
Broken Hero In a Modern civilization

This story is about a young boy who’s family was killed he falls into a coma and when he wakes up he finds that he possesses something so great it makes him broken he gains a system and a single ability that allows him to create any spell he can thinks of but the system is alive and helps him along his path to greatness.

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3 Chs

Chapter 1: Prologue

Part 0: Prologue

Akamatsu Hahito was a young boy who had a bright life filled with magic. He grew up in a majestic land filled with wondrous sights to behold, however, ominous monsters roamed the land at night and hid in the shadows. They lurk like hunters waiting for their prey to appear and once they let their guard down the vicious monster would take their life in the blink of an eye leaving nothing behind. Rumor has it that before even encountering any of these creatures it would be better to kill yourself before having to face the agony these thing will put you through.

Everything was fine at the beginning of his early days; he had a loving mother and strong father. An annoying pair of little sisters and were often the cause of his happiest moments. They made his life brighter. He cherished his family more than anything in the world and had dreams to go on an adventure with them, a typical dream for a young kid.

His world was supposed to be joyous, all the signspointed to him having an amazing life. He thought to himself that nothing could ever go wrong until the day where he lost everything.

He was at the top of the hills hunting solar ravens to play with when he saw a thick black fog coming from his village. His natural instincts came in and he ran home as quickly as he could towards his home . The entire village was burnt to the ground as he bore witness to a mountiful amount of dead bodies, and splattered blood all over. He thought of his family first and kept running towards home . Once he arrived he witnessed that the house was covered in bright flames but that didn't stop him from barging in.

"I have to save them!" He screamed "Mother! Father! Sis!" He kicked the door and continued to yell for his parents. His eyes grew horrid, his lifeless siblings laid on the floor with burnt clothes and in a pile of blood. They didn't die peacefully. Their clothes were torn up, blood leaking from every part of their bodies . They were violated before being killed. "A-aki? R-rika?" The young man mourned his dead sisters. He couldn't believe that his two siblings whom he swore to protect were now dead in front of him. He cried in lament as he failed to keep his promises. The young man remembered his parents, "They might still be alive" He thought, he clung to the hope that they were still alive. The boy with a new found spirit ran towards his parents' bedroom. The door greeted him with the horrifying sight, it was the last thing he wanted to happen. A headless father, and a naked mother slowly losing her own life as goblins eat her alive. She had already lost her legs The boy stepped back, he wanted to convince himself that it was just a dream, a nightmare where he can wake up when it's over but alas this world was as real as can be.

"Run my love" Those were her mother's last words before suddenly her heart stopped beating and he saw life leave her eyes.

Akamatsu ran out of the house into the forest while being chased by the green little vermin who killed and ate his family. As little kids the whole village was told not to set foot in the forest of Acquiel because story has it once you stepped in it you could never go back. Only those who were deemed worthy would have the chance to return to their loved ones yet that only happened once in the past.He had no choice but to go into Acquiel, the boy crossed the entrance and made his way into the woods. Akamatsu found himself lost, but the growling sounds of goblins echoed through the winds. The young man was scared to the bones, he didn't want to be captured and killed, and thus he continued to run. He was unaware of the path; thus he fell into a cave, rolling down into a pool of glowing cold water. As he landed a sturdy rock bumped his head, and the boy slowly fell into a deep deep sleep.

By all accounts he should have died, but fate had different plans for him. The pond was filled to the brim with mana crystals imbued with power. As he fell into a coma, his body started to absorb all of the power. This process slowed down his aging and allowed him to live throughout multiple centuries into the modern age. The young man was granted with a broken power.

And thus he was known as the broken hero in a modern civilization.