
Brothers Promise

The events of the story take place in the land of "Narnia", and 45 years after the execution of the family of Cerberus, a woman and her brother escaped from this massacre, and they are trying to take revenge on the king who killed this rare Family who has the the power of wind in blood

Latef_Chdid · Fantasía
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35 Chs

Chasing Tomorrow

The next morning dawned with a sense of anticipation that hung heavy in the air, a precursor to the impending confrontation that would unfold. In the quiet confines of Santes Durben's house, the atmosphere seemed charged with a tension that mirrored the weight of their histories and the choices that had brought them to this moment.

Santes Durben, a man with a gaze as steely as his resolve, stood in the dimly lit room. His thoughts were a whirlwind of memories and emotions, a tumultuous storm that mirrored the tempestuous path that had led him here. The time for reckoning had arrived, and he found himself grappling with the ghosts of his past and the specter of the Nightreaper.

And then, the door creaked open, revealing the figure that had haunted his thoughts for so long—the Nightreaper, a figure shrouded in darkness and intrigue. Their eyes met, a silent acknowledgment of the battles that had been fought, both on the field and within the recesses of their hearts.

"Nightreaper," Santes greeted, his voice a low rumble that carried the weight of his emotions.

The Nightreaper inclined his head, his features obscured by the mask that had become synonymous with his name. "Durben," he replied, his tone cool and measured.

As they stood face to face, the room seemed to shrink around them, a stage set for the confrontation that had been years in the making. Santes' grip tightened around the hilt of his weapon, his fingers tracing the edge with a mixture of anticipation and anger.

"You know what I came here for," Santes stated, his voice laced with a hint of venom. "For years, I've dreamt of this moment."

The Nightreaper's gaze remained unyielding, his stance unwavering. "And yet, here we stand. The past cannot be undone, Durben."

Santes' nostrils flared as a surge of anger coursed through him. "No, it cannot. But the future can be shaped by our choices."

Before the tension could escalate further, a voice intervened—a voice that carried the weight of authority and wisdom. "Hold, both of you."

Santes and the Nightreaper turned their attention toward the doorway, where Lord Jaime, a member of the Kingsguard and a figure of honor, stood with a commanding presence.

"Lord Jaime," Santes acknowledged, his tone more subdued in the presence of the esteemed knight.

"Durben, Nightreaper," Lord Jaime addressed them both, his voice resonating with a sense of authority, "we did not come here for an act of vengeance. We seek a fair battle, a confrontation that will settle the scores between you."

The Nightreaper's gaze flickered beneath his mask, a silent acquiescence to Lord Jaime's words. Santes' grip on his weapon loosened slightly, his anger giving way to a begrudging understanding.

Lord Jaime's gaze shifted between them, his voice unwavering. "Tomorrow, you will meet in honorable combat. The past will not dictate the outcome, but rather the skill and valor you display on the field."

Santes and the Nightreaper exchanged a lingering gaze, a silent acknowledgment of the opportunity before them. The weight of their shared history and the promise of a fair battle hung in the air, a testament to the complexities of their journey and the possibility of redemption..

In the chamber of the Queen, the atmosphere was one of intimacy and familiarity. Soft candlelight bathed the room in a warm glow, casting delicate shadows upon the elegant furnishings. Queen Melissa sat in regal poise, her expression a mixture of contemplation and concern, while her brother, Jhon, stood before her with a sense of earnestness.

Melissa :(his voice gentle yet resolute) So enjoyin your engaged life. An unhappy wife is a wine merchant's best friend.

jhon: she doesnt deserve this.

Melissa: Deserve? be Careful with that . start trying to work out who deserve what .and before long will spend the rest of your days weeping for each and every person in the world

jhon: there is nothing worse than a late-blooming philosopher.

Melissa: Mhhm

Jhon: will you be facing your Marriage to Sir Lores with the same philosophical spirit?

Meliisa; i wont be marrying Sir Lores.

Jhon: i seem to remember saying somthing similair about my own engage

Melissa: you are not me !! you want make things better for Elsa give her a child and ...

Jhon: so you can tell father it was you who finally talked to me into it

Melissa: so she can have some happines in her life.

Jhon: you have children. how happy would you say you are?

Melissa: three. but if it werent for my children id have thrown my self from the highest window in blackhall . they are the reason im alive

Jhon: even Darwin?

Melissa: Even Darwin. was all i had once befor Ellara was born. i used to spent hours looking at him . his wisps of hair its tiny little hands and feet. it was such a jolly little fellow. whenever he is with me he was happy . and no one can take that away frome me not even my father how it feels to have someone. someone of your own

Jhon: how long does it go on?

Melissa: untile we ve dealt with all our enemies.

Jhon: every time we deal with an enemy we creat two more .

Melissa: then i suppose it will go on for quite a long time.

The moon hung low in the night sky, casting a silvery glow that filtered through the grand windows of the castle. The corridors were hushed, the echoes of the day's activities fading into the tranquility of the night. As Jhon left the chamber of his sister, his steps carried him through dimly lit passageways, each footfall a measured echo of his thoughts.

Arriving in his own chamber, he found solace in the soft embrace of the bed. The canopy above seemed like a shelter, a haven where the weight of the world could be momentarily set aside. With a sigh, he lay down, his body sinking into the cushions, and closed his eyes.

As the night deepened, each figure in their own private chambers found themselves ensconced in their thoughts.

Jhon's mind wandered, a tapestry of emotions woven with threads of memory. He recalled the tender kiss he had shared with Lady Elsa—a fleeting yet profound moment that lingered in his thoughts, a testament to the connection they were forging amidst the complexities of their worlds.

In another chamber, Queen Melissa's thoughts were consumed by a different kind of intensity. Her mind was a whirlwind of calculation, her thoughts fixated on the task ahead—to dismantle the marriage arrangement with Ser Lores. She plotted and schemed, her determination an undercurrent that pulsed beneath the surface of her contemplation.

Lord Salvador, a man of strategic prowess, lay in his own bed, his mind traversing the pathways of diplomacy and alliances. He envisioned the delicate intricacies of renewing the alliance with the Faihan family, each decision a move in the grand game of politics that defined his role.

Santes Durben, a figure marked by the shadows of loss and battle, lay in solitude, his thoughts a symphony of remembrance and resolve. His mind drifted to his sister, her memory a beacon that illuminated his determination to face the impending battle—a battle that held the promise of redemption and retribution.

In a chamber nearby, Lady Elsa's gaze was fixed upon the ornate canopy above her bed. Her thoughts were a canvas painted with the hues of sorrow and determination. She dwelled on the painful memory of her family's demise, the wounds still fresh.

As the night wore on, each figure in their respective chambers navigated the currents of their own thoughts and emotions. The moon's silver luminescence bathed the castle in an ethereal glow, a silent witness to the dreams, fears, and hopes that stirred within the hearts of those who lay in slumber—dreams that wove together the intricate tapestry of their lives, interconnected and entwined by the threads of fate.