose, mouth, all in her was gorgeous, her body was a sight to behold, even though she lacked much in the chest region, she was well made.

Nine swallowed hard, apart from Morgan who wasn't really human, it was his first time seeing a beauty like this, all women he met back on earth could be put to shame.

"Hugh, look after them" Said the lady Knight as she walked towards the remaining monsters, her voice was sweet and reassuring to hear, thought Nine, he turn his head and saw Hugh greyhound on one kneel near him, the man was passing orders to people behind him and turn to address Nine, but Nine's mind was blank as he saw the man's mouth moving, but could not guess what he was saying, from here he totally lost consciousness.

The knight lady walked into the mist, the electricity emanating from her and her amor dispersed the mist from approaching her, she wiped the monster that swamped at her location in ease, but this minions weren't her target, why on her way here, she saw Morgan free falling with a strange object in hand, she shot out something, her senses told her that, what she shot was definitely a strong weapon, but the expression she made wasn't good, it was at that moment, Morgan seemed to have noticed her, she waved, making hand signals before going off.

With a sweep of her sword, the Terminator as it was called, the mist was dispersed, she came face to face with a horror like creature, squirming on the floor and trying to regenerate it's lost body parts, the numerous eyes looked up at the woman and the mouths open up, even when cornered, the fight fiercely to the end.

"That's surly the only good aspect I appreciate from devils like you" She said taking her stands, the last confrontation of the day, which was reaching it's end as night gradually came, they immaculate settings sun painted the battle field into a mixture of amber and red, a lady stood in her stand shading the monster from the light.

"Everything ends here" She said as her body sparkle furiously with electrical discharge.