

*Mia's point of view*

"This is going to be fun." I say starring into Cat's eyes.

"Did Mia tell you about her sex teacher?" Barbara says from across the room. I freeze at the mention of my teacher.

"No, she didn't. Please Barbara... Do tell." Cat says as she moves her body over mine, her legs straddling me.

"Did your little toy tell you about the 32 year old she was seeing on weekends?"

"You little liar." Cat says, placing the crop under my chin.

"I-I can explain." I stutter out, my gaze forced to stare into ocean colored orbs.

"No need darling, we have a guest to explain for you. Barbara please continue." Cat says flicking the clip attached to my left nipple, her hand moving back to my crotch. I feel my vibrator switch on forcing a moan from my lips.

"I haven't heard you moan in a while Mia, I kinda miss it. Let me hear your private voice." Barbara says teasingly.

"I can force her voice out if you wish." Cat says , tapping my cheek lightly with the crop.

"Oh I wanna see that." Barbara says excitement in her voice.

"There should be an egg vibe in little Mia's pants in her room, would you be a doll and fetch it for me." Cat smiles at me. I watch Barbara silently raise from the table, walking past the two of us and down the hallway, closing the door to my room.

"You have three seconds before I start pulling pins off of you." Cat's voice low, lustful anger swelling in her eyes.

"M-mistress I..... th-the woman.... sheeaahhh!!" I stutter out before she pulls one of the cloths pins from my skin.

"What did I tell you would happen if you lied to me?"

I bite my bottom lip, feeling two more pins pull away from my skin. "Mistress I'm s-sorraaahhh!!" I yell feeling more of the pins pinch my skin as they're pulled away.

"You knew the consequence, yet you still lied. Your teacher probably isn't rough enough with you. Open your legs, NOW!!!" She orders me.

I quickly spread my legs, feeling the light vibrations fall from my core. I hear the door of my room open, Barbara quickly walking into view, but an egg vibe wasn't the only thing she was carrying.

"You only found the fake box, you needed to look under the bed of the real thing. Here you are Cat." Barbara hands a slightly larger box over to Cat.

"Stop helping her you bitch." I say to Barbara.

"You know she has a foot fetish. She losses it if you step on her." Barbara says with a smile on her face.

"Why are you still here?!" I yell.

"Please, we both know your sex drive shot through the roof the second I walked in. I know all of your fetishes, and I'm gonna let your new flame in on all the secrets. There's a ring gag sitting on top in the box, I'd put that on her before you start." Barbara points to the box she brought in.

"My darling, are you ready for your punishment for lying to me?" Cat asks opening the box, pulling out the ring gag.

"I can't believe this is happening but don't you fucking dare think about stopping this time." I say starring into Cat's eyes.

"What do you want me to do, should I sit back down or..... help you?" Barbara says, glaring down at me.

"For now... enjoy the show. You are a guest after all." Cat says looking back to the blond. "But as for you..." She turns back to me. "Stand." Cat says, slapping the inside of my left leg, raising from my lap. I quickly jump to my feet, standing inches from Cat. "On the couch." I'm ordered.

I walk over to the couch, sitting down awaiting my next order when I see Cat reach into the box. "So is this the whip your teacher uses?" Cat says pulling out a black and red whip, the tendrils at the end swing lightly as she walks over to me.

"Y-yes mistress"

"Open your mouth." She orders. I open my mouth, the familiar taste of steel touches my tongue as my mouth is held open by the ring. Feeling the strap tighten around my head I try to close my mouth but my efforts are in vain.

Cat moves back, biting my ear electing a small moan from me.

"Good now I want you to count every time you feel that leather hit your skin, understand." Cat whispers to me before taking a few steps back.

"Yeeesh missress." I try to speak, watching her hand raise above her head.

"Arms above your head and DO NOT drop them." I raise my cuffed appendages above me, holding them there as I wait for the whip to hit my skin. Cat waits only a second for my hands to be raised before I feel the sting of snapping leather on my thighs. I let out a pain filled moan.

