

I pull Cat into a kiss, a passionate kiss, a warm up kiss, because as soon as our lips connected the fire began to burn. My hands begin to roam her body, starting at her slender arms, my hands slowly moving them to sit behind her back, and as i grip both of her wrists, i break our kiss to mutter a single word.


"Yes mistrmmm."

I cut her off by shoving my tongue into her mouth, tasting her as she moans into my mouth. My hands slowly making their way down past her breast, were they stopped to grope them for no more than a few seconds. Making way down her sides and pass her hips, my hands finally feel the familiar softness of her thighs.

It was as I move my hands over her thighs do I feel something under her socks. "Maybe the socks get thicker in some places." I think to myself, but it wasn't until I gently squeezed her thighs did my brain figure out what I was feeling.

As I squeezed, Cat broke our kiss hissing in pain, her hands shooting forwards to grab my wrists. I look her in the eye, stunned by her actions, but her eyes said everything I needed. Fear. "Why is she scared? We were only making out until I squeezed her thighs. What is she hiding?"

"Why did you move your hands little doll?"

She doesn't say anything, she just sits there, starring at me with fearful eyes.

"I asked you a question." I raise my voice a little bit, but again no response.

"Cat?" My voice having concern in it instead of anger, but again, all she did was stare at me. Instead of trying for a verbal response, I hook my fingers into her socks, pulling them down her thighs when my finger tips pass by a familiar feeling cloth. I look down to conform my suspicions.

"Cat, why do you have gauze wrapped around both of your thighs?"

It is only as I look up does my stomach drop. Tears were flowing freely from her eyes, her mouth opening and closing, trying to find the words she needed but failed to do so. She begins to shake slightly.

"Cat, why did you wrap your legs like this?" my voice begins to crack as the realization hit me like a truck. I take the end of the gauze on her left leg, trying to undo it, but her grip tightens.

"Please don't look. You'll change your mind about me if you look."

Her voice was quivering, her body shakes as I continue to unravel the cloth from her skin. It was only as I saw the first hints of crimson did my hand stop all together. My eyes jumping up to her own, tears falling faster as she begins to realize the situation.

"D-did you cut yourself?"

No answer came. she just stares at me.

"Cat answer me."

Still now answer.

"Dammit cat. Why would you do this to yourself. I'm your girlfriend, y-you're supposed to tell me about shit like this before hand. Cat why didn't you call me?"

As she spoke, her voice cracks and brakes as she fought the tears raining from her eyes.

"I-I did c-call you. You w-were still knocked out. I-I c-called you, I c-called, I-I pr-promise Mia."

I wasn't there for her, I let this happen. A tear falls from my left eye. I reach up to cup her face in my right hand. She holds my hand in place as she presses her cheek against my palm. I feel her tears fall to my hand, damping it.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't there for you. I will never let this happen again, I promise." My voice breaks with concern, but I hold back the tears threatening to spill over.

"You c-can't keep that pr-promise.... y-you can't."

My heart begins to break, the tears I've been holding back creep closer to breaking free.

"What do you mean by that?"

She pulls my other hand up to rest on her heart. Her as I felt her heart beat, I felt how slow it was.

"Cat..... why did you do this?"

She begins to shake again as soon as I ask this question. I don't know what to do, so I do the only thing my mind can think of.

I break the hold she had on both of my wrists and I pull her close to me. I hold her tight, feeling her arms wrap around me, hearing her sob into my shoulder, my heart began to shatter.

We sit like this for a while, her sobbing in my arms, I continue to hold her tight as she cries, whispering sweet nothings into her ear.

"Its all ok now, I'm here now. Nothings bad can happen to you, not while I'm here. You're my little doll. You've seen my demons, and now I've seen yours, but now I know you have demons too, and we can fight them together."

Again we sit in silence, her sobbing finally beginning to stop. Only when it finally does do I choose to speak.

"Do you wanna cuddle and watch a movie?"

Cat slowly nods her head. I grab my phone from out of my back pocket, turning it on and tapping my Netflix app.

"Anything you wanna watch?"

She lifts her head and turns to look at my phone as I scroll down the list of movies.


"Really." I say with a slight chuckle.

She looks back at me with an angry expression.

"Don't laugh at my choice, Shrek is amazing."

"Ok, Shrek it is."

Cat turns her body around as we lay down on her couch, my arm under her side, holding the phone just right so we both could watch.

As we watch I begin to drift into unconsciousness, smelling the fragrance of cats hair as I do. We get to the part in the movie just after Shrek and donkey enter the castle to find princess Fiona and fight the dragon when I fall asleep. I fall asleep for the first time in a long time with a smile on my face, because I get to have my little doll in my arms, and even though its only been a day, I never wanted us to be apart.

I open my eyes, gazing upon a barren field. Dust blew in the wind, placing dirt right into my eyes.

