

Bella was haunted by her nightmares, but those nightmares are all bloody. She just wanted to live normal like everyone else but first she must get her revenge

Dabby_Judith · Ciencia y ficción
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32 Chs


Everywhere was so dark but I can manage to see his face as he said to her "where is Rose, if you tell me I might spare you " she smiled and said to him "you will spare me , shouldn't I be the one asking you where my daughter is Mr stones

"when we married our daughter to you we taught you will take care of her but here you are asking about the same person you swore you will protect with your life " she asked looking at him with the same dangerous look he was given her

Anyways why don't you sit let me get some tea for you until my husband returns then you can tell him what you did to his daughter" she told him with another smile that spells nothing but danger.

I waked up with sweat all over me, my nightmares are back I have not have those dreams for up to a week now I thought I was already over coming it I thought to myself.

I decided to go and to my normal morning routine but it was too early for that, it was just 3 in the morning, I walked to my wardrobe and change into my sports wear as I went down to the gym room.

I did my workout until it was six in the morning I decided to go and freshen up so that I can join my sister and dad for breakfast because we have new men joining the team today and is both our job to make sure they are strong enough because our team don't need weak people.

I was about to open my door when I saw my sis Coming out of her room all dressed "sis you are up practicing again? she asked with her face looking worried.

I smiled and said "yeah I couldn't sleep so I decided to practice a little more before we enter the battle field remember we have a lot of people to interview today "

"I know but you should really save that strength for the interview you know" she said before she starts walking away

"Let me freshen up I will be down in few minutes Okay tell uncle smiths I will join you guys soon" I said to her. She turned and said "okay I will, let me just go down first we don't want to leave him waiting" she said before she left.

I know you must be wondering why I called him uncle smiths but he is not my birth father he just picked both I and Lisa on the streets and trained us for his own benefits but later decided to adopt us as his children, but what type of a father uses his children for his underworld jobs, anyways that's a story for another day.

Although he gave us the life we wanted but we never spend our time like every other kids will, we just fight and fight until we are tired of it but am not complaining I need him to get to who I wanted the most in this world so is a win, win.

I went down stairs immediately I was through with freshen up, "Good morning uncle smiths "I greeted him

"Morning Bella how was your night, I presume you have a lovely rest he asked with a smile on his face

"Yes uncle I did "I said with a forced smile, soon our breakfast was served we all eat in silent.

Immediately we were through with the breakfast the table was cleared by the servant.

"Okay guys today's interview I am leaving it up to the both of you so make your papa proud okay, I have a meeting I must attend to so see you guys later and also each of you should pick a partner for the up coming job when I mean partner that's male partner "he said before drinking the remaining of his coffee. Lisa bid him goodbye with a kiss While I just smiled. "Have a nice day uncle and don't forget to take your securities with you " I said. "Sure Bella don't worry too much about me he said as he kissed my cheek before he left.