"Number?!" Cat demands.

"oon" I try and say, my mouth unable to close.

Again Cat raises her hand, bringing it down with a thundering snap.

"Again!" Cat yells.

"Toe!" I yell through my open maw. My thighs burn and sting from the impacts of the leather. "Fuck it hurts so good!!!!" I think as I feel another smack to my thighs.

"Number darling?" Cat's voice echoing through my ears.

"Th-thee." I say, my arms beginning to wobble under their weight as I try to hold them up.

"Her arms are shacking already, maybe they'll fall if you hit her harder." Barbara teases.

Another smack rings through the room, my breathy moan not far behind it.


"Ferrr." The chain to the cuffs clings slightly against the metal bracelets.

"Open your legs and slide your ass out a little." Cat instructs, pointing the whip at my crotch. I have no choice but to give in, sliding my body down the couch.

"Good girl, now.... OPEN YOUR LEGS!!" Cat says sternly to which I oblige. I spread my legs, my sacred flower being shown to the two people in front of me but only for a second as Cat brings the whips down hard on my crotch.

"AAHHHAHHAHA!" I moan in painful delight.

"Enjoying yourself?" Cat asks, the whip coming to rest on my stomach as she awaits my answer.

"Yeth missess." I say as I stare down at the whip. I watch the leather float off of my skin and back above Cat's head, where it again drops with enough force to make me scream.

"Barbara, would you undo the cuffs for me while I switch my toys." Cat turns to the blond watching us. "Yea I got it." She says getting up from her spot on the table. "You are to keep your hands high for me understand." Cat says turning to the two boxes at her feet.

I watch Barbara walk up to me, grabbing my wrist. "Now I see why you are wrapped around her finger, cause this is really hot." She says, pressing the sides of the cuffs releasing my hands from the metal restraints. "Now be a good girl and stay." Barbara teasingly says, smiling down at me before she turns to walk back to her spot on the table.

My mind focuses back to Cat who was still rummaging through my boxes of toys. When she finally pulls something out I shut my legs, crossing them. I drop my arms, popping off the clips that were clipped to my nipples.

"What's wrong? I though you liked...." The sound of zapping electricity buzzes off the walls as Cat presses a button on my tazer. "Electricity." She rises from her squating position, quickly walking over to me. Cat reaches behind my head, loosening the gag enough for me to spit it out of my mouth. She makes it obvious to what she wants from me as she hits the button again, making me jump.

"Ok Cat! I-I'm sorry for lying just please not the tazer." I beg as I stare at the little black box.

"You dropped your arms. Do you know what that means darling?" She whispers.

"I'm s-sorry mistress." I stutter out as I slowly raise them again, fearful of what was to come if I broke another rule.

"Open your mouth and stick out your tongue." Cat orders to which again I follow, sticking my tongue out at her. "Now, I'm going to ask you again. What... did you do with the 32 year old woman?" She plainly asks me as I watch the end of the tazer come a few centimeters from my tongue. I retract it so I could speak.

"We met on weekends out of town, usually in a public place during the day and we'd go to hotels at night. E-everything in the box she's trained me with mistress." I explain. Staring into her eyes I see the box move away from my mouth as her lips part.

"Is that true Barbara?" Cat asks.

"More or less. I trained her with the crop and developed her thing for choking but other than that she's telling the truth." Barbara say with a hint of joy in her voice.

"Thank you for telling the truth. Now be a good girl and open you legs." Cat say as she brushes my cheek with her free hand.

"Please don't shock me." I beg, uncrossing and opening my legs.

"Now why would I do that?" A smile growing on her lip as she moves the black box to rest on my swollen bud.

"C-come on Cat..... I-I told the truth.... please d-don't do thAAAHHHHHAHA!!!!" I scream as the tazer is turned on, nearly breaking the dam that has been slowly cracking all day. My pleading words fall flat on her merciless ears.

