

My face burns at the sight of the little remote, the though of what happened in the library plays over and over in my mind.

"And now I finally get to eat." Is all I hear her say as I feel the the little egg start to vibrate. My body reacts on its own as I fall back, my head hitting the floor with a thud and my hands shoot to my groin.

"C....Caaahhhhat!" Her name is the only thing I manage to moan as I spread my legs, pushing the egg harder into the spot it resided.

"Yes my darling. Something happening in your pants?" She teases me.

My eyes roll to the back of my head as I arch my whole body, feeling the vibrations run from my little nub, up my back and through the base of my skull. I don't know why I'm so sensitive, but with every shock of electricity that coerced through my body I felt my will crack, pushing me further and further into ecstasy.

"Enjoy every bit of this. Let this moment replace everything that's happened today."

The electricity rushes faster through me as the little egg vibrates faster as Cat pushes a button on the remote.

"You know what you have to say darling!" Cat says, raising her voice so I could hear her over my own gasping moans.

"Pl... pl-eeease.....C-Caaahht... I.... I nee-need t-to c-cuuhhhhmmmm!!!"

"Are you almost there darling?" Her voice is low and lustful.

I speak through my moans of pleasure. "Y..... Y-YEEEEESSSS!!!!

"Good, then we can go to class."

My eyes shoot open the moment I feel the little egg stop its movements. I look up to see Cat getting up and heading to the door.

"NOOOO!!!" I scream in painful desperation.

"I'm sorry doll, but I was sent up here calm you down, and I can't miss anymore school. This doesn't pain me as much as it does you, but I will give you what you want ten times over when you come over RIGHT after school, okay hone."

I don't know what to say, on one hand I try and get the remote, but on the other I am very curious about what she means.

"PLEASE MISTRESS I NEED ONLY FIVE FUCKING SECONDS PLEEEEEASE!!!!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs letting my lust take over my voice. It's silent for a moment. "Pleeeease caaaat..."

"Sorry love, school before fun, I'll wait for you outside." Cat says as she opens the door and walks out. I let out a final scream as I hear the door close, feeling my body cool to the touch. I force myself to get up from the floor after laying on the floor, looking up to the little clock on the wall: 1:48.

"Two hours left and I get completely blue balled, fucking wonderful."

I walk to the door, sliding my jacket over my body. I grip the handle as I look back to the center of the room. I chuckle to myself, "She's the one."

I squint as i open the door, the bright light blinding me for a moment. I look down to see Cat standing at the bottom of the bleachers.

"Are you cumming or not?" Cat yells teasingly.

I sigh as I grab my phone and bag from where I tossed them earlier before I begin my decent down the stairs. I jump off of the last two stairs slamming my feet on the ground.

"I would be, but you have to get to class." I say with teasing anger in my tone.

"Oh don't worry darling, its only two hours, you'll get what you want after." Cat says as she looks up at me.

I look down at her, hearing the bell off in the distance. "Give me your hand."

"Why?" Cat asks, a confused expression appearing on her face.

"You made it clear to everyone here that we're together, so I wanna hold my girlfriend's hand as I walk through the halls...." I look away, my cheeks burning. "Is that okay?"

"Fine." Cat says as she grabs my hand, our fingers molding together. "You have to show me where my class is anyway." She says as she pulls me behind her as we walk to the school building.

As we enter the school, I feel everyone's eyes jump to me and my little doll as I walk her to her class, our hands never parting.

"What class do you have after lunch?" I look back, asking my question.

"It was either English or French. I have my schedule if you want it."

I walk us to the one of the walls so we could get out of the flow of kids moving to their classes. I stop and turn to Cat reaching my other hand in front of me. "Let me see it so I know where I'm going." I say flatly. Cat reaches into her back pocket, pulling out a folded piece of paper and handing it to me. I unfold the sheet and look for the class in question.

"Dam you lucky bitch, you have Mr. Nellis for English. Alright this way." I pull Cat back into the river of bodies walking to our destination.

We reach Mr. Nellis's class just as the last few students run from the hall.

"Sup Mr. Nellis, got a new face for you!" I say as I walk into the room pulling Cat in behind me.

"Why hello Mia, I didn't think you were coming after what happened in the lunch area today." A short bald man sitting at the front of the room says as I walk to the back of the room.

I look up to him, still holding tight to Cat's hand. "I guess I found a reason to stay."

"Well that's good. So you must be Catriona, its nice to meet you young lady." Mr. Nellis greets, standing up he starts to speak to the class.

"Okay, today we're going to be learning Hamlet...." The class groans in unison before Mr. Nellis could finish. "Hehehe. Yes I know its not the best project to start the year on, but would you rather get it done now or later in the year?"

