

*Cat's point of view*

"Oh don't you worry about that..." I say as I pull the last toy from the box, placing it onto the table. "Our toy for the night has plenty of things we can use to.... break that strong will of hers." I turn to Barbara, holding the whip and the crop in both hands. "Now.... please remove your feet from Mia's mouth so I can ask her something before we start." I say walking over to the couch, sitting next to the blond.

Barbara lifts her feet and my eyes are met with a gorgeous sight. Mia's face was flush red, eyes glassy as her mouth was left agape, her tongue left dangling from the left side of her lips.

"You're going to answer my next questions honestly, aren't you darling?" I ask teasingly, placing the end of the crop into her mouth, pushing her mouth open further. I wait for a response but Mia's voice never met my ears.

"You probably took her voice. You're going to have to force it back out." Barbara says nudging me. I pull the crop from her mouth letting her tongue fall back into its dark hole. "Hey!!!! Your mistress is talking to you!" Barbara says lightly tapping Mia's face with her foot.

"P....pl...ease." I hear Mia breathlessly whisper.

"Oh so she talks! You may wanna ask now before her voice disappears again." Barbara says, again nudging me. I look over to her, "Keep acting like that and I will blue ball you." I say plainly.

"I like you." Barbara says grinning at me.

I shake my head as I look down to Mia. "Does your voice still work darling?"


"Good. Now I'm going to ask you two things, do you have it in you to answer me?" I ask patting her cheek with the crop.

Again I'm given a breathless answer. "Y..... es


I feel a smirk growing on my lips as I speak. "Are you alright with Barbara..... helping me?"

The only noise in the room was Mia's light panting as I awaited my answer.


"Good. Now tell me....." I slide my right foot from its hiding place in my shoe. I slip my sock from my ankle, holding it just above Mia's nose. "Who's feet smell better, Barbara's or mine?" I say lowering the fabric to rest just beneath her nostrils.

"Yea Jack rabbit, who smells better?" Barbara questions teasingly, both of us waiting for an answer. I watch Mia's rib cage expand as she takes a deep breath, inhaling the musky sent from my sock. Mia doesn't say anything for a moment, but what she does say makes my body set fire.

"Yours mistress, please step on me!" Mia groans lifting her head and taking a deep breath into the fabric.

"Don't lie you piece of shit!" Barbara yells moving her foot back over Mia's face, pushing her down to the floor with a thud.

"Now don't be jealous, you DID run track today so your musk is probably to much for her." I say in a mocking tone, looking to my left to stare at the blond, who just stares back with the same smirk I have plaster on my face.

"So what's your game?" She asks me.

"First to make my darling faint is the winner." I say reaching into my jacket pocket and turning the little egg up to max power.

"Fuuuuuuaahhhhhhh!!" Mia moans into Barbara's feet.

"That should cut the night in half, how long do you wanna go for before we switch roles?"

"We will get there when we get there, but for now lets focus on the rug." I smack her foot lightly.

"Lets not keep this whore waiting any longer then." Barbara say standing from the couch, putting her full weight onto Mia's face.

"So does she get off on how you're talking to her?"

"The more you degrade her the blanker her mind goes..... and the longer she'll last." Barbara says walking over to the table and grabbing the iPod. "Hypnosis..... remember. Wanna see how it works or do you wanna do it on your own?"

"Lets wait. Lock the door so we don't have another incident like you." I say standing, grabbing the now bowl of water, walking to the kitchen. As I walk behind the waist high wall I reach into my pocket, grabbing the remote hitting the off button, hearing Mia grown in disapproval.

"Grab the leash and lead our bitch back to the bedroom." I say dumping the water down the drain, placing the metal bowl in the sink. I walk back over to Barbara, standing behind the couch, as I watch her finish wrapping the leash around little Mia's neck.

"This leash is perfect for her. The harder you pull...." Barbara harshly pulls the leash to her chests, forcing Mia's head off of the floor and a mangled moan from her throat. "The tighter it gets. Come on bitch, lets go for a walk." Barbara says again pulling on the leash but Mia refuses to move, instead looking up to me.

"W-what do you w-want me t-to do mistress." Her voice just above a whisper.

I chuckle, looking at Barbara's face as disappointment and frustration begin to show on her features. "Looks like she knows who's ACTUALLY in charge here." I say mockingly.

"If you're in charge then take your dog." Barbara say tossing me the other end of the leash, jealousy drips from her lips.

