
Brothers with systems in the DC universe

Three Brothers while drunk returning from a party get hit by a car and find themselves in a strange place with a set of odd machines. After being transported to the DC universe with a set of systems, they try to come up with a plan of action.They decide to use their newfound powers to try to deal with the challenges that come with living in such a dangerous reality and make a new home for themselves. Read on, as they use their newfound powers to survive, make a name for themselves, find new family and leave behind their own legacies. _________________ Helping out this novel by supporting it or suggesting any changes that make the novel better will be appreciated. I own no characters except my 3 OCs. Please feel free to comment on how terrible my writing skills are. Arnold gets a jjk system.

Sloth_Incarnate_BW · Cómic
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63 Chs

Justice league vs the furies 3

[3rd Person POV]

"He'll be alright. I'm sure of it." Shazam said.

"For now we should focus on our task. We can go help him after we've secured the father box." Batman advised.

"Right. That guy will probably be fine, he's hella strong." Cyborg commented.

The heroes enter the portal room. They are immediately faced with the Furies, with the exception of Barda, accompanied by Granny Goodness and Desaad.

"Ah, if it isn't the misbehaving brat. Just wait till we get back to the orphanage. I'll make sure to thoroughly educate you. And this time Granny will make sure to beat out that rebellious nature of yours with her own hands." said Granny Goodness.

"And you!" she continued, this time looking at Barda. " You dare to betray Lord Darkseid! I will make an example out of you, child. So that everyone in the future thinks thrice before daring to follow in your footsteps! You will suffer for centuries for this transgression!" she said, her voice turning venomous.

At these words, Mister Miracle held Barda's hand, and looked her in the eyes, silently reassuring her.

"FURIES! Show them HELL! FOR DARKSEID!" cries the old woman, before she and the furies charge at our heroes.

Wonder Woman, Big Barda, Shazam and Superman step up to face them, while the rest look for the Father Box and the controls to the Boom tubes.

Mister Miracle, is familiar with the layout of the tower and is able to locate the controls to the Boom tubes, instantly.

He begins configuring the portals to the correct coordinates, while simultaneously instructing Cyborg on how to find the Father box.

"Look underneath the central podium, there should be thousands of artificial neural optic wires inside. Those should lead you to it." he says.

'Ah damn, the access key is encrypted. It'll take me some time to hack it.' Mister Miracle thinks to himself while using the computer.

But suddenly, a horde of parademons flew into the room, rushing straight at Mister Miracle. But before they could reach him, a giant green sledgehammer made of light hit them, killing them instantly.

"Keep working on that, I'll make sure no one gets to you!" said Green Lantern, before using a cannon to rip through another group of parademons.

Another horde of parademons rushed towards Cyborg, but half of them were destroyed by a red streak of light accompanied by yellow lightning while another half was blown up by batarangs.

"You make sure that Cyborg is safe, I'll be back." Batman told the flash, before rushing out of the room.

"Wait! Where are you- Oh why do I even bother?" Flash questioned, before he got busy fending off another group of parademons.

Meanwhile, Wonder Woman is fighting with Gilotina, preventing her from obstructing Cyborg and Mister Miracle.

Wonder Woman's Amazonian strength and agility met their match in gilotinapa's precision and deadly swordplay. The Amazon princess deflected Gilotina's strikes with her indestructible bracelets, countering with powerful kicks and punches. Gilotina, in desperate pursuit of victory, danced around Wonder Woman, aiming to exploit any opening.

As the battle intensified, Wonder Woman used the Lasso of Truth, attempting to ensnare her adversary. However, Gilotina skillfully dodged the golden noose, retaliating with swift and calculated strikes.

The fight raged on, each combatant pushing the other to the limits of their abilities. The ground beneath them bore the scars of their unyielding struggle, a testament to the fierce battle that showed no signs of resolution.

Until finally, in what seemed like a gap in Wonder Woman's impeccable defence, Gilotina found an opening which she exploited in a heartbeat, thrusting her sabre in a position where her opponent was exposed.

But it turned out to be a part of Wonder Woman's strategy, as she quickly dodges this attack, and while Gilotina's balance was messed up, Wonder Woman grabbed her by the wrist, before disarming her. She then slammed her into the ground, knocking her out.

As this happened, Big Barda and Lashina clashed in a relentless battle that echoed through the room. Barda, towering and formidable, wielded her Mega-Rod with precision, while Lashina's agile movements with her electrified whip kept the warrior on her toes.

Lashina hissed in a sharp voice, "You've placed your bets on the wrong horse, sister. But thanks to you, I can finally carve your eyes out like I've always wanted to."

"You can try, sister. And also, you're wrong. I'm not betting on my love, I'm believing in it." Barda answered.

With a thunderous sweep, Barda aimed her Mega-Rod at Lashina, who skillfully evaded the strike, countering with a crack of her whip that left a trail of sparks in the air. The two warriors engaged in a dance of strength and agility, each exploiting their unique skills.

Barda's brute force collided with Lashina's finesse as the whip-wielder gracefully avoided the powerful swings. Lashina's whip, infused with Apokoliptian technology, sent shockwaves through Barda's armour, but the warrior endured, fueled by her indomitable spirit.

The battlefield became a spectacle of power, with Barda's Mega-Rod creating shockwaves upon impact, and Lashina's whip crackling with energy. The fight seemed eternal, neither warrior yielding an inch. Barda's tenacity clashed with Lashina's cunning strategy, creating a dynamic that captivated onlookers.

As the battle raged on, it became apparent that neither would emerge victorious easily. The conflict intensified, leaving the outcome hanging in the balance, a testament to the strength and resilience of these two formidable women.

But the battle had to reach a conclusion, and it did as well. In a quick move by Barda, she used her Mega rod to grab a hold of Lashina's whip and yanked it out of her hands, leaving her defenceless. The battle ended quickly after that, with Barda knocking her unconscious with a blow from her weapon.


A/N: Where do you think Batman is off to? Anyways, please be prepared for a change in schedule as Im going to be busy soon.