My head falls to the back of the couch, mouth held open as I pant, arms shacking but refusing to fall.

"Did you almost break darling, it would be bad if you did. You don't have my permission yet." Cat teasingly says, turning on the tazer again. "FUUUUUUUAAAHAHA!!!!" I scream arching my back. The pleasurable pain making my mind white with lust.

"P-please...no.... more." I say, my breaths failing to fill my lungs.

"Are you done lying to me?" Cat says, pressing the tazer harder onto my clit.

"Yes mistress.... I'm sorry m-mistress.... I won't do it again."

"How close are you? How close are you from what I've kept from you all day?" Lust filling every word as she questions me.

"O-one more should do it mistress." I joke as I press in crotch into the little black box.

"Barbara, please hand me the purple egg vibe you grabbed from the room." Cat says reaching out behind her back.

Barbara gets up from her spot, ordered toy already in hand. She places it in Cats palm. "Anything else?" She asks.

"Actually, take everything you have on from the waist down off." Cat turns her head slightly to look at the blond.

"What?!" Barbara asks, confusion in her voice.

"You said you would help.... So I'm putting you to use. Is there a problem?" Cat says in the same lustful tone she spoke to me in. Barbara simply walks over to the table and undresses.

"A pink thong? Good to see you're wearing some for once." I joke.

Cat pinches my left nipple. "You only speak when spoken to." Her powerful voice returning. I look back to Barbara already half naked and walking over to us.

"I'm undressed, now what?"

"Grab the crop, the leash and the electro pads then come sit on the couch." She instructs. "Mia, lie on the floor on your back, head towards the sofa. You can put your hands down but keep your legs wiiiide for me." Cat say stepping away from me, pulling the black box away from my sensitive nub.

I follow my order with out a second thought, sliding off the sofa, resting my body on the warm carpet. I watch Barbara hand the requested items to Cat. "Thank you. Sit right above her head and cover her face with your feet."

"Are you sure? I ran track today and I'm pretty sure she'll die if I do that."

"You said our little toy has a foot fetish. I want to see if YOU are telling the truth." Cat says reaching around Barbara, grabbing her ass.

"I'm liking where this is going." Barbara says sitting right above me.

"Here, this one is for you." Cat says, bending down, picking my purple vibrator from the floor and handing it to the blond. "I saw you with your hand down your pants, now you don't have to do it in a corner by yourself."

"Thanks I was getting kinda lonely." Barbara says with a smirk, looking Cat in the eye.

"I swear to god if your feet smemmmmm." My words muffled by Barbara's feet stepping on my face, the taste and smell of her sweat almost immediately driving me insane with lust.

"Its crazy what happens to her when you give her what she wants, that hard exterior just melts away if you tease her long enough. How long have you been doing it by the way?" Barbara asks, moving two of her toes into my mouth, pinching my tongue and pulling it free from its cage.

"After you gave us the food at the announcers box, an hour in our last period.... and what we did once her mother left. Why do you ask?"

"Well if that's the case we should talk a bit cause my feet should be rank enough to keep her where you want her."

The longer they talk the closer I feel my hands approach my aching core, but before they are able to reach their destination I feel my riding crop hit that exact spot, stopping them in their tracks and forcing me to scream into Barbara's toes that currently resided in my mouth.

"I never gave you permission to touch yourself, can't you hear I'm having a conversation?" Cat say, smacking my right breast with the riding crop.

I try to speak but my words come out as nothing but gargled nonsense.

"Stay put and you will be rewarded. I would hate to hold you for another day at school with no sleep. I wonder how that would workout for you, but we'll find out if I have to repeat myself.... AM I CLEAR!!!!!" Cat yells.

*Cat's point of view*

"As you were saying."

"You might wanna keep an eye on those hands." Barbara says.

"I see what you mean now. Tell me about her teacher, when did she come into the picture.?" I ask, amazement in my voice as I admire Mia's submissive behaviour.