"Follow me to the room will you, Barbara and I are going to have a talk while you.... wait patiently." I say grabbing the leash, pulling it lightly, Mia turns and crawls over to me. I look over at Barbara as we walk down the hall, a triumphant grin graces my lips as I stare at the blonds shocked face.

I walk Mia back into her room. "Take the same position on the bed." I say pulling the leash slightly, a moan escaping my dogs lips.

I let the leather leash slide from my hand as Mia crawls into the the room and onto the bed, placing her hands above her head and spreading her legs.

I walk over to her, sitting on the edge of the bed. I grab the leash, wrapping her hands with it before tying it to head bored, leaving her in the same position I had her in my bed just the night before.

"I'm only going to ask this once..... Why did you lie to me?" I ask, grabbing her throat lightly as I force her to look into my gaze.

"I-I thought you'd make fun of me for having a sex teacher... and for dating someone who was twice my age at the time. I'm sorry mistress." Mia says as her voice begs for forgiveness.

"And why would you think that?" I ask moving my hand from her throat to her chin.

"That's what everyone else did." Her voice was low, her eyes shift away from mine and I knew I hit a nerve.

"Thank you for being honest. Now for my last question." I lean in for a brief kiss before asking my final question. "How close are you?" My voice is taken over by my lust.

"You can taze me again and find out."

"Do you think you can last ten minutes with your little egg on max?" I ask turning the egg on low. Mia's eyes widen at the sudden feeling of the egg turning on.

"N-no mistress."

"You better try if you want your reward." I say sternly as I turn the volume to max.

"Pl... please mistress I can't do this!!" Mia pleads as she arches her back and I watch her toes curl.

"So you're saying you're going to disobey me." I say grabbing her throat again, squeezing the sides just enough for a small squeak to escape her wide open maw.

"N.....no mistress."Mia chokes out.

"So you're going so lay here with your little egg vibrating your sensitive walls and what AREN'T you going to do?"

"C-cum mistress." Mia says gritting her teeth as she tries to hold her sanity together.

"Good girl." I say releasing Mia's neck, turning the the volume to the little egg to about half. "Is that better for you, I don't want you blowing your load without being able to see it." I say standing from the bed. "That pace should keep you nice and warm for when I get back."

"Th-thank y-ou mistress." Mia moans as I walk out of the room, closing the door behind me.

I walk back into the living room, but instead of seeing the half naked blond waiting for me on the couch, my ears were met with the sound of soft moaning coming from the bathroom.

I feel a devilish grin creep over my face as I walk to the the source of the noise. "So what are you up to Barbara?" I ask through the door.

"Masturbating, how about yourself?" I hear.

"Get out here, the dogs been locked away and now its time for us to continue our talk." I say walking back to the living room.

I walk over to the sprawl of toys that lay upon the table making a mental note of every toy I pulled from the boxes.

"Ok looking over everything this isn't that much stuff but, some of this stuff is..." I say as I pick up a bag of doctors needles. "Weird. What are these even for?" I ask myself.

I hear the bathroom door finally open as I place the bag of needles back onto the table before turning to see the blond walk into the room, purple vibrator in hand.

"Glad to see you're in the spirit of things." I say walking over to the couch, smirking at the blond.

"Just keeping myself occupied while you took care of your new pet." Barbara says smirking back at me. Barbara walks over to the couch sitting on the other end. "So where were we?"

"We can skip the pleasantries Barbara, Mia's in the other room. I want to know about Jasmine Coy." My voice sounding harsh bouncing off the walls of the quiet room.

"What do you want to know about her?" Barbara retorts, uncrossing then recrossing her bare legs.

"I want to know what I'm going to be dealing with, so tell me the important bits." Flashes of earlier at lunch rush through my mind as my anger starts to spike.

Barbara chuckles. "So you're really going through with it?"

Her question puzzled me for a moment and I'm sure my confusion showed on my face because Barbara gave me no time in answering her question before she continued.

"The Coy family were the founders of Ashton. She uses that one little fact to her advantage when she attacks Mia. You met her dad at school right?"

"He's the bald principal right?"

"Yea. That's only Coy number two, the rest of her shit for brains family run the mines, police, and half the shops in town." I watch her take in a deep breath before continuing. "No matter what the bitch does she's never going to get what she deserves."

"So what you're saying is is she has complete immunity from any bad thing she does to Mia."

Barbara sighs in defeat, placing her hands over her face.

