

The Emperor that ruled the world is reborn in another, a quiet man covered with mysteries. He encounters his fated one, the only one who can meet his cold eyes. He wishes to live a normal life, she wishes to rule. Read the story of the couple, the male lead facing his demons, while the female lead strives to walk her path.

Wolf_Oz · Fantasía
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87 Chs

Chapter 34

The next few days were all filled with joy in the Capital.

The balls continued, other than Cayn, Diana, and the two Sylvia princes who didn't show up, the others made a few appearances.

The relationship between them grew closer as they were of the same age and with the same interests in mind.

Tomorrow will be the day the kings and queens of the five kingdoms shall gather.

The heirs decided to have a meeting suggested to Ella by Amina.

Tonight, they are gathered here in a big room.

"He isn't here huh," spoke Ryo as he stared at Diana.

Diana was confused. "If you are talking about my fiance, then yes."

Ryo was taken aback by her words, "Fiance? Did your father agree?"

Diana's eyes turned cold, changing the temperature of the room.

Everyone was surprised, even Ella.

Diana's presence is different and imposing.

The only thought that came to Ella's mind was Cayn.

"Sister," she said trying to calm her down.

Diana made her presence disappear, giving a fierce look to the shivering Ryo before looking away.

"I apologize for my little brother's actions once again," said Sakura bowing her head a bit.

She raised her head to look at Diana for a moment.

Rin stared coldly at Ryo until his wife Yuki held his hand to calm him.

The meeting concluded after a few hours, preparing for the upcoming ceremony tomorrow.

Everything seemed to run smoothly for them because of the water god's doing. Now their parents will use this as an excuse to send them to the Sylvia kingdom, to investigate.

Interesting questions have been brought up, like what would the Sylvia kingdom gain from this? Also, what did the demon kings propose to them, that made them betray humanity? How many demon gods were involved? And how much time do they have left?

"One thing's for sure," spoke Diana after this meeting. "We should train with our lives on the line," she said slowly as if each word weighed a mountain.

All the others nodded.

"We can't depend on our parents to be the only powerhouses. We should also try to recruit more talented people so that they can stand by our side," responded Rin.

They nodded again, armies of commoners wouldn't be of much help and only add more bloodshed. They needed powerful people.

"At the same time, halt the demons' plans, to buy as much time as we can. We are the only ones who can do this," said again Diana.

"I guess this meeting served its purpose." Ella stood up and bowed her head a little. "I hope everyone here will remember the severity of this matter. I shall conclude this meeting. And I shall remind everyone here, to not let their guard down." said Ella sincerely.

Everyone else stood up and bowed their heads respectfully.

Little by little everyone went to their respective rooms.

Ella left holding Diana's arm, laughing together.

Suddenly Rin stood in front of them.

"Ma'am Ella, Ma'am Diana, May I ask for a favor?" He asked.

"And what would that favor be, Sir Rin?" Answered Diana.

He bowed his head slightly, "I wish to meet his highness Cayn tonight."

Ella took a look at Diana, while she on the other hand stared for a moment at Rin.

"Follow us, he is already expecting you," she answered.

Rin nodded, and Yuki and Sakura joined all of a sudden to walk with them.


They walked to the third biggest palace in the capital, made for Amina.

Behind it were the knights' training grounds.

And that's where they found Cayn, doing push-ups with his little finger, yet he kept a constant fast speed.

He was wearing a long shirt that showed his scars. He didn't hide them anymore. His body was massive, and bulky yet looked so ripped as if there was no trace of fatness in his body.

He kept going even when they stood by his side.

Each breath he took appeared like hot steam from his mouth, with a hissing sound as if an engine was rolling.

Everyone could understand, that he wasn't doing mere normal training.

He was training with an image. And the power of his mind was so strong they could also slowly see the vision.

They all saw the image of a huge bolder on his back, or rather that's what it seemed like at first. Little by little, it grew bigger in their eyes. Yet Cayn never slowed his speed, his breathing was still even.

At a certain point, they had to raise their heads high to even fathom the size it became. Their eyes widened.

As soon as they reacted in astonimenenth Cayn stopped midway.

"If this is enough to surprise all of you, you should be ashamed of yourself." He spoke, as he raised his legs high in the air, standing on his pinky finger. And with a swift movement like the flow of water he flew and stood on his feet. His movement didn't make a sound.

They all watched blankly.

Rin suddenly walked in front. "May I spare with you," he said without hesitation.

Cayn looked at him then nodded.

Rin seemed already prepared. He brought his swords.

"This sword's name is Katana," he said as he pulled out the longer one. "This one is called a Wakizashi," he didn't pull out the second one.

He showed off his Katana, "Contrary to the other countries' double-edged sword-"

"Rin," Cayn suddenly interrupted him. "I know, less talking." He spoke as a sword suddenly formed in his fingers.

Everyone's eyes widened. That was space magic, was he an Archmage? They were confused.

But a detail confused them even more. The sword that appeared, was also a Katana.

It was pitch black, yet it shone with the moonlight, sending a cold and calm feeling to their hearts. It was like, being faced with a slow and peaceful death.

Rin looked at him stupified. Even if he knew Cayn was strong, he shouldn't know about katanas or their martial arts.

Cayn suddenly closed his eyes, raising his sword in front of his face, reflecting the moonlight.

He took deep breaths, "It's been a while since I held you." He spoke with a quiet voice.

Cayn's big wrist moved so flexibly, as he opened his thumb and index fingers from the Tsuka(The handle). He moved his sword, a slow movement, yet left many after images on its track.

The images behind the swords slowly took a form, like a dark breath, following the black katana. A breathless wave that didn't make a sound.

Cayn merely moved his sword from his face to his right side. Yet it looked so beautiful and majestic.

He held a black Saya(scabbard or sheath) with his left hand that appeared out of the space magic too, firmly gripping it with his fingers.

Cayn with the moon behind him, shadowing his figure looked like a mythical being. The mere beauty of his sculptured light toned body filled with scars, imposing and terrifying, that looked as sharp as the beautiful sword he held in his hand.

They all watched this scene in marvels, and so did Diana.

She saw it in those visions, how Cayn loved swords and spears. She saw in those dreams how much he collected them. This sword was one he picked in the mortal realm. A normal sword.

But Cayn right now was different.

His body was breathing, bestial. If you compare him to before he pulled out the sword he was like a person who was missing a limb.

Right now, he looked alive, his breathing could be heard in everyone's ears.

Cayn raised his head to look at the dark sky.

He took a deep breath as he closed his eyes. His chest opened wide.

He breathed out, opening his eyes slowly.

"All of you," he spoke in a low voice.

Instantly everyone else held their weapons and stood next to Rin, sweating, even Diana.

"I won't use magic nor aura," he spoke again as he raised his sword staring at the moon.

No one could utter a word. He wasn't showing off. They could all feel it. All of them put their magic and auras as if they would fight their lives on the line. And as their senses sharpened, so did the instinct that told them to run away. Yet they all smiled creepily, waiting patiently.

Cayn took another deep breath, closing his eyes.

He held this one longer.

He didn't open his eyes, breathed out.

"Ah yes," he breathed deeply again. "This is it."

He moved back his sword to his right side in a gentle motion.

Suddenly everyone's eyes widened.

They stared at him for a moment, while hearing the beautiful sounds his grip made on the handle.

They all swallowed their breaths.

He was born for this.