"Well she hasn't been in it for a while, two years maybe. The dumb ass I'm currently stepping on got lonely and pent up so she went looking for someone online that could satisfy her..... needs.." Barbara says.

"Awe, no one to satisfy you, hmm darling." I ask teasingly, slapping Mia's inner thigh. "Do you know how long its been since she was.... satisfied." I slide the black and red tendrils of the whip up Mia's glistening lips, hearing her moan into Barbara's feet in wanting anticipation.

"Ooooh.... maybe a year. Couldn't tell you, but all I can tell you is the rug can't satisfying herself, that's my doing." Barbara says before lifting her feet from Mia's face, allowing her to take in a breath, but quickly placing them right back where they were.

"Well how'd you do that?" I ask, lustful curiosity in my voice.

"Hypnosis." Barbara say.

"So that's what the iPod is for!"

"Oh it's easy. Press the first video, wait about ten minutes and all you have to do is snap your fingers and she'll simply beg for anything. "As long as I get to cum" right Jack rabbit?" Barbara question mockingly, raising her feet.

"So what, you can put me to sleep and mess with my head, can't Fuck it up more than it already is.!" Mia says looking up at Barbara's feet.

"Language!" I yell, raising the whip over Mia's stomach.

"Sorry mistress but I'm kinda missing a few screws but clearly from today you guessed that." She says.

"Barbara would you be a doll and put your feet down." I ask, the blond obliging my request of suffocating her with her feet. I watch again as Mia tries to sneak a hand to her crotch, but just before I let her touch her aching core I smack it away with the riding crop. "You'll get your chance, now be a good girl and wait. I don't like repeating myself." I say grabbing the little egg from beside me, sliding it into Mia's dripping core. I hear her moan as I turn on the lowest setting.

"Hmhm mhhh mhmm!!"

"If I hear you again or see you move your hand.... you get the tazer, GOT IT!!" I yell, pressing the tazer to her sensitive lips but all I get as an answer is a few muffled moans

"Now that the rules have been established. Please... tell me more about my darling."

"What all has she told you about her..... sexual life?"

"She hasn't told me anything really other than she's a switch and an exhibitionist. Other than that I've just been figuring her out as we go."

"What all is that?" Barbara say, curiosity showing on her face.

"I don't kiss and tell..... You understand." I say, raising the crop to sit just under her chin. "Nothing leaves this house..... how long do you have till you have to be home?"

"I've got just as long as little Mia here.." Barbara puts a little pressure onto her feet, causing Mia's hands to shoot up to her head. "So whatever you are planning, I'm all in." Barbara says, shrugging her shoulders.

"So you're cool with a threesome." I say lifting the crop to touch her chin. "But not just any threesome.... A kinky threesome."

"You're making this up as you go aren't you?"

"Yea, but that's not the point. We were doing this anyway and you're clearly fine with it, cause you're currently half naked, I'm just making sure I don't leave you blue balled like poor Mia here." I press the volume on the remote, causing the little egg to vibrate just enough to bend that last string of her sanity. I look down watching Mia arch her back and scream into the feet that are crushing her skull, her arms smashing themselves into the sofa above.

"Come on, after the day Mia has had she needs this more than anyone of us..... and you won't ever forget tonight." I say pressing the crop harder into her flesh.

Barbara looks down at Mia then back up to me, a smile on her face as she pushes the crop away from her. "Two things. Firstly, we have an agreement that I can't touch anywhere on the rug that's below the belt, that won't hinder your plans at all will it?" Barbara asks.

"That's fine, I wasn't going to let you go that far south anyway." I say. "What's the second thing?"

"Second thing. This piece of shit has the sex drive of a porn star, how do you wanna handle it?" Barbara says, moving her left foot down to step on Mia's left breast, expertly pinching her nipple with her toes.

"Oh don't you worry about that..." I say as I pull the last toy from the box, placing it onto the table. "Our toy for the night has plenty of things we can use to.... break that strong will of hers."