
Brothers Promise

The events of the story take place in the land of "Narnia", and 45 years after the execution of the family of Cerberus, a woman and her brother escaped from this massacre, and they are trying to take revenge on the king who killed this rare Family who has the the power of wind in blood

Latef_Chdid · Fantasía
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35 Chs

You win or you die

Early in the morning Robin went to town for court and took his sister with him because she was insisted And on a beautiful day, with shining sun and light wind. neither hot not cold, it seems like a beautiful day to die

Robin arrives at the trial to find the arena is full and the council is on the rise

And in a circular cell, a person appears in front of the other, everyone presents his last words to his family

Razan: Are you going to fight this?

Robin: I'm going to kill this

Razan: He's the biggest man I've ever seen

Robin: Size doesn't matter when you fall on your back

Razan: He wears armor, why don't you?

Robin: I like to move lightly and quickly

Razan: And you drink wine on top of all this


Razan: You shouldn't drink before the fight

Robin: I always drink before I fight

Razan: He can get you killed and get me killed Robin: Today is not the day I die

The bell rings and the ruler comes in the middle of the square to recite the prayer before the trial

The wise : Under the eyes of Gods and people, we gather to verify the guilt or innocence of this man (Robin Denisos), may God the Mother now grant them mercy, and may God the Father grant them the punishment they deserve, and may the warrior god lead the hands of our heroes to victory.

Sabertooth's wife: Don't leave me alone in this world

Sabertooth: Never

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting an orange hue across the sky.

Robin, a lithe and agile warrior, stood bare-chested, his muscles rippling like a coiled serpent, ready to face whatever fate had in store for him. Despite the lack of armor or shields, his intense gaze betrayed no hint of fear.

Opposing him was Saberthoot, an imposing figure adorned in tank-like armor, forged by the most skilled blacksmiths of Narnia. His towering presence exuded power and confidence, and the clanking of his heavy armor sent tremors through the battlefield. A colossal shield adorned with intricate engravings was strapped to his arm, a formidable defense that made him seemingly impenetrable.

Their swords finally collide

The battlefield was a spectacle to behold, with banners flying high, and the cheers of the crowd echoing through the valley. Saberthoot advanced cautiously, relying on his massive shield to ward off any attack. He knew that his strength lay in endurance and defense, and he aimed to wear down his nimble opponent through sheer resilience. Robin, on the other hand, moved like a phantom, his steps barely audible as he circled his armored adversary. He knew that speed and agility would be his greatest assets in this uneven contest. Darting in and out of Saberthoot's reach, he struck like a shadow, delivering swift and calculated blows to the chinks in the armor and the exposed areas around the shield. Each time Robin's blows landed, the crowd erupted into applause, for it was a testament to the power of skill over brute force. Saberthoot's armored exterior began to show signs of wear, dents forming like badges of honor, yet his determination remained unyielding.As the battle wore on, the weight of Saberthoot's armor became increasingly burdensome. His movements became sluggish, and the once-impregnable defense started to falter under the relentless barrage of Robin's attacks. The nimble warrior used this opportunity to capitalize on his opponent's fatigue, striking with renewed vigor and precision.With a final, decisive strike, Robin incapacitated Saberthoot, causing him to drop his shield and fall to his knees. knocked Sabertooth to the ground with the screams of his wife, who stabbed herself as soon as she saw the bloody sight.

The ruler returns to say: Gods informed us of her will, and in the name of the king, Michael Galadriel, the bearer of the first bearer of his name, is not the one who killed the king.

As the dust settled and the victorious warrior stood over her fallen husband, the woman's spirit shattered in grief. The sight of her beloved's lifeless body before her eyes proved to be an unbearable burden. Consumed by a tidal wave of sorrow and despair, she found herself unable to bear the weight of the pain any longer. In a moment of profound anguish and desperation, she made a fateful decision, choosing to end her own life rather than face a world without him. The somber atmosphere that once resonated with the cheers of the crowd was now silenced by the profound tragedy that had unfolded. The trial by combat, meant to bring justice, had inadvertently unleashed an unfathomable sorrow, forever leaving a somber imprint on the memories of all who bore witness to the ill-fated event.