

All my life, I was abused by the people I let in, by the people I showed my weakness to. I vowed to never let it happen again, but as I stare into her eyes, the girl who has broken my will to fight, tied me to her bed and stripped me of my cloths, I find myself wanting her even more.

"Mia, I would never do anything like that, I'm not here to play you. I'm sorry... I didn't think it would hurt you so badly..... I'm sorry." Her words are sincere and caring, and as she wipes the last few tears from my eyes, my body finally begins to calm as I speak my words.

"W-why..... why do y-you want me to be happy.... why do all of this for someone who never deserved happiness?"

"Because, it was never your fault."

I try to ask what she meant but my words came to a stop as our lips finally meet in a passionate kiss. She holds my face still, my eyes begin to close the longer she holds me like this. I feel her lips part slightly and her tongue slide across my lips, asking for permission to enter. I'm hesitant at first but part my lips in the end. I don't even fight her tongue as the warm muscle explores, then I feel the clip on my left nipple pull slightly, but the pressure began to build the longer Cat tugged on the clip. I moan into her mouth, as I feel the other clip pull with the same pressure as the left. Cat pulls away from me, a tin line of saliva connects our bottom lips before it is broken by Cat licking her lips, pulling the clips even more.

Cat sits up straight, tugging the clips harder, stretching both of my breast as she talks. "I'm thinking the right will come off before the left....." She pulls even harder on both of them, forcing out a breathy moan, "What do you think, the right..." She pulls my right nipple hard, "Or the left." She does the same motion to my left nipple. She sits on top of me, tugging on the clips awaiting my answer.


"Lets see if you're right." She begins to pull the clips straight up, slowly stretching my breast as she tries to force one of the clips off of my nipples. I try to squirm under her but I'm forced still by her legs on both sides of me.

"Your tits really can handle a lot of abuse, but I'm getting bored. Lets see how hard I'll have to pull before one of them comes off." She proceeds to pull harshly on the clips. I feel electricity run to my toes as I scream in lustful pain. She continues to add force to both of my nipples until the right clip is pulled off of its assigned nipple with a loud SNAP!

"Fuuuuuck!" I moan as I feel my right nipple pulse once its it released from the clip.

"Looks like you were wrong my darling, but don't worry....." She finally managed to pull the clip off of my other nipple, earning yet another moan from my lips. "We still have time for you to be corrected."

My breathing was heavy, the excitement finally returning fully to my body as I feel the tingling return to my nether regions. "W-what do you mean?"

She raises her left eyebrow. "Aren't you missing something at the end of your question?"

My heart speeds up as I feel her nail dig into my right nipple.

"I-I'm s-sorry mi-mistress."

"Now you're understanding my little game." Her nail digs itself deeper into my flesh, heat and electricity pulse up and down my body. Cat just stares down at me as I try to squirm, our eyes catching as I move my head back to let out a breathy moan from my mouth.

"Pleeease..." I beg her, out of breath. My eyes plead to her for more.

She leans in closer to me, her voice just above a whisper. "Your begging needs improving, but I'll give you everything you are asking for."

I stare into her blue eyes as I see her right hand move behind her back, and the second it did, I began to hear that buzzing sound once again.

"You said it would take more than the dark and my.... toothbrush to break you, didn't you?" Her voice was low as she spoke, the buzzing growing louder in my ears with every second of silence.

"Yes mi-mistress I-I did."

She leans past me, I feel her breath on my ear as she speaks. "Well good thing it isn't my toothbrush in my hand, because then I would never get to hear you scream." The buzzing grows faster and louder. She leans back, my nose just inches away from her own. "Do you want to see your reward... or do you want it to stay a surprise?" Her voice dripped with lust as she stares at me with her sky blue eyes. "And say your answer properly my darling, I would hate to have to punish you after you've waited so long for this."

I break eye contact with her as I try to formulate the correct sentence to say that will play along with her sick little game.

"May I please see the reward you have for me.... mistress." My voice drops as I say the final word. I don't know why my heart sped up every time I say that word, but that was a question I could answer later. I watch her hand move slowly into view, and my eyes widen after seeing what vibrates in her palm.

Three purple eggs all buzz in unison as she places what I guess to be the remote in the center of my chest, a wire running its way down my body to the three objects in her hand.

"Do you know what these are?"

"Y-yes mistress."

"I wonder...." She moves the hand still holding the vibrating eggs to her chin, placing the tip of her index finger into her mouth, "If you break when all three are inside you..... or if it'll only take one."

