

All my life, I was looking for something, something that could take the pain away, to make my life bearable, but as I stare into the Cats eyes, I realize I wasn't looking for something, but someone. Deep in my heart, I realize she was all I needed, that she was my haven in this hell, the light at the end of the tunnel.

"Same rules apply, now be a good girl and take your tank top off, you don't have a bra on so this is an easy task for you."

"Come on Cat. W-we have school in like..... a few hours....we n-need...."

My voice was forced back into my throat as Cat moved her right hand around it, squeezing. She leans up inches from my face, she spoke her words

"My dear girl, do you really think defiance will stop me?" She smirks, biting my lower lip. I attempt a moan but it comes out as a weak gasp.


"Are you going to obey now my darling?"


She releases her grip on my throat, again just slightly.

"Yes what?"

"Y....yes m-mistress."

My heart begins to race as I say those words. Cat stares at me, that same primal fire burns in her eyes.

"Good girl. Now that you have decided to.... play, do as I instructed earlier. Take your shirt off."

I hesitate, but only for a moment before I slip the straps of my tank top down my shoulders and leaving it to rest just under my breast.

She chuckles at my action.

"That's not what I meant but it'll do." She reaches down towards my waist. I hear her undo my belt, slipping it off of my waist.

"Now remove your cloths from your body and slide to the top of my bed."

She finally releases my throat completely as she slides off of me. I lay there for a moment, taking in full breaths. Once my breath has returned to me I hook my fingers into my pants and tank top, sliding my cloths down my legs, but as I slip them off of my feet i'm reminded of something, and my body is light to flames, not in lust but embarrassed.

"Pfff, you wore a G-string." She begins to laugh. As I listen to her, I feel every inch of my skin turn red. My heart started to beat a thousand times faster as I again lost my breath, but there was no hand around my throat, the air just kept getting stuck in my chest. I stare at her, trying to push my knees as far into my chest as possible, not able to cover myself as completely as I wanted, if at all.

She looks up at me, still chuckling, but as our eyes meet she falls silent, seeing the position I was in she crawls closer to me placing her hand on my cheek, "Hey, hey, hey, I was only teasing."

Her words were sincere, calming. I slowly slide my legs away from my chest. "I.....I picked I-it out for you... D-do you like it?" I didn't need to wait for an answer as she lunges at me, placing her lips onto mine. She waste no time in prying my lips open and sticking her tongue down my throat. I moan into her mouth as I feel a hand grip my left breast. She pulls away, her hand never stopping its massaging of my breast.

"You look beautiful. I'm sorry I laughed at you, it just caught me by surprise, but now that you're down to your underwear, lay on you back and place your hands above your head."

Again I hesitate, my mind running wild with what might happen next. My mind rushes to thoughts of my scares that accumulated over the years, the fresh cuts that were ripped open and the bruising I received earlier that day.

"Why are you not moving to where I told you?" Her voice harsh. Intimidating. Beautiful.

I don't say anything, I just look down, again raising my knees slightly to try and block my stomach from being seen.

Without an answer, Cat reaches over to the bed side table, opening the one drawer, I don't see what she pulls out, but it is soon placed into my view.

"Put this on."

Cat hands me a crimson colored sleep mask. As I grab it, I feel how soft it is. "It feels like silk," I think to myself.

"C-can you turn around till I'm in position. Please."

She looks at me with a look of acceptance. She turns her body away from me.

I place the mask over my eyes as I slide on to my back. I place my hands over my head before speaking. "I'm r-ready m-mistress."

With that I feel her body move to face me. I feel her move back on top of me as the bed drops slightly. I couldn't see, but I knew she was starring at my stomach, just like earlier.


I feel a light touch over my ribs where most of the bruising was.

"Who did this to you?"

Her voice dripped with anger. I couldn't bring myself to answer.

"You will tell me about what happened later, understood."

I simply nod my head. It was then that I felt my belt wrap around my wrists, binding them together, unable to move. Once my hands were secure, I feel a tug on the belt, my knuckles hit her head board.

"Pull your hands."

It was a strange demand, but I obeyed. Soon I found out what was happening, cause once I pulled once, the slack in the belt tightened as I pulled against the head board. My hands barely moving from their position.

"Good, the knot will hold. Now we can start."

I feel her hot breath hit my ear. She whispers softly, "Remember darling, hold your tongue." With that her onslaught on my body began.

She bites down on my neck, almost hard enough to break the skin, sucking on that one spot as both of her hands harshly grab my breasts. She pinches and pulls my nipples, trying to force me voice to come out of my lips, but as much as I wanted to scream, I stayed silent.

Unable to see, unable to move and unable to speak, all I can do is squirm under her touch as my mouth is held open in a silent scream. It was only when she removed her mouth from my neck that her ravaging of my breasts slowed, but her mouth doesn't stay idle for long. She moves her right hand south, softly sliding it down my stomach, keeping her fingers just above my core. in replacement of her hand came her mouth, instantly biting down on and pulling my right nipple, doing the same act with her left hand. Again I'm forced into a silent scream as my body shakes in un-seeing anticipation.

My voice finally breaks as her hand that was waiting to spring into action finally does. She slips one of her slender fingers into my core, moving it at a painfully slow pace.

