

My whole body began to get unbelievably hot as I watch the girl I just met turn her back to me and slowly, almost painfully so, pulls the rim of her pants down past her hips, swaying them slowly. Its only when she slips her left foot through the leg of her pants do I truly take in the sight before me. As my eyes start to move from her feet to her hips, I bite the inside of my lip just to hold back my obscene comments. Her legs were a pale white, but just the right color, in the dusty light of the announcers booth, I could make out small patches of freckles trailing up her thighs and going past the bottom of her shirt. "So..... um..... what do you want me to do now?" I ponder this question for a quick second."Lock the door, then come sit on my lap." The half naked girl moves with such elegance it drives me mad. From the way she places her feet on the ground to the way her hips and ass sway as she walks. It was all just perfect. *click* My mind registers that sound being the lock on the door, I watch her stand there for a moment, taking a deep breath as she turns to me, meeting my gaze almost instantly. "Enjoying the view?" As I stare into those sky colored orbs, my mind just goes on auto pilot as the lust begins to take over. "The view is beautiful, let me get a closer look." I let those last few words roll off my tongue, as to at least try and sound sexy. As she walks closer to me, my mind begins to spring to lustful life. Never breaking eye contact, she steps right over my outstretched legs, slowly lowering herself until I could feel her weight on my thighs, but as we sit there, starring wistfully into each others eyes, my horrible reality make a crashing entrance. I knew I was forgetting something as I walked out of the house.

I can feel my body start to violently shake, and the lust that was in the air almost completely disappeared. I break eye contact as soon as the convulsions started, choosing to focus on her body, most importantly her shirt. "Hey.....are you alright? You're shaking really badly." With a broken voice I manage to choke out a half hearted answer so I could at least get the ball rolling in this situation. "Y...yea...you are just really be.....beautiful is all.....kinda caught me off guard. L.... lets get started b...before the bell goes off." I can feel her legs tighten around my own, she places her hand on my chin, bringing me back to eye contact. "You have anxiety, don't you honey." Her words put me into a trance, I don't even realize I'm speaking until the words pass my lips. "Y...yea, amongst a few other th....things." "And do tell what those other things are my little emo Angel." I had only know this girl for a few hours, yet she was able the get me to spill everything and I didn't even realize. "A....ADHD.....bipolar di..... disorder... and sch...schizo...phrenia." I couldn't break eye contact, her eyes were starring back at me, and even though she was the one on my lap half naked, I felt completely exposed. "Do you take stuff for your disabilities?" The last word hurt, but it hurt more coming from the girl on my lap, but I don't know why it did. "Y...yes." "When was the last time you took them?" I couldn't control the anxiety once I heard her question, the flood gates had opened and I was about to ruin the one chance I had to get with this girl. I started to hyperventilate, my eyes began to water and throughout foggy eyes I could see the change in Cats eyes from lust to worry, and it only made me go deeper down the rabbit hole than I already wanted to. "I.....I'm s....s..orry." it was the only thing I could choke out before I shut my eyes and let the tears just flow as I let my anxiety take over my body. I wrapped my arms around her waist, trying to get as much relief as I could before my brain overloaded itself. I placed my head on her shoulder, repeating the one thing I was able to chock out. "I'm..... s.orry .... I... I'm.... so.... sorry." I told her in that position for what felt like forever, but it was only when I felt her hand brush my cheek, my body completely stopped as I listened to her words. "Shhh, just breath, it'll be ok, just breath." with every word she spoke, I could feel my breath come back to me, my body slowly stopped shaking. "No one has ever been able to calm me down once I was that far into a panic attack." This was the only thought that went through my head as I felt my heart slow to to a normal pace, but the only words that could escape my mouth, the same sentence I could only say while I was freaking out. "I'm..... sorry." My voice was dry and flat, my throat felt dry with every word I choked out. "It was....n't supposed to end like th...is." I move my arms from around her waist and let them fall loosely to her hips. Feeling her warm skin with my hands, I still haven't moved my head from its position. I continue to caress her legs, enjoying the possession I found myself in, the only noise that I could hear was her soft breathing in my ear. "If this isn't what you had in mind, what was flowing through it my darling?" I sat still for a brief moment, letting her words sink in, but instead of a verbal response, I gave her a reaction. Barely moving my head from its position, I pepper her neck with light kisses. As she hums in delight, moving her head to the right so her neck was more accessible, I slowly start to move up and down her neck, placing a little kiss every so often. My hands weren't idle as I began to rake my nails down her pale thighs, leaving red trails down her exposed legs. Then it happened: Ding... Ding.... Ding... I stop my movements but I don't pull away from her. In a low toned voice I speak up,"The bell just rung. what do you want to do?" I sit in silence, awaiting her answer. After a short minute of silence, my answer is what I get. In a somewhat drunk voice, she speaks at such a low tone that again I have to strain to hear. "keep.....going..." That was all I needed to continue, but instead of butterfly kisses on her neck, I bit down, not to hard, just enough to bring out the voice of my partner. "Nghaaa mmmmm." Her voice was like a symphony in my ears, and it was at the first instance of hearing her beautiful voice that I became addicted to it. I continue to bite and nibble on her neck as my left hand moves under her shirt to squeeze her left breast, my right moves to her peach shaped Ass. "You didn't wear a bra today, what a naughty girl." I whisper into her ear, nibbling on her ear after my words escape my lips. As I move along her collar bone, nipping and kissing her delicate skin, I feel her hips start to grind on my lap. I shift my left leg up slightly, catching her off guard. My leg landed perfectly in between her legs. Now as she grinds on my leg, I can feel just how wet she is through my slim pants. Its amazing what little things you notice about how a person acts. With just a slight pinch of her nipple she arches her back ever so slightly, the way her breathing catches in her throat as I bite down on her skin, or even how every movement she makes while under my manipulation is so elegant she reminds me of a porcelain doll, delicate to the touch. I move my right hand to the inside of her left leg, placing my hand on the very edge of her underwear. I teasingly move my fingers around her burning core, her grinding had stopped nearly completely. She thrust her hips ever so slightly just as i pull my fingers away. "Her breathing was completely labored, my teasing was driving her mad, I wonder how far I can bring her to the edge." I think to myself, but I got my answer with that came out of her mouth. "Pl.... please stop being a..... a tease." Her voice was so light, so filled with lust, I could barely control myself. I pepper tiny kisses up her neck as I once again make it to her ear, "have I turned you yet? Are you my little porcelain doll?" I ask this out of lust but also out of curiosity. "You..... you didn't need..... to.... I already knew wh.... who you were..... I.....pl.... planned this...." I stopped almost completely, having my fingers dance around her heated core, never giving her the contact she desired, maybe even needed, ready to respond to what she just said, but decided to save my questions for later. "Well then, I'm pleased to hear that, but answer my second question. if you answer right, I may give you a..... reward." As I finish my sentence, I run my index finger up the fabric that is preventing her from what she truly wanted, her sweet release. She shivers at my touch, but I don't wait for an answer this time. Just as I hear her answer start to slip past her lips, my onslaught on her body continued as I slipped her underwear to the side and drove my middle finger into her core, moving it ever so slowly, earning a moan that I would remember for a life time. It was only when I lift her shirt past her breast did I remember where we were. I place her shirt in her mouth, "You can't be so loud my little doll, or is that all apart of your plan?" I could feel her tightening around my finger, she was so close just from this, but I wasn't going to let her finish, not yet. I began kissing my way down her body, moving my finger in and out of her to the rhythm I placed each kiss on her skin. She begins arching her back to allow my to get to her breasts. Now that they're in front of my eyes, I can see that they're just the right size, not to big, not to small. As I feel her hands grip my ankles, I place my mouth on her right nipple, sucking and nibbling as I move my remaining hand to her other breast, massaging it to the same rhythm as my finger. Even though her mouth was half heartedly gagged, I could hear every moan that escaped her beautiful lips, every word she choked out, but the one word I focused on was "faster." The second I made out this word, my pace quickened, I bit and sucked harder and my middle finger arched inside of her, but it was when I added my index finger to the fray, did my wildest fantasy come to life. it was when my index finger passed her entrance, arched its way into the rhythm of my other finger did I realize just how close she truly was. With a heart stopping moan, a thrust of her hips, and the slight movement of my thumb pressing her clit, did she finally get her release, but it wasn't what I was expecting. I felt a splash of liquid on my hand and lap, then another, and as i looked down at her most private of areas, what was happening hit me like a bus. "Holy shit she's a squirter!" My mind focuses on this thought as I slow my hand, letting her ride the euphoria like a pleasant dream. Her shirt falls from her mouth, a dark stain clearly visible on the fabric, it resting on the top of her breasts. The only sound in that announcers box was the sound of her panting. I could feel the wetness from her juices start to flow down my thighs. We sat there, is silence, listening to each other breath. I didn't know how to start up a conversation even if I wanted to, my brain didn't have the capacity to form words, or even thoughts. I felt at peace, like nothing bad could happen to me, not anymore. It wasn't until she said the first word that I was brought back to reality.