My heart beats a thousand times a second as my brain processes her words. I go to speak but the only thing that escapes my lips is a screaming moan as she moves her hand back behind her back, resting the three eggs on the center of my core.

"FUUAAHHHHCK CAAAT!!!!" I arch my back as I scream, but the more I scream the harder she presses her palm against my heated flesh. My toes curl as I feel my orgasm rapidly approach, but just before I'm able to cum she pulls her hand away. I'm left staring into her eyes, begging her to put her hand back as my body shakes from the denial of my orgasm.

"You ask before you do, understand."

Her words instantly set in. I make mental notes of everything she has done to me because if she truly is serious, I plan on repaying this day to her ten fold.

I try to slow my breathing as I answer, but every word comes out breathless.

"Y-yes mistress..... I understand."

With my words spoken I feel one of the little eggs slide into me, my screams coming out silent as I arch my back, shutting my eyes as my toes curl and I pull at my restraints.

"Was I correct.... was one all it took to break you?" I feel the vibrator turn off as the second little egg is pushed into me.

"Ahhhhhh." Is the only sound that escapes my lips as she slowly pushes all three of the little eggs as far as the could go into me.

"It was only at half when the first one entered you..... Lets see how you fair with all three of them on full power." Her words were filled to the brim with excitement. "And remember my darling....." her left hand grips my throat harshly to draw my eyes back open, to force me to stare into her blue orbs. "No cumming without permission."

I scream a choked scream of pleasure as she instantly turns the power up to full, the little eggs vibrate every muscle in my stomach, almost making me cum instantly but I manage to hold onto the last strings of life as the vibrations begin to die down slowly but never fully stopping

"My how sensitive you are, did you almost cum instantly darling?"

I can't speak, her hand and the vibrations have locked my words away, so I simply nod my head as an answer.

"What's the matter... Cat got your tongue." She chuckles at her own joke, but I groan as the vibrations are turned up slightly.

After what feels like an hour passes my body was nearly on the edge of exploding. The sides of my mouth had trails of saliva leaking down my face, my eyes had become glued shut, my body shaking after time and time again I was denied my orgasm. My will finally breaks completely as I feel the vibrations stop cold.

"In the past hour, how many times have you almost cum..... almost gave into the toys I so lovingly placed inside you. If your answer.... pleases me, I'll let you finally give in, but only if you beg."

I finally swallow my pride, replacing it with lust as i speak my pleading words to the girl who has forced them out of me.

"Please.... please mistress... I can't take it anymore.... please mistress can I cum..... please let me cum mistreaaaaaahhhh!!!!!" As I beg I feel the vibrations jump to full power, I open my eyes to stare back into Cats, waiting for my answer as I try desperately to hold on to my sanity.

She presses her hand firmly around my throat, making it nearly impossible to breath. Her other hand moves to pinch and pull on my right nipple. My mind goes completely white as my body finally gives way under the immense pressure of my orgasm.

Cat falls forwards to speak directly into my ear. "Go ahead and squirt for me darling. Squirt for your little doll."

The little vibrators that were so deep into my core come shooting out of me along with multiple streams of my liquids as i cum myself into unconsciousness, my body shakes as I feel the last few streams shoot from my dripping lips.

The last words I hear from my little doll as I drift to sleep, the words that pasted through my dreams, "I won't let anyone hurt you darling, not anymore."

I'm awoken by the annoying beeping of an alarm clock, but I feel the bed I was laying in shift and the notice was silenced. I pull whatever I had my arms wrapped around closer to me, so I could soak up the warmth emitting from this object.

"Darling..... wake up."

With the sleep still present in my voice I speak, "Noooooooo..." I beg as again I pull whatever it was closer to me. I hear Cat chuckle, it sounded almost right next to me.

"Hehe, you can pull me as close as you want, its no going to help that we are still two hours late for school...."

Still not wanting to face reality, I try one last ditch effort to stay asleep. "Noooo school..... you're a dream."

"But if I'm a dream, why do you keep pulling my Ass deeper into your stomach?"

I open one eye at this comment. Cat is looking up at me over her shoulder, eyes still tired.

"Because its soft and warm." I answer with complete honesty as I again pull her Ass closer to my body.

"Mia.... its the second day..... we can't miss it."

"Fuck all of those people...." my voice drops low, "All I need is you."

I open both of my eyes as I feel Cat flip her body around to face me, her leg slipping in between mine, spreading her warmth through my lower half.

