
CH:11 You would have hated them

What is he trying to say? Is he saying that I deceived him in love? No way! He was the one who went abroad and didn't show up for years.

"I think you should just find a girl suitable for you and marry," Emma said while looking outside the window not daring to look back in his eyes.

Hearing Emma's answer Mason burst into laughter.

"Mason stop asking me about my personal life, we are just business partners, and I don't like sharing my things with others," Emma added further.

"The Emma I remember is the one who shared every single thing with me," Mason said smilingly.

"Why are you acting stupidly all of a sudden?" Emma was irritated she just said what came to her mind.

"I don't know!" Mason replied.

Just then Emma's phone rang, it was a notification. Someone messaged her. When she saw it was a message from her grandpa.

"Is Richard with you?" Grandpa asked.

"Yeah, he is with me. He will be at home soon." Aina replied.

Emma's cousin Mason's real name is Richard but to hide his identity due to his work he changed his name, and the name Mason is only known to Emma. His family calls him by his real name Richard.

"Grandpa is asking about you, your family is concerned Uncle and aunt must be worried for you," Emma said while looking at Mason.

"They just act, they are not worried," Mason said mockingly.

"Why are you so disrespectful towards your family?" Emma asked finally.

"If you would have known what they have done, you would have hated them!" Mason said.

Emma was stunned.