

THE BULLIES THE BULLIED AND THE SPECTATORS In a school where social status is important than anything, stating your importance and visibility. Ariana has a tough time fitting in and so becomes one of the outcasts. And even the high and mighty have conflicting circumstances that bring them crumbling down. Will they be able to overcome or will their conflictions overpower their will to find purpose? ______________________ We seem as though we're normal, happy and nothing could possibly be wrong, people look up to us. We walk in pride and esteem to bury the shame beneath our gleaming eyes and smiles. We speak and act gracefully to hide the pain. We laugh to hide the sadness that has engulfed us. "I wish I could be like them." They'd say or whisper. Little do they know, we're just like them. We're not happy, satisfied, blessed or fortunate rather we are all BROKEN and that somehow we wished to live just like them. A sneak peak to BROKEN. _________________

vee_tori · Ciudad
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22 Chs


♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡CHAPTER 11♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡



This is the continuation of Ariana's pov from chapter nine.

ENJOY!( ◜‿◝ )♡



"I hate it when people who aren't in my league talk to me disrespectfully. I know your parents are rich but that's not enough. How can a human be rich yet ugly?" Selena spat at me.

She removed my glasses and threw them for Joyce to catch. I was scared, so scared that was going to be another one of my broken glasses, it was never too late to make a collection of them. I wanted to scream and tell them not to but only very inaudible sounds came out of my mouth. What ever I opened my mouth to say remains a secret between my brain and vocal cords.

"You think you're gonna get away with this because some hot shot came saving you?"

I felt numb for a moment there. I kept asking why I couldn't yell at them, slap or punch them then runaway. It hurt that I had to be this way. To be defenseless. I was too much of a weakling to do anything.

"Don't you ever get tired of acting this way?" A familiar voice said to them. It was Carver, I was so surprised. He came again even after how I treated him. I kept trying to decipher why his timing was so accurate, coincidences suck.

This time he didn't yell enough to make them flinch but his words came out in a cold yet calm tone. I saw it in Palome's tone, the fear. "Y-you could save yourself the trouble and walk away. You're new, you shouldn't be butting into other people's businesses it's wrong." She said to him.

"Well as long as you're being a cunt, and as long as you're treating Ariana like this, I definitely won't stand for it. Are you getting paid for being sadists?" He replied. Tears rushed down my eyes as he said those words.

"Who do you think you are? Savage king?" Selena scoffed at him.

"I'd understand if you were doing this for a pretty girl, but her?" Brianna yanked my hair again and I let out a yelp, gasping like I couldn't breathe. It felt like someone hit a bell on my head. I hurt so much and I could feel my temperature rise.

"Well, well, well, if it ain't our dear chicken." Aaron snickered from behind him.

"Dude! Can't fight a man, but you can fight a girl that's lame bro, I expected better from something like you." He said before making his mouth into a O. "Oh wow I should have expected it from a chicken."

"Yo Selena! The dude I always told you about from elementary and middle school?"

"Yeah?" She said to him.

"See this dork here. He's the one." He pushed him to the front. He was getting treated like this because of me too.

"I don't have time for this, let Ariana go and we'll have no issues." He sighed, creasing his forehead.

"Nathaniel this ain't no story or movie, this is real and you're gonna get it if you don't get out of here. We'll save your treat for another day." Sean pushed him to the wall and he came over to Brianna who was still holding me captive.

"So why'd you call me?" Sean freely placed his arm around Brianna's shoulder. Suddenly he shoved the two of them hard and grabbed my hand.

"How dare you?!" Sean growled.

Aaron struck at flesh and kicked Carver in the knees and punched him till his body was leaning on the body for support. I quaked hearing him grunt and wince in pain. It was a serious fight. Sometimes, I felt like we weren't seventeen. Aaron was already eighteen though, but it gave him no right.

Selena, Palome, Sean, Brianna and Joyce were silent. I got even more worried. My body and reflexes stood alert, this time I was going to fight back, I thought, but even my little resolve wasn't enough for my body to move a muscle.

