

Two siblings in an unknown world, humor being their coping mechanism. will their bond get stronger or will the world tear them apart. What adventures do await them?

Kiwi_qu · Fantasía
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3 Chs

I wanna wake up

I opened my eyes and saw in front of me an unknown ceiling painted a pale yellow color as if the person who had lived here had not crossed the wall for years.

what the hell, had my parents decided to paint in the middle of the night, since when was my room a pale yellow color.

I got up from a kind of strangely oversized bed whose size did not fit my old one. When I landed on my feet the room seemed bigger than it should have been. i felt like I shrinked in size.

What the fuck, I gasped as I saw my reflection in the mirror in front of me and screamed in fright.

I touched my face at the same time  the reflection followed me and touched my face on exactly the same side. My skin didn't match my 15 year old image, but in front of me stood a 6 year old with beautiful dark brown hair and amber colored eyes. Her skin was pale as if the girl would fall together at any moment. her hands were as thin as a stick.

i hope i dream because if it didn't it wouldn't be too pleasant. I swiped my bangs back with my hand, I was starting  to get nervous.

hahaha what kind of magic is this.

fuck. I took a deep breath and stepped away from the mirror. I looked at the room I was standing in. It was Disgusting how shitty the room was. My god does anyone clean here.

The room was pale yellow with a lot of old furniture that looked like it was coming from the Baroque period. The bed stood in the middle, decorated with a variety of ornaments. On the right was a large window from which the surroundings could be seen.

Ah, I got an idea.

What if I threw myself out the window. I'm such a genius!

I will probably wake up from these damn dreams.

i hope it will work given that your body wakes up at the feeling of falling.

Shit it's really high up

I said as I stood on the edge of the balcony.

Come on Liz you will succeed, it will probably be the same feeling when you hit the wall when you are angry.

I took one step toward the edge of the balcony, when a boy's voice rang in my head.

"Liz, don't do this, please."

Surprised I froze on the spot, surely I just heard the voice of my 17 year old brother in my head.

It's best to throw myself over sooner than I will sooner be the end of this nonsense.

" Liz you moron I swear if you throw yourself over I'll eat your biscuits!!"

I can't believe even the voice in my head is bribing me and that even with cookies

oh god Liz throw yourself over the balcony already

Im so good at encouraging myself I noted in my brain to pat my back when I wake up for those brave words of encouragement.

As I was about to throw  myself off the balcony  the doors busted open and a boy looking the same as the body I was in.

"Who are you?!" I asked confused that there eis another person in this shitty palace.

"Lizz!!" The boy cried in worry as he grabbed my hand an pulled me off the railing.

"How do you know my name?" I asked as j flanked  my hand away from him.

"It's  me your brother Jax!"

He said his eyes beaming like two rays of sunshine.

"Why should I trust you?" I asked him, he grabbed  my hand and clapped them together.

Suddenly  the boys memory's impaled my brain. Memories  he shared with me.

"Jax?" I breathed.

"Correct, and don't  try to kill yourself  ever again. " my brother schooled me.

Suddenly i got irritated at the fact  that he could not come sooner.

"Brother,do you know how scared  I was.

Boom, i go to sleep and suddenly I wake up in this shitty room.." I told him as I embraced me.

"I know, I know I'm sorry.

AH! By the way Liz  this is not a dream you know."

His last words surprised  me

"WHaT!" I screamed

"So you're saying we're  stuck in here and I will never be abel to see dad and mom again!!?"

Jax averted  my gaze as I stared at him wide-eyed.

"Not, exactly..." he mumbled

"Then you better start  explaining brother before your face ends mashed on the floor!" I threatened.

English is not my first language so I there is any mistakes let me know. I'm also using a translator to help me. I hope you enjoy. chapters will be updated every weekend. thanks for reading.

Kiwi_qucreators' thoughts