

Bella was haunted by her nightmares, but those nightmares are all bloody. She just wanted to live normal like everyone else but first she must get her revenge

Dabby_Judith · Ciencia y ficción
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32 Chs


"Bella what happened? " he asked still looking surprised with the whole thing

"Is nothing am really sorry, I thought you were him I didn't mean to kick you it was not intentional" I replied with my heads down, I couldn't bring myself to look at him.

"You thought I was who? " he asked again before I noticed him sitting beside me.

"I don't want to talk about it "I replied in a small voice

"Hey I thought we talked about not pushing me away, please I want to know what this person did to you that you hate him so much, I want to share your pains with you, I want to know about your past Bella, so please don't push me away " I heard him say, I have been through a lot with men that am finding it had to trust or open up to any of them but I felt I could trust him.

"I was 4 when my mom left, from little I used to see my parents fight all the time. You know, I never lacked anything because my parents and grandparent were quite rich although I never got to meet my Dad's parent but my Dad was never in good term with them. I normally see my mom in her room crying and she pretends everything is fine and puts a smile on her face whenever she sees me "

"She sounds like a brave mom " he said

"Yeah she used to be my hero because she never lets my dad drag me into their problems " I said

"what do you mean by that? " he asked

"My Dad used to abuse my mom at a time he started including me to it, my parents had a big fight before my mom left, I have no idea what caused it but I just know I was the reason. After she left my dad made my life a living hell, my nanny who became a mom to me after my mom left, also left two years after mom did but she was kind enough to visit my grandparents (my mom's parents) to come and take me.

I was six when my grandparents took me, everything was fine at the moment and I was still hoping my mom will come back but another two years passed and I was still waiting. Within those years I never had from my dad until the day he visited, he was asking them about my mom accusing my grandparent of hiding there daughter but it seems they don't even know where their daughter was but he was not buying it, grandma and I were the only one around when he came, its then that reality hit me hard on the face, my mom is not coming back, she left for good because if my dad don't know her way about no one else can " I said

"Then what happened? " he asked when he noticed I was now quiet

"Then he asked of me, he told my grandma he wants to take me along with him but grandma sensed something off about him and refused then he left in anger after exchanging words with my grandma,weeks past and we did not hear from him but we did not know he had another thing planned out " I said as I remembered what happened

(Flash back)

"Bella go to sleep you have school tomorrow morning " grandma said

"But grandma am not sleepy " I said with my lips pointed

"Come let's go to bed shall we?"she said totally ignoring what I said before

"Goodnight grandpa " I said as I kissed him goodnight

"Goodnight sweetie I will see you tomorrow and guess what grandpa will be taking you to school tomorrow okay "

"Okay " I replied, I was so happy that grandpa will be the one taking me to school.

"I will see you tomorrow okay " grandma said before giving me a goodnight kiss.

Few minutes later grandma was back, I was surprised I thought maybe she came to collect something.

"Sweetheart are you awake " she asked

"Yes grandma, did you forget anything?" I asked her

"Come with me" she said as she took me inside her room and told me to hide in the wardrobe .

"Sweetie no matter what you hear or anything that happened don't come out of here okay "

"Are we hiding from grandpa?" I curious asked

"No but don't come out until I say so or come for you but if I did not come for you I want you to run as fast as your leg can carry you, no looking back okay " she said with tears in her eye

"Grandma what's going on, why do I need to run and leave you and grandpa behind?"I asked as tears clouded my eyes

"Nothing sweetie, just know that grandpa and I loves you very much okay" she said before turning around to leave after closing the wardrobe

"Grandma am scared " I said as I heard her foot steps fade away.

Then I heard a gunshot and my grandma screaming, I was so scared but my curiosity and grandma's voice got the best of me and I went out of my hidden place to know what happened.

When I got to the sitting room grandpa was being held by some men with tattoo all over their body and their face was covered with a mask,one of his arm was bleeding and grandma was pleading with someone that has his back turned on me to let them go.

Then he turned, it him, my own father.

"Oh you are begging for your life now, what happened before " he said in a mockery tone

"Just let us go we don't know what you are asking us about " grandma said but received a very hot slap on her face

"You people took everything from me and am going to pay you back today, undress her " he ordered one of the men that came with him

Then they tore every single cloth grandma was wearing

"Leave my wife alone you coward " grandpa shouted fighting off the men holding him, he was about rushing to his wife when another gunshot was heard and I watched as his body fell on the ground and blood was gushing out of his head.

I was shocked, what just happen then grandma screamed that was the most painful sound I have ever heard, she struggled to get away from the men that was holding her but they were way too stronger than her .

He stood there laughing like a crazy psycho.

"Guys why don't you have your way with this old granny here " he said still laughing

I watched as those men took turns on her, she was trying to get free but they were too strong, after the fifth guy was done, then he shot her too.

All this while I was standing there with everything replaying in my head.

Then I remembered what grandma said "run and don't look back"