"Hey!" I heard Palome snap, but the punching continued. My vision was blurry and I couldn't see much even try to fight them was a useless idea, who fights with bad eyesight anyway.

"I said stop!" Palome separated the two.

"Jeez!! I said earlier no fighting. I just wanted us to scare her. You didn't have to get violent dumb head." For the first time Palome sounded concerned and angry. I could tell she was really pissed.

"She's right. Let's just get out of here, Aaron you know you could definitely get arrested if you get him even more bruised than he already is. I don't have time to sit in the principals office for a talk on friendship and getting along" Brianna said, making air quotes.

"C'mon let's hit road then before someone else sees this. I don't have time to bail anyone outta jail." Sean walked away.

"Some other day punk. I've missed hitting you though." Aaron chuckled slyly leaving the scene.

"Bye." Selena smiled at Carver. I was scared, I couldn't tell what they had in mind, but one thing is clear one of them is interested in Carver or not? Those girls made me sick. We walked away until they were out of sight.

I couldn't see Carver clearly but it was evident that he was bruised. He was limping. I hated being so weak. Everyone just had to get hurt defending me. I assumed that was the reason my sisters never stood up for me and instead ignored everything, if Heather gets bruised how would she ever be able to participate in beauty pageant. I'm not worth the risk.

"Why do you let them do that to you?" Carver asked me, upset. I didn't know what to say, I had a reason. They were more powerful but I didn't know how it would sound to him.

"Where do you live? You have to get home?" He asked again.

"Hey, your silence isn't helping any of us. Which way leads to your house?" I said nothing and just stared blankly at him.

"Look are you going to speak or not? I know you can't see well, at least let me know where your street is so I can help you get home. You're starting to make me look stupid for interfering."

"Why'd you help me?" My voice came out cold and shaky. "Why?" I asked again.

He didn't say a thing. He stared at me for a while, he looked hesitant but he spoke up.

"I don't know. I guess I just can't stand people like them. Anyone who picks on a weaker person is a loser." He shrugged. He called me weak, I felt a bit offended he could have at least coated the words even if they were true.

"Nothing to say? Want me to lie to you and tell you I saved you because I like you? Pfffttt" He added, laughing when I said nothing.

"Not that. I'm s-sorry for how I acted this morning. I don't know why I did either. I guess I don't trust you. I still don't trust you either but you stood up for me again even with what I did earlier. Thank you." I grinned at him

"Nah, it's cool, besides I only did it because I can't stand them. How do you plan to get home?" He asked.

"No idea." I sighed.

"Oh wait!" My eyes widened, remembering I had my phone in my pocket. In a snappy manner I brought out my phone.

"The password is Colrianna. Please call Melanie and tell her the situation at hand." I instructed him.

He did as I instructed, he told Melanie everything and we waited in silence for her to arrive with her chauffer. Melanie hoisted me up from the bench in which we sat, took me into the car and sat right beside me while Carver sat in the front next to her chauffer, Mr O'Brien.

We all sat in silence while my mind kept drifting back to what Selena and Palome said. Maybe I was too judgemental about him, he did stand up for me twice despite the fact that I acted weird towards him.

"We're here." Melanie chirped in her over optimistic high pitched voice. I snapped back to reality in a flash.

Melanie helped me get out of the car, onto the porch. Carver looked around like something was wrong. He stepped out of the car like deja vu hit him. I opened my mouth to speak but I didn't say a word. Melanie pressed the door bell. I gulped and swallowed my father, I didn't think of an excuse to give him this time.

Melanie invited Carver to come with but he refused saying his house was nearby. A part of me wanted to ask what he meant by nearby, but I didn't have the strength to.

My best friend bid him goodbye while I gave him a faint smile. Carver left and Melanie pressed the door bell again and it felt like my heart was about jumping out of my chest.



I love this part, tee-hee. Please give this chapter a vote and comment. Thank you.