"Ah what the Fuck dream." I curse as I wipe my eyes. As I look back up I see Cat standing in front of me.

"So I'm dreaming about you, that's adorable." I turn my back to her. "Sad you're not the real thing."

"You need to wake up."


I turn back to her only to be met with an image from my nightmares. Cats eyes were ripped out of her skull, her throat was sliced open and a whole was blown through her chest. She screamed a scream that brought me to my knees.

"Wake up!!!!!"

My eyes shoot open, as I shoot strait up from the couch, screaming. "Leave her alone!" I look strait ahead, feeling my heart beat uncontrollably as I gasp for air. I feel my face, damp. I must've been crying in my sleep again. It was when I saw movement to my left that I froze, my breath catching in my chest. Cat stood next to the stairs, starring at me. I refuse to look at her, but I notice she's no longer in costume, being in what seemed to be her night cloths.

"You talk in your sleep."

I clench my hands, pushing my nails into my palm.

"You were having a nightmare. You hurt someone, didn't you.

I search for an answer, but settling on the old reliable.


"Who was it?"

I feel tears start to fall from my eyes. I pull my knees closer to me before I answer.

"You." I croke out before my voice shuts off and I cry into my lap.

I hear her foot steps rush over to me, her arms wrap around my body.

"Shhh, don't cry, dooon't cry. It was only a nightmare, just a dream. I'm fine." She manages to pull pry my face from itst hiding place. "See, you didn't hurt me. I'm fine."

I lift my hand to touch her face, only to be met with a flash of what I saw in my nightmare. I pull my eyes closed again, but as I do, the voices echo through my head.

"You kill her... Cut her up the put a bullet through you too..... Kill her..... You'll never find happiness..... KILL HER!!!!"

"SHUT UP!!!" I push both of my hands to my ears, trying my best to stop what I was hearing. The tears still falling, I sit there, hands over my ears, eyes closed tight, trying to fight away the stuff no one else could see or hear. Trying to fight my own personal living hell.

"Mia, look at me. Please."

I hesitate, fear rushing through my body, but I open my eyes. Seeing my little doll I lunge forwards, wrapping my arms around her neck. I push my face into her shoulder, breathing in the smell of vanilla. My mind begins to calm as we sit like this. I feel her hand move in circles at the center of my back, trying to calm me down.

"Its ok Mia, whatever you saw, whatever you heard, it can't harm you anymore, I promise."

I begin to lean back so I could sit back against the couch arm.

"My meds must've worn off." I say as I wipe the tears from my face.

"Where are they?"


"You can drive in the morning, but right now you're not leaving my sight."

I look at her with foggy vision.

"How long was I asleep?"

"bout thirty minutes, you dropped your phone half way through the movie, and when I looked at you, you were sound asleep. That's when I got up to change, but before I reached the stairs I heard you mumble some stuff on the lines of "Stop, I didn't want to do this," and "leave her alone." That's when I ran upstairs, changed as fast as I could and rushed back down here to watch you shoot awake screaming. Now we're here.

My face began to burn redhot.

"This is so embarrassing." I move to cover my face once again but I felt cats hand grab my chin.

"You're not allowed to hide your demons anymore, or your face."

She pulls me into a kiss, a light hearted kiss but a passionate one nevertheless.

As we part, I see a flash of the same nightmare image, my eyes fill with fear, and it seemed like cat noticed this change.

"Come on, we're going to my room."

I don't say anything, I just follow her as she grabs my hand and we walk out of the living room and up the stairs. We ascend the stairs in silence until we reach the top, only to be met with a door.

"Don't judge my room to harshly."

"I won't, can't be worse than mine."

With that she opens her door, and as i peer inside, I'm overwhelmed with what I see.

A king sized bed sits in the furthest corner, what looks like silk curtains dangle over it. On every wall there is a poster of bands and pictures of family. A dresser takes up the wall adjacent from the bed, little nick'nacks and picture frames littering the top of it. I follow cat inside, walking to her bed as she closes the door. I hear a click once the door is closed, but it passes me by as I fall face first into her bed, melting into the thick blanket that sat on top.

I look over to a little bed side table to the clock purched on top, 2:49.

"We never got to finish."

I roll over, looking to her but not lifting my head.


"But that's fine, we can switch rolls." She lets the last two words roll off her tongue. Only as she walks towards me does my brain begin to function. I walked right into the spiders web, and as i watched her leg lift and place herself on my lap did my brain register what she was talking about.

"I-I mean we have school in the morning, sh-shouldn't we get s-some rest?"

"No, I don't think so, you're in my web my darling...." she moves her mouth to my ear, "same rules apply, now be a good girl and take your tank top off, you don't have a bra on so this is an easy task for you."

Just when I thought the night was over did it only just begin.