"How do I stop it?"

"You don't, we've all tried."

"That's bullshit! There's got to....."

"There isn't a way to stop her from tormenting Mia, we've been trying for years. Every time we try to stop her it only gets worse."

"Then what happened four months ago, why'd she get in trouble then."

Barbara looks over to me, nothing but anger showing in her eyes.

"Is that why you're here? You saw the news report." Barbara quickly stands. "If that's the case you can leave, now!"

"What?!" I was confused about where this was coming from.

"I said you can fucking leave cause if you're here to play Mia, thats the last thing I'm going to let you do." Barbara says, her voice slightly raised.

"Barbara I'm not here to play any of you. I have my own reasons for coming her and my own reasons for wanting to be with Mia. I can promise....."

"You're own reasons! What would those be exactly? Oh let me guess, you think you'll be able to get your 15 minutes of fame just like those other bitches!" Barbara was screaming at this point.

I stand on reflexe, coming face to face with the raging blond. "Barbara calm down so I can expl....."

"I dont wanna hear your lies you bitch!" Barbara pushed me slightly

"Who are you calling a bitch you skank!" I knew I messed up.

We stood in silence for a moment before a third voice caught us both off guard.

"Barbara go home." Mia says, standing in the hallway, watching both of us in silence.

"How long have you been standing there?" I ask.

"Hold on, WHAT! ME! You're telling me to leave!" Barbara yells, turning to face Mia.

I look over to Mia, she was no longer naked, but fully clothed socks and all. She was staring at the floor as she rapidly opened and closed her right hand.

"Barbara please leave." Mia's voice was low, almost a whisper.

"You're falling for the same bullshit just from a different slut! Open your fucking eyes!" Barbara yells.

"Barbara." Mia's voice comes out low, almost like a growl as she looks up from the floor.

Barbara stands in silence, staring back at Mia before she turns back to me, bowing her head. "I'm sorry for insulting you, I'll make my leave." Is all she says before she lifts her head and walks over to her stuff sitting on the table, quickly putting her pants on and walking out of the house, slamming the door behind her.

I look over to Mia, who to my surprise was no longer standing in the hall.

"Get in here." I hear echo from Mia's room. I dont question, I just walk back down the hallway to find Mia's door cracked open. I push my head through the door, finding Mia sitting on her bed, looking at me. She pats the spot next to her, gesturing me to come sit down, to which I oblige.

As I walk into the room, I take note of how Mia was acting. She was bouncing her legs up and down as she watched me walk over to her. I sit down on the bed next to her, waiting to hear her voice, but we just sit in silence, the weight of awkwardness beginning to crush me until Mia finally breaks the tension.


I look over to her, our eyes instantly locking. "Yea."

"I'm sorry."

This surprised me. "Sorry? For what, you did nothing wrong."

"Yes, I did. I brought you here, to Ashton, to my hell." Mia breaks the staring contest I was unaware we were having, choosing to look back to the floor. "Coy isn't going to go away, my brother tried and he ended up dying. My six friends, they all have almost met a similar fate. Same with my mom. And I've almost died on multiple occasions because of her." Mia looks back to me. "I dont want you getting hurt because of me. I know we have only been together for two days but I couldn't imagine if Coy..." Mia stops in her tracks, her mouth left open in a silent scream as tears start to fall.

I'm left speechless as I stare into glassy eyes, tears falling freely from chocolate orbs. I raise my left hand to caress her cheek, whipping away the tears with my thumb.

"Lay down." Is all I say as I use my other hand to softly push Mia onto her back, grabbing the wadded up blanket from the head of the bed.

"Give me your arm." I say as I climb into bed next to her, feeling her arm wrap itself around my waist as I cover us both with the blanket.

I turn my back to Mia not wanting to see her face as I finally speak. "If you can remember this, me being in your arms, then even when I'm not here you can always remember this. I know you won't let anything happen to me, and I won't let you suffer alone anymore." I feel Mia's arm tighten around my waist just slightly.

"I knew you were the one that would stay." Mia whispers.

I dont have a come back to that, what was I truly supposed to say, so I say nothing, choosing to close my eyes and just listen to the sound of Mia's breathing, allowing this sound to push me to sleep.

*Mia's point of view*

I hold Cat tight, afraid to loosen my grip, the fear of her disappearing flooding my mind. "Maybe she is different than the others." I think before I turn my brain off, taking in one final breath of her wonderful smell before everything turns black.