"Come on darling. Last night you were worried about school.... what happened with that defiance." Her voice slips into a lustful tone as a small smirk moves into her lips.

"Yesterday was different."

"Oh, how so?"

"I didn't know you yesterday." I drop my gaze to look at her lips as silence creeps into the room. It was a few moments before I spike again.

"Did you mean it?"

I didn't have to explain my words before I feel her warm lips press against my own for a brief moment.

"Every word I told you..... it all came from my heart.... I meant and still mean every word....and I know its hard for you to let people in after what you have been through.... but I want to be the one that you let in and never regret doing so."

I shift my gaze back up to her eyes.

"You're going to hear things from other people about me..... stuff that will change your mind, and I-if you're serious about.... us.... when you hear these thing please ask me about them so I can set the record straight..... can you promise me that?" I stare at her, pulling her closer to me, waiting for her answer.

She reaches her hand up from under the covers to cup my cheek, her thumb rubs little circles as she speaks. "Mia..... what ever I hear that involves you.... I promise I'll come to you."

Our tender moment was interrupted by the alarm, but instead of the beeping I heard earlier, my ears are met with the beastie boys insane in the membrane.

"We should get dressed." Cat says as she slides out of my arms and the covers, but as she stands, her body catches my eye.

"Is that my thong?"

"It is, what's about it."

She swings her hips in a hypnotic motion as she walks to her dresser.

"I'm keeping the G string, you can have these back." She states as I watch her slip my thong off her beautiful Ass and hips, again swaying them in an erotic display. Once the undergarment is off of her body she tosses it to me. "Your other cloths are in the bathroom on top of the counter, you've five minutes before i leave you here."

I watch her open her top drawer, pulling out a white laced bra and the same colored panties, but I don't comment, I simply get out of the bed and walk to the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

I look down at the fabric in my hand, putting it up to my nose taking in her smell. "Why does she smell like vanilla, must be her body wash." My internal dialogue cuts itself short as I unravel the fabric and slide it up my legs. I look up at the counter to see my cloths neatly folded in a pile, noticing something missing.

"Where's my phone?" I yell through the door.

"Did you even put your shirt on before you asked that?"

I lift my shirt, and there sitting on my pants was in fact my phone.

"Thank you!"

"No problem!"

I click the power button of my phone, getting dressed as it powers up. I flip my tank top over my shoulders, but as I slide it over my nipples I shiver as electricity rushes down my spine. I look at myself in the mirror noticing a rather large hickey on my collar bone, I blush as i pull my sweatshirt over my tank to hide my skin. I unfold my pants, finding the belt laced back through the loops. "Well at least she put it back where it belongs." I think to myself as I pull my legs through the fabric.

Looking over myself I throw my hair into a bun so it doesn't fall into my eyes. I go to grab my phone, looking at the battery percentage; 100%..

"Are you done getting dressed or do i have to come in and help you?" Cat's voice projects through the door.

"As fun as that sounds....." I open the door, finding her standing on the other side, "We should get going.

"Your socks and boots are still downstairs next to the couch. Are we going to take your car or walk?"

"I'm not walking, I'll drive us to my house and we can walk from there."

"Okay." Her voice is full of joy as she opens her bedroom door. We walk down the stairs to the living room, I slip my feet into my combat boots and head out of the door with my little doll in tow.

As we walk to my car, I squint my eyes at the bright sun high in the sky.

"Hm... must be at least noon. get to wake up and eat, cool!" I think to myself.

As we walk up to my car parked at the curb, I reach into my jacket pocket and press the button on my key, luckily still in my pocket. I walk to the passenger door, opening it, playfully bowing my head, in a low whisper only loud enough for her to hear. "You are welcome mistress."

I look up to her with a toothy grin.

She reaches for my chin, pinching it it with her thumb.

"Oh, good, you still want to play. Your principal said you're with me for a week to show me around, so in that week I'm going to run a little test on your little... kinks."

My heart beat quickens as I stare into her eyes.

"What do you mean by that one dollllll." I roll my tongue in a teasing way.

"Place you palm in front of me."

I do as she asks, wanting to know where this goes.

"I made this and I want you to have it as some what of a... good luck charm."

I stare at a little bracelet, dark red and black in color.

"Thanks, sorry I don't get you anything."

"Don't worry bout it, put it on and lets go, I'm hungry."

She pushes my chin up as a sign to get moving, so I just go with the day as normal.

I get in my car, and go to school, just with apparently, my girlfriend.