"He has a point." I say allowed.

"So take your packets and get to work. What are you doing Mia, you on your own or are you working with miss Barr?"

"Imma work solo, can I get two packets?"

"You can keep one, the other gets turned back into got me?" Mr. Nellis jokingly point two fingers at his eyes, then at me, then back at his eyes.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to steal your papers." I chuckle.

"Good." Mr. Nellis says as he passes packets out to the class.

"I'm gonna need my hand back now." Cat whispers to me.

I look down at my our hands. I release my grip, pulling my hand over to sit on my lap, a light blush creeps over my face as I look away.

"Sorry.... forgot."

Cat just looks away. I see a small smirk on her lips before she focuses on the packet.

My eyes soon fall to the packet on my desk.

"Right, reading, school, fuck." I think to myself as I lift the five page pack looking at the small text. "Okay. Headphones." I look down to my bag. I reach down and unzip the bag, putting my hand into the dark hole. I feel around, "Come on." I whisper to myself.

"Do you need a pencil Mia?" Mr. Nellis says breaking the silent focus of the class.

I look down at my desk. "Yea, and do you have any headphones I can borrow?"

"Yea, come get 'em." Mr. Nellis says reaching over to his left, opening the smaller drawer, pulling out a pink lead pencil and matching ear-buds.

I quickly get up from my chair, it slides back slightly. I walk quickly up to the front, trying to draw as little attention as possible.

"Thanks Mr. Nellis."

"Anytime Mia." Mr. Nellis says with a smile.

I walk back to my seat. When I'm back in my chair I pull my phone out of my pocket and plug the ear-buds into the jack.

"What to listen to? Hamlet is a drama, and its got ghosts and death, and death is scary, sooo.... Halloween playlist." I think as I scroll through my phone. "Aaaand shuffle. Lets get to work." I mumble to myself as I set my phone on my desk. I click the pink pencil a few times as I flip the packet a to the third page where the questions started. I read each of the questions, going through each carefully. I bubble in my answers, writing notes on the side of one of the packets for studying later. It takes me about ten minutes to answer all of the question, I move to put my note packet into my bag when Mr. Nellis stops me.

"You know the drill Mia, I've to check your notes before it goes into your bag."

"Uuuugh! Come on Mr. Nellis my work is always flawless." I say as I get up from my chair and walk up to the desk my teacher was waiting behind.

"Lets see if your record holds up."

I hand him my note packet. His eyes skimming the first page. "You forgot your name." He says flatly. He flips to the third page, not bothering with looking at the other page of text he clearly knew I didn't read. He reaches into a little cup in front of him, grabbing a red pen, clicking it as it touched the paper. He scans the first set of questions, writing his own notes next to my own as he reviewes my answer. I stand there patiently waiting, looking around the room until the click of his pen brings my attention back to his desk.

"Perfect work as always. Number five is the only one you need to work on. Homework for later, now go help your buddy finish." Mr. Nellis says as he hands me my packet back.

"No problem, I'm an amazing teacher." I say as I turn and walk back to my seat.

I look over to Cat, noticing she's on the last question of the little packet. I poke her arm, "You need help?" I whisper to her.

"No, I've got it." She says as she circles the last answer and stands to go turn her paper in.

"Hm, she finished almost as fast as I did." I think to myself as I watch her walk to the front. As she stands in front of Mr. Nellis' desk, my eyes find their way crawling down her back, resting on her plump backside. I bite the inside of my lip as I mentally undress her. As the red creeps over my cheeks as my mind runs wild starring at Cat's beautiful ass, she turns around and walks back to her seat next to me.

"So what'd ya get?" I ask her as she sits down.

"Hundred." She answers flatly.

"What'd you get for five? That's the only one I got wrong."

"What'd ya put?"

I flip through my packet. "C."

"Answer's A."

"What. I thought the ghost Hamlet sees tells him to avenge his father's death?"

"It was the ghost of his father though, C is missing that part."

I look back down at my paper, re-reading the answers. "So its not a random ghost?"

"No darling it's not."

"Ok." I write a little note next to question five before I change my answer. I get up and walk back to Mr. Nellis' desk handing him my note packet. I look up to the clock. "2:13. I've got time for a quick nap." I think to myself as I wait for my packet to be handed back to me.

"Quick fix I take it?"

"Yea, just had a little help." I admit

"Well you're free to do as you do. Don't make a ruckus please." Mr. Nellis says as he hands my paper back.

"Never do." I smirk as I grab my paper and walk back to my desk.

