

Bella was haunted by her nightmares, but those nightmares are all bloody. She just wanted to live normal like everyone else but first she must get her revenge

Dabby_Judith · Ciencia y ficción
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32 Chs


Immediately after dinner I decided to check up on Bella but she was not in her room and the food Lisa said she sent to her room was left untouched, until when will she stop torturing herself , I went down to the gym but she was not also there.

Where might she be and it was pouring heavily outside, don't tell me she is running under this heavy rain again I thought to myself as I quickly went in search of her.

And there she was, standing and staring so blankly, I walked up to her and yet she did not even notice I was there she was shivering and yet she did not notice, I don't even think she knows how long she stood under the rain. I cover her with the umbrella I came with, and then she turned, staring at me a little confused, she was so pale and her skin has turned white.

"Bella what are you doing here? " I asked but she did not say anything she kept staring at me.

"Please stop torturing yourself, is not going to change what happened in the past and is not going to heal your pains either "

"Stop doing this to yourself you are getting us worried " I said hoping what I said made any sense to her

Why is he here? How long has he been standing here and when did the rain even started?. I was so lost in my thought and pains that I also lost track of time.

"What time is it?" I asked ken

"Is mid night already " he replied after checking his wrist watch

"Am sorry for getting you guys worried is just that everything is becoming too much to handle especially after seeing her "

"Seeing who?" He asked

"My mom who left me 20yrs ago when I was just 4 " I said finally opening up to him for the first time, and I couldn't hold back the tears as it run down my cheeks.

"I mean why is she back after all this years and why is it that she also works for Mr Michael and that means staying in the same roof with her, I can't stand it ken, whenever I see her I just remember all the pain am trying to overcome.

I saw pain, so much pain as she stood there trying to be her usual strong girl, I don't know but I don't like seeing her in pain or even tears.

Then she turned her back on me before saying " I mean why is life cruel to me "

"Bella look at me " I said and she turned with her head down, I lifted her face up and stared at her beautiful face, she was not wearing the eye lens but her beautiful blue eye is clouded with tears.

"We will get through this together, as a team and am so sorry about all you have been through in the past but I want you to know that am here for you okay and don't ever push me away or run away whenever I want to share your problem with you " I said before hugging, she was shivering

"Let go inside now you need to get out of this wet clothes " I said but then noticed her weight on me.

"Bella" I called but she did not respond, she passed out oh God I forgot she has fever.

I carried her inside her room but still how do I get her out of the wet cloth oh wait Lisa, I need to call Lisa.

"Come on Lisa pick your calls " I said after calling her for the third time and there was no respond.

"Hello Ken why are you calling in the middle of the...

"Lisa come to Bella's room now she passed out " I said not letting her to finish her question.

"What happened "Lisa asked immediately she entered the room

"She passed out, I saw standing under the rain only God knows how long she stood there, I tried talking to her but before our conversation could end she passed out " I said to her.

"We need to get her out of this cloth, her body is like ice and also we need a doctor " she said

"Where can I help " I asked

"I need to get her out of these wet clothes so you need to step out for a moment I will call you when am through with it.

"Okay " I replied as I got up and left

I watched him go and I know he was worried about her, well Bella until when will you stop doing this to yourself, let's get you out of this clothes

"Hey Ken, you do know you are also wet right? " I asked when I saw him sitting in front of Bella's room with his head bent.

"How is she? " he asked

"She is fine, I called the doctor but he said he won't be available until morning so we wait " I replied

"Okay that's Good, thanks Lisa " he said

"What are you thanking me for, she is my sister and am supposed to take care of her, I should be the one thanking you " I replied

"Can I stay until the doctor gets here, I kind of feel guilty " he said

"Sure you can but first go change your clothes we don't want another person getting sick okay " I said

"Okay give me 10 minutes I will be back " he said as he rushed up stairs.

"Looks like someone is falling for you Bella "

When I came back Lisa was gone, i placed my hand on her fore head checking to see if her body was hot but thank God her fever died down a little. I guess am going to stay here until the doctor gets here. She looks so peaceful in her sleep, I thought as I stared at her beautiful face.

I decided to sit beside her and wait for the doctor but I slept off instead.

"No please don't do this, please am begging you, no"

I waked up when I heard Bella's voice she was crying and pleading with someone to let her go, in her sleep.

I quickly rushed to her to see if I can wake her up , I think she is having a nightmare.

"Bella wake up " I said shaking her slightly but that did not work, what she said next got me worried .

she said something like, I did not kill him, then she said blood. Who did she not kill I asked myself.

"Bella wake up " I said again this time she opened her eyes and was staring at me like am a total stranger.

"Bella are you okay " I asked her but instead I got a kick that nocked me off the bed.

"Don't come close to me " she said in a trembling voice, she was scared of me or maybe this have something to do with her nightmare.

I kicked him but he was still there, the same man that sexually harassed me was standing in front of me again it was like I went back to that day, the day I killed him and yet he is back again.

" Don't come close to me" I said when I noticed him getting up after kicking him so hard.

"Bella it me, ken " he said then my vision returned to normal, I was in my room at the mission not in that room that he nearly raped me and ken was standing in front of me so he was the one I kicked.

"Bella are you okay " he asked again hesitating before coming close to me.

"Am so sorry" that was the only word that I could say.