"What does this make us?" I froze. My fantasy world was stalled by this one question. I thought about our relationship, I've only known this chick for a few hours, thinking about it most of the day is probably gone, but what to do, what to say, so I just said the first things that escaped my lips.

"You're my porcelain doll. You're the new girl here, so I understand if a romantic relationship is off the table, if possible something that I want, but I'm ok being friends and getting to know each other first to build up to that. regardless of our relationship, you're my porcelain doll, if you have any problems, or any questions you can come to me. In the end, it is all up to you what we are romance wise."

With the end of my answer, I could feel her whole body relax, I wonder what's going on in her head. It took her a minute to answer, but her answer came with a bit of interest.

"What time is it?"

I look up past the girl on my lap to a small round click on the wall.


"Do it again."

My eyes shift to look into her gaze. A small smile crept over my face.

"First a question."

"Ask away."

"What are you kinks little doll."

I reach up and grabbed her chin, pinching it slightly with my index finger and thumb. I watched as a fine shade of red creep across her face, but she held my gaze.


"Answer first."

" Switch and exhibitionist, only two you get for now."

"Why only two?

"Ah ah, answer first."

I smirk at this little act.

"Because those are on my list of kinks. My very long list."

I instantly regretted that choice of words.

"Oh, so you're a switch. interesting."

With those words I was stunned by what happened next. Cat grabbed my hand and forced it to my chest. With her other hand she grabbed my throat, forcing my head to the wall. Reaction jumped in and I grabbed her arm, but I couldn't release her grip. The way she grabbed me, it took away all of my strength, the way my breath is getting caught in my throat, the force she did it, it all made my body numb to the touch. Again she had taken away my ability to think an act, but I begged her with my eyes to keep going, I needed this, it had been so long since a release, but as I looked into her eyes, I didn't see the pure lust, I saw dominate fire. Those blue orbs turned red with power and lust. The only thing I could choke out as I felt her grip on my throat tighten, the only word I could think of in this very moment, "Pl...ease."

She chuckled. But it wasn't a normal chuckle, it was seductive, but is sounded like something else, something primal, like the sound a hyena makes before jumping onto prey. This one chuckle, this little sound both scared me and had me waiting for her next move. I melted into her gaze, all I could see was her, and all i could feel was her hand around my throat. All I wanted was more