
Broken Promises ✔️

Sahithi_1401 · Adolescente
Sin suficientes valoraciones
13 Chs

Chapter 9

Scarlett's POV

After I finished my shift at the cafe, I cleaned all the tables and dishes. All along, javier sat at the back watching me intently. He folded his arms on the table and leaned into his arms. He looked so adorable. I smiled at him every time I look at him. Whenever I'm with him, I get this urge to smile. I used to smile a lot less but now I can see myself smiling at him.

As I locked the front doors, he took hold of my hand and intertwined our fingers. He started to take me to his bike which was parked in the parking lot. He put his hands on my waist. I felt sparks where he touched me. Soon, he sped off and I noticed that we were not going to my home. I started panicking. What is going on?

I shouted, " where are we going?" It is really loud to hear due to the roar of the engine. He shouted back "you'll see ".

I relaxed a bit and tightened my arms around his torso. I was scared not because of him, but because of the darkness ahead of us. There was barely any light in this area. 

We hopped off the bike and he took something with him but I wasn't focused on that. Every sound creeped me out. The hooting of the owls and the rustling of the leaves made my heartbeat race. Goosebumps rose on my skin. We started strolling, I couldn't hold it anymore.

" what are we doing here?"

" We are going to have some fun. Now, don't ask questions anymore because we are about to enter the danger zone.".

He took the flashlight and switched it on. There was a gate in front of us and a house. He switched off the touch and whispered " you have to jump over this gate." My eyes widen but I kept my hands steady on the handle of the gate. Javier helped me to jump over the gate.

He grumbled while lifting me a bit "what are you, a pig? "

"Oh shut up, don't be such a crybaby. You don't have the energy to lift me."

"Oh really?"

He chuckled mischievously and before I could process anything, I let out a squeal and fell on the ground. That jerk just pushed me! I groaned while getting up and smacked the back of the head when he skillfully jumped over the gate.

He grumbled something but he intertwined our hands. I felt the sparks ignite in me. Again, what is wrong with me?

He pulled me closer and we quietly made our way to the window. I smudged the fog off the window and saw no one inside. I looked back at him and whispered "path's clear sir!" I mockingly saluted at him. He smirked and took something out of the duffel bag. He gave me snow spray bottles. Are you kidding me? His eyes had an evil glint in them.

I hesitantly took the spray bottle. He smirked at me and sprayed the windows. I started to spray the windows with the snow. Huh, this is fun.

I sprayed it everywhere on the walls. I heard a smash nearby. I looked at him and he just smashed an egg on the car which I don't notice, it was parked right on the other end. I smirked mischievously. Well, this is going to be so much fun.

We threw eggs on the car and the walls. We were down to the last two. The lights were switched on. He hurriedly took the duffel bag in one hand and my hand in the other hand. We ran quickly from there. We were about to run in the same direction as we came here in the first place. At least that's what I thought. He took me to the other side and I could hear the yelling of a young man. He sounded really mad. He jumped over the fence first and then I jumped over the fence.

While jumping, he put his arms ahead to catch me. I closed my eyes and jumped, only to be in his arms. There was no time, the man was coming towards us. But I noticed the tingles I felt. We made sure that we were put off his sight. I was about to say something, he put his finger on my lips. He shushed me and took me somewhere. It was dark and I couldn't see anything.

As we walked, he pulled me closer and put his arm on my shoulder. Why does my heart beat faster when I'm close to him?

This is a beautiful place. It was like a scene in a movie. Fireflies were everywhere, igniting the beauty and the night sky was clear. I could see constellations. This place has no flaws.

He tugged my hand I laid down on the grass. The fresh soil, the smell of grass,  and his scent surrounded me. A feeling came over me, I haven't felt it in a long time. I felt safe. I felt protected and I was serene. My inner feelings were calm and the voices in my head had just stopped. It was silence. A beautiful silence is what I need the most.

I looked at him, moonlight shining on his face. He turned towards me and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. I smiled at him. His eyes shone with happiness. I'm glad that he is happy.

Sometimes, simple gestures matter. I took his hand and stroked his fingers. He came closer to me and put his arms around me.

"You're so beautiful " and that was everything. The way he looked at me, was not with disgust. I realized that I needed him more than I thought.

His face came closer as every second passed. I wanted him to kiss me.

I closed my eyes waiting for his lips. His breath fanning on my cheek, suddenly his lips were on my cheek. I was kind of disappointed but that feeling was dominated by the feeling of butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

That's how we spent 2 hours, looking at nature and enjoying each other's embrace.

"Thank you for the wonderful adventure ". I hopped off the bike and took the helmet. I gave it back to him and stood near him.

" Just wait and watch. We are gonna have fun every day. "He smiled cheekily. Awe, I just wanna pinch his cheeks.

I couldn't think anymore. I hugged him tightly. He put his arms around me securely. I felt safe and so comfortable around him. We pulled away and I kissed his cheek.

His eyes were full of astonishment. His cheeks were a bit red. He's blushing. Now, I was grinning so much that my cheeks started to hurt.

I pinched his cheeks and said " so cute".

He grumbled and smiled a little

And said "I had the best time. Thank you for coming with me."

I smiled as a sign of appreciation and walked up to my home. I unlocked the door and slipped in. I turned around and waved at him. He waved back and put on his helmet and sped off.

I cleaned my home and ate my dinner. As I laid on the bed, I kept thinking about him. His smile, his hugs, everything about him is so addictive.

I smiled a lot today because of him. That night, I slept like a baby. I still felt his hug and I had a dreamless night. I felt at peace for a long time.

Javier's POV

After a long time, I felt like myself because of her. I had so much fun and looking at her under the moonlight was worth it. She was calm when everything was in chaos. But tonight, she was calm because everything was at peace.

When I took hold of her hand, it was perfect. I felt tingles and warmth. She makes me happy. I am happy that I made her smile and made her happy tonight.

My heartbeat accelerated when I put my finger on her soft lips. I was about to kiss her lips but it was too early for her. She would think that maybe everything is moving too fast. I kissed her cheek instead.

When she hugged me, I felt at peace and comfort that I never got from anyone. She sure knows how to make me blush. I would have fainted if she would have kissed my lips.

I laid on my bed thinking about her. She is all I need. She is all I want and no one else. Suddenly, my life didn't seem dull anymore. I slept with a smile on my face. I decided that I will pick her up at her house tomorrow. That being my last thought, I let sleep consume me.


Hope y'all liked it. Vote and comment on how you felt. Be kind to each other. Tpwk

Love y'all 🥰