"So now what?" Cat asks once I'm back in my chair.

"Well I'm gonna fill my other packet out then take a quick nap, but you can do whatever as long as its quiet." I say putting the ear-buds into my ears. I flip through both of the packets, bubbling in my answer onto the blank packet. When I finish I putting my head into my arms. I close my eyes, letting my music slowly put me to sleep. I nod my head to the opening trumpets to the song This is Halloween from The Nightmare before Christmas.

Boys and girl of every age

wouldn't you like to see something strange

come with us and you will see

this our town of Halloween

I mentally sing along with my favorite song.

This is Halloween, This is Halloween

pumpkins scream in the dead of night

This is Halloween everybody make a scene

Trick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of fright.

I mentally sing every word, trying to force myself asleep. By the end of the five minute song, I am not closer to sleeping than when I started, so I life my head. The silence of the room leaks through my ears as my music moves into the next song. Halloween themed dubstep begins to boom in my ears as I look over at Cat to see what she was up to.

I look down to the notebook she was writing in, seeing little drawings plastered over the page. I reach into my bag, pulling out my sketchbook.

I flip through the little book searching for a new page. "What to draw, what to write? Oh! I know!" I exclaim to myself. I move my pencil to the spooky beat that blares in my ears.

I don't think about the stokes of the pencil, or about the picture itself, I simply think about my day and whatever emotions I've felt is how my picture turns out. I run through my memories, listing everything I've felt in a mental checklist: Embarrassment, joy, hatred, depression, loneliness, love. I place my pencil flat on my desk. "Wait what? Love? No, no, no, no. I don't do fucking love am I fucking insane." I curse at myself. I look over to Cat, I feel my face heat up just a bit. "Well... Then again." I see Cat's eyes move to look at me, catching my gaze before I quickly look back down to my desk. I hold my pencil in my hand, my masterpiece stuck halfway finished. A bouquet of roses sit in the center of the page

"Okay, so far all I have is a few flowers, maybe some ravens, or maybe some fire?"

*Ding... Ding.... Ding*

I look up as the bell sounds, see all of my classmates moving to leave the room. I sigh, "I guess I'll finish you later." I think to myself as I close my sketchbook and toss it into my bag. As I'm walking out of the room I give Mr. Nellis his ear-buds and pencil back.

"Thanks Mr. Nellis, I'll try to remember my own stuff next time." I joke as I place the objects onto his desk.

"Well at least try next time." The bald man chuckles.

"Will do." I say as I walk out of the door.

I stop, opening and closing my right hand in my jacket pocket. "Where'd she go?" I think to myself as I look through the crowded hall. I feel a slender finger poke my side. Looking down my question is answered.

"We have digital design next." Cat tells me.

"You remember where your last class is right?" I ask looking down at her.

"Maybe, but I know the general area."

"Okay well we better get going." I say as I try to take a step into the moving crowed, but I feel my arm get pulled back.

"Hm, what's wrong Cat?" I ask as I turn to face her.

"Nothing. Hand." She says as she reaches her hand out in front of her.

All I do is look down at her, a smile growing on my face as I reach out and grab her hand.

"Lead the way."

I let Cat pull me into the crowd, leading us to our final destination for the school day. I walk behind Cat, starring down at our hands as I walk behind her.

It wasn't long before she led us right were we needed to be. We walk into the classroom, looking upon the three rows of computers. I lean down slightly to whisper into Cat's ear.

"Looks like you have a dead class." I say seeing only two other students scattered throughout the room. We walk to the first row of empty computers, taking our positions at the very end of the row.

"I'm gonna guess you have Dr. Colson for this period. She always has a dead class." I feel Cat let go of my hand. I watch her grab her schedule from her pocket.

"Yea..... Is she at least a good teacher?"

"Not really. She mostly gives the students free will to do whatever they want, she just gives out a ten maybe fifteenth minute assignment, then its up to you."

"This school isn't the best at teaching, is it?" Her tone is dry.

"No, not really, but thanks to Mr. Coy, all the graduates are guaranteed full scholarships to any collage in the district, so the teachers leave it up to us if we pass or fail." I say, booting up the computer in front of me.

*Ding... Ding... Ding.....*

"Colson's usually in before the bell, wonder where she is?" I say looking around the room. I shrug my shoulders, logging onto the computer. "If she's not here in five we're allowed to leave."

"Wait so she just doesn't show up sometimes?"

I click the Photoshop icon. "Sometimes."

"So how do I pass this class if the teacher doesn't show up half the time?" Concern present in every word.

"All you have to do is make something. The better your work the better your grade." I click on a file I was looking for. "Like this."