
Brought to the DeCaDeNcE

Both where born as the definition of misfortune, betrayed by their believes and those the believed in, they cursed their weak self and abandoned everything behind them. So, he saw them, he who had shaped the world to his image gave them the power to shape and build their own world, but contrary to what he wanted, both searched a means to go back to their worlds to enact their revenge and to do that, the needed to climb the separate and isolated worlds and reach the submit, where the door of the origin was. This is the adventure of no longer humans existence, traveling from world to world in search for a means to go back to their world for a selfish purpose.

Poker_mon · Fantasía
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19 Chs

I would come back for you all (2)

"surrender!?" BAMM! The table was smashed by the angry fist, "what do you mean surrender!" Shouted the researcher Elliot in disapproval, he was of the party that favored a counter attack against the invader force.

"What do you want us to do?" The against party, Margaret, who was of the point of limiting the damage and surrender to the enemy, this was also to avoid unnecessary damages and lost of life, especially lost of valuable data and information of their research, "do you want to fight! How?" She question, "tell everybody how?" She asked.

Elliot was angered, he look down, "weapons, let's create weapons that can keep them at bay" He said, everybody looked at him.

"What nonsense are you spitting!" Said Gerome, another researchers for the party defending Margaret, "Have you forgotten Laughcraft incident?" Nobody could forget such incident, a one man who change the world through his mad research and also the principal culprit of the fear other nations had upon them and their knowledge.

"If you've forgotten, let me refresh your brain, mass murder, kidnapping of children from other nations, creations of the first most destructive weapon engine " Said Gerome.

Armageddon, the terrestrial deformer, his research on how to turn mana into a condense concentration of pure energy, but it went off, or he off it, his purpose was annihilation.

The explosion effect was still visible in the world, Mana, the energy everybody depended on and live in was gradually decreasing over time, people could no longer cast spells and use magic, so they had to focus in the usage of variants type, the borrow power where, individuals had to use and external catalyst, understand the concept before having the opportunity to use it, like to use water, you needed to be in a place where there's water, soon referred to as witchcraft.

Not all magic where affected, like the materialization magic, which use was different, but the intellectual capacity needed to be high in other to use the magic of understanding and comprehension, which was why, only those of Castlevinia knew it's functionality very well, this damage pushed the whole world to hate the Castelvinians and Victor knew that one day, they would come to them.

In his reflection, he glance at Elliot, "Elliot might be right..." His response sent the whole assembly to an uproar, asking him to reconsider, "silence..." It was low but audible enough for everyone to hear, the all went quiet.

"I haven't finished " He turn towards Elliot, "what type of weapon have you in mind?" Asked Victor, Elliot nodded, he put up his hand, and Materialization manifested showing a detail weapon style.

"I am in the team of dimensions research, in the process of studying worlds, we discovered a world, their technology is old and pathetic, but in a war the where fighting, they used this types if weapons" said Elliot, showing of a first world war pistol gun.

"It's fire power is low, but the destructive nature is acceptable, it only need a black powder to process " Victor observed the gun, he nodded at Elliot to take charge, copy it's format, and find a way to increase his fire power and destructiveness, Elliot nodded.

Victor turn towards the defeated Margaret, "you gather everybody present, all data, information, research concerning us, from pass to future, gather them and find a place to preserve them, that's your task" Margaret nodded with absolute determination in her eyes, the all left Victor alone in the hall.

The man close his eyes and a memory came to him, he saw the man standing near the heating reactor laughing madly, the man, who was once his best friend, and closest family member, Laughcraft Grandel.

"Look, this would be my legacy I grant to you all, but some would see it as a curse hahaha, after going beyond the boundaries of research and findings, I met him, you hear me, Victor!" He put his hand on his head and swayed at at the back, bringing down his hair, he laughed at the pain expression Victor had, "don't be sad my friend, I am not dying, we shall never meet again, but I hope I meet one of people in my journey beyond hahaha" The engine intensity grew, as victor screamed out Laughcraft's name in anger and sorrow, he saw laughcraft body disintegrate in golden powder and after....


The reactor exploded as a pillar of light shot out to the sky tearing space into two, and like a black hole something was sucked inside rapidly, it was soon the found out that, what was sucked in, was Mana.

"Legacy... Don't speak shit, this is a curse" Said Victor, clenching his fist, he stood up and left, with the hall empty, three months later, the war broke out, and it wasn't to their advantage.

They were researchers and not warriors, if not of the giant shield protecting the capital, they would have fallen.

This was surly the last assembly they would have, Victor massaged his forehead, taking a glance at the scanty hall, he took a deep breath before leaning on the his chair, "Reports?" He asked.

