
Broken is beautiful

Yvonne DelaRose,lawyer,assassin and single mum craves something. Something she tries to find...No not love, anything but that. She craves Peace from all the darkness and brokenness she feels within. Abused by her dad,abandoned by mum,betrayed by siblings,tormented by demons.Will she find what she craves ? or will she find something more?something she spent her entire life avoiding..Love .. in the man Nero Andresque Patel ....who definitely wants her dead by all cost. Can they ever rebuild the Broken?

Hannah_Akanbi_7202 · Fantasía
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20 Chs

I never thought

Yvonne POV

" I found out I have the water element,like the water charm and they gave me the charm, see' Les said holding her hand out for me to see the charm. She acts like a child sometimes.

' Are you even listening to me? You never listen to me' she said. See what am saying, a freaking child.

' I'm tired, Les,can we do this another time time please' I asked, looking at her with a very comical puppy face and guess what it, works, hehehehe. She just shrugs and tells me she's going out and I just had to ask where?

' I'm going to see Damien,he wants to take me out' she said with unabashed glee.

I thought he died in the underwater fire? He had to. I left him in the burning hut. I was lost in my thoughts I didn't know when Les left the house. I need sleep, with that thought I went to sleep.

Nero's POV

I was currently in our lodge, I've been thinking about so many things. The brotherhood needs a new leader and I've been selected, but I refused,I love my dad okay, but I can't stand their beliefs,it's too dark. So I chose Damien to take my place,he's more comfortable with their beliefs. I need to get back the scroll and the map. I did my research on it,it's supposed to be the map, scroll and rib and so far the Creed has two out of it. Legend says that anyone who has those three, is entitled to the power of the gods and all the elementals, including reincarnation. No wonder dad wanted it. I don't need the power,no I don't,but I want them with me at least it gives me a sense of peace knowing dad wanted it with him. But with Damien it seems otherwise,he wants the power,he's hungry for it and I have to make sure he doesn't get his hands on it.

Unknown POV

I used the ancient spells on the lock,it's opened,I took the map,now just the scroll and rib remains. He's gonna be so proud of me.

' Hello' WTH, he's supposed to be asleep,wasted thing. Jotham is coming downstairs,what does he want.

' Auntie' I'm not your auntie I wanted to scream,he needs to go upstairs, so I try making him scared,by making scary noises,I hear him scrambling back up the stairs, and then I hear a thump. I quickly go upstairs to what happened and I see jotham on the floor, blood oozing out of his nose, serves the young shit right. My work here is done. I go out,with a light whoosh I disappear with a limp Rose in my arms, stupid girl babysitting for the enemy.

Yvonne POV

Something's not right. Bad things are happening,I feel it. Where's Les? My head hurts, bloody images keep flashing in my head and it's all about Jotham. I hope he's safe. Just then the door opens revealing Les and jerkf- I mean Damien, looking closer at him he looks handsome and so familiar like Rose. They came inside but I made no move to welcome them and Les raised a questioning brow at me. Hmph. I stood up flashing my most fake smile at him and he just eyed me the jerk. Les noticed

' You guys be civil to each other' she said going into the kitchen.

' what do you want with her?' I asked heatedly.

' she didn't tell you' he replied. Tell me what? She doesn't hide things from me. This guy is clearly a bad influence. I need to-

' Tell you that she's my mate' he completed, cutting off my thoughts. I just stared at him wide eyed.

' okay,what's going on here, Vee?' Les said stepping out of the kitchen.

' He's your mate' I all but yelled. I don't like this guy,he's so shady and dark. He's aura is so dark.

' Yeah he is, I thought I told you'

' No you didn't' I said,calm down,my wolf says, alright, I'm down.

' it's okay' I said staring at the jerk,

' Don't just hurt her okay?' I said my voice softening. And just for clarity I added

' if not' I ended with a warning glare. Made my way upstairs,I needed sleep.