
Brothers with systems in the DC universe

Three Brothers while drunk returning from a party get hit by a car and find themselves in a strange place with a set of odd machines. After being transported to the DC universe with a set of systems, they try to come up with a plan of action.They decide to use their newfound powers to try to deal with the challenges that come with living in such a dangerous reality and make a new home for themselves. Read on, as they use their newfound powers to survive, make a name for themselves, find new family and leave behind their own legacies. _________________ Helping out this novel by supporting it or suggesting any changes that make the novel better will be appreciated. I own no characters except my 3 OCs. Please feel free to comment on how terrible my writing skills are. Arnold gets a jjk system.

Sloth_Incarnate_BW · Cómic
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69 Chs

Note:Not important

This chapter is a note of my goals for this story and how I plan to structure it.You need not read it to enjoy the story

This is a fan-fic created by using ideas i thought would be cool while reading other fan-fics. Hope you enjoy.


My goals with this story

Learn how to write

Learn how to give characters an arc

Learn Balancing multiple protagonists


The story will have 10.

We'll start with one MC and add more after getting to know them a bit.

I have an ending planned and there will be romance, though not for every character.