"Margaret and half of the research people have surrendered to the force invader, and the major important structures have been destroyed, we are losing ground... I think, surrounding would be the best solution " Said Kyle Von drywall, he was so tired that standing to pass the report was to tiring.

The hall was dead silent, nobody had the strength to speak or talk again, the world was against them and they could only sit and watch the outcome, no, not everybody sat silently.

BAMM! The door to the conference hall was pushed open, Victor who was supporting his head looked at the person entering that hall with confidently, what's she doing here? He wondered.

"We have the generator and the V. Test experiment " said Morgan, she walked towards her dad and spoke out loud for everyone to hear her, "why are we losing?!" She asked out loud, but nobody answered.

"We have the knowledge, skills and even the most strongest spell, so!" She turn towards her dad, "tell me why are we falling out!" She screamed, "Dad!" She called out to him, he frowned, for a moment, had the impression of seeing laughcraft image reflecting by her side, harboring that smile of overconfidence.

"Morgan, you don't have the right to be here!" BAMM! Victor slammed the table and stood up, "this is not the time and moment " He said, but was shock when he saw Morgan not leaving, but instead looking at him with determination in her eyes.

"I have been studying and researching on a way out, the mana gun was performant, but due to the declining state of mana in the atmosphere, it would soon become useless, heavy caliber man gun are literally junks! " She said, she search her backpack and took out reports and documents, she threw it towards her dad and the others, the looked into it one by one and at the title, the frown.

"That's our last card" She said, everybody including his dad looked at her, the plant consisted of injecting the V. In them and overloading the reactor for it to explode, the destructiveness shall wipe the continent, this plan was radical.

"... This is too... Dangerous, even if we survive, the world would be ruined" Said Kyle, nodded everybody.

"Still, what about those captured, the captive" Elliot look at the serious Morgan, she was determined, from her look, she was ready to put her hand in blood, the more the stare at her, the more the fell fear towards her, that's went Elliot understood now, "so that's how the see us, the fear is, that's why they are attacking " Everybody had realize the ugly truth and Morgan showed it Infront of them.

"We can do this, they world would suffer" Said Victor sitting down.

"I don't care, the world shall understand the pain and wrath a child who has lost his mother can do" She said, her amber eyes turning red, she clench, when her father saw her expression, his heart arched, he held his chest, "Helena "

"How did your carry all of this out on your own?" Asked Elliot, "I wasn't, Margaret and my mother assisted me, this was a plan to implement, if we were all tied and had no way out apart from surrendered " Said Morgan.

"But Margaret surrendered after the explosion of the facility " Said Elliot.

"They hid spies among us to cause trouble, we decided to openly send them greetings." Said Morgan, the men all realize what she mean, Margaret had her war she embarked on, and the were certain to never see her again, and that was true, after a period of time later, a giant explosion occured in both the capital of Frigust and Germia, killing millions of people.

The world was officially in war against an enemy who had nothing to lose, Castlevinia had fallen, but not the people, terrorist attacks erupted in all invader nations who participated, the kingdom of Germia and his people where obliterated by the most destructive power.

Victor still could see Elliot's face, when he smiled at them before teleporting to Germia with the newly made giant Bomb Morgan and the other researchers had build.

"Our daughter has become a monster" Said victor looking at the gloomy sky, the country he grew up was no more what it look like, Ruins and destruction.

"Sir, the army of Oslain and Danrak are at door step" Said Kyle, he look older than he was, Victor nodded.

Victor entered the office and saw his daughter in the middle of work, she was actually finalizing the immortal serum and she was close, he came closer.

Morgan, who was now 28 years old stopped, remove her glasses to rub her eyes, she hasn't got a proper sleep for a week already and was literally exhausted, sometimes, she suddenly fell dizzy.

"I think you should rest" Morgan turn and stared at her dad who looked at her worryingly, "I would rest went the are all dead" She said, putting back her glasses and resuming work.

"Your participation have given us much time to live, a lot could escape and hide, and others the possibility to fight, you are a better ruler than me, but" He stopped

"But, I am destroying the world in exchange " She finished, Victor did not say anything, meaning he did not disapprove.

"You resemble him" Morgan stopped and look at his father, "who?" She asked, but Victor turn and search for a seat, when he sat, he took a good look of Morgan, "you have your mother's smile and face" When he called her mother, Morgan started losing interest, "but your character makes me think of him" Said Victor.

"Laughcraft you mean?" She asked, Victor nodded, it wasn't the first time she heard this comparison, people or survivors usually praised her and called her legacy of Craft, but that was only those who happen to weakness the Laughcraft incident.

"Who was he?" She asked, victor stared at Morgan, "A visionar... One who sees beyond the boundaries of the world"