"C-caaaat....." I moan her name, it being the only word floating through my mind. Her fingers pace quickens, again pushing me into a silent scream. My body feels like its on fire, her onslaught on my breast and core slowly bringing me to the edge. I wanted to scream, let my voice go, but I don't know what Cat would do if I did. I feel her mouth release my breast with a pop.

"Yes my darling."

I feel her finger speed up again. I arch my back ready to explode when all the sudden she stops her movements all together.

"P-pl..... ease...."

"I don't know what you're asking for darling." Her voice was laced with joy and lust. On contrast my voice quivered in my throat.

"C-can I c-cum m-mistress?"

I feel her grip on my breast release, only for my throat to be gripped by that same hand.

"I don't think so darling... Not yet."

I feel my heart quicken, trying to anticipate what she was going to do to me.

"Oh, you're heart beat is getting fast. Excited are we?"

I feel her weight shift forwards, pushing me further into the bed, cutting off my ability to breath once again.

Her finger begins to move again, but she soon presses another into my core. As I open my mouth to moan, she forces it back by pushing her tongue into my mouth. What little strength I have I use to with my tongue, but it was all in vain as Cat adds a third finger to her pounding.

I couldn't take it, the inability to see, the suffocating pressure on my throat, Cats tongue expertly exploring my mouth, the way her fingers ruthlessly pounded me were too much, but again, she pulled away just as I was about to fall into ecstasy.

She breaks our kiss, pulling each of her fingers out of me one at a time as she uses my throat to push herself upright.

My body shakes violently, pleading with the girl on top of me to continue, to allow it the sweet release its been denied twice now.

"You're so close, aren't you. So close you would scream at any little touch...." She again pinches and pulls my nipples, but still I stay silent. "Even after all of this you still hold your tongue, what a good girl. Do you want your reward my darling?"

My breaths are labored, but I answer the best I could.

"P-p-pl...ease mistress, let m-me cum."

"No darling, I'm not going to make you cum, I'm going to make you scream." Cats voice completely taken over by lust, she rams three of her fingers back into me as she bites down on my left nipple. Pushing her left hand up and around my throat squeezing tight my voice finally is broken from its cage, but even as I screamed her name after every moan and every gasp, her pace never slowed until for the first time I feel my juices shoot out of me like an unkinked water hoes.

As I squirt onto my dolls arm and bed, I shake in ecstasy finally getting my release. I feel her grip around my throat loosen completely as she pulls the sleeping mask from over my eyes, I squint into the light. As my vision begins to focus on the girl on top of me, I see her licking my fluids off of her arm, small moans escape past her outstretched tongue.

"You taste absolutely wonderful, both inside and out. I didn't think you were a squirter, but my how beautiful you look when you do."

I try to move so I could return the favor of such a mind blowing orgasm, but found myself tied to the bed.

"Fucking untie me."

"Such vulgar language from someone who could barely speak a moment ago." She leans in close to me. "Do I need to take that voice away permanently." We stare into each others eyes for a second before I feel a familiar digit slide back into me. As I gasp, Cat pinches my tongue in between her pointer and middle finger. My mouth begins to water as I feel familiar digit slide into my most sensitive area.

"My my, look at how docile you become once I give you what you need. Just a little pressure here..." I feel her finger brush past one of my G spots. "Or here....." Again she hits another. She moves closer to my face. "Or here....." I couldn't stand her onslaught I was already sensitive enough from what she just did to me and she's just being a fucking tease but God Fuck it feels so good!!!!!" I scream to myself. "I can see it in your eyes, that tingle, the lust. Everything you haven't had in sooooo long, and I'm going to give it to you. Just really really slowly, not because I want to, but...." She pulls my tongue forcing me close to her. "But because you want me to." She lets go of my tongue with a wet snap, but then she begins to slide off of me.

"W-where are you going?" I ask with curious anticipation in my voice, as she slides off the bed and makes her way towards a bathroom.

"To get your reward my darling. Now be a good girl and spread your legs for your mistress."

I could see where this was leading to, and I had started this being defiant, so I might as well keep with it. My voices quivers as I speak the word that I knew I would both love and regret.

I wait for her to enter the bathroom before speaking. "N-no."

"What did you just say. I don't think I heard you the first time. Do you mind repeating it." It was only when I hear a buzzing noise click on and off did I realize what she walked in there to get, but I continue my defiance.

"N-no!" I make my voice a little higher, quivering as I try to hold on to the act I was clearly playing.

"You have until the count of three to change that answer."

I hear her foot steps begin to walk closer to me.


I see her walk over to the table next to me and grab something out of it, facing me once she grabs what she needed that was out of my vision due to my position.


She then walks out of my sight again headed back towards the end of the bed, her foot step keep going though but I am unable to see where.


All I hear is a click and then for a second time, I am blind to the world. It happened so fast it startled me for a second, but I keep the act.

"What you think the dark and a toothbrush can break me, try again."

As I try to listen for her foot steps to indicate any type of movement, but I'm left waiting, but after a few moments I have to speak again. My voices shacking slightly.

"Y-you're still in here, right cat, c-cause that w-would be a mean j-joke."

Almost on queue I hear a door slam. I almost jump out of my skin.

"Yes my darling, I'm still here. I just wanted you to..... hear something."

My eyes widen. I didn't hear her steps, how is she that quiet. I had no idea where she was in the room. She really does like to play games.

It was only as I felt something rake its way up my body did I know what kind of game she was truly playing.

"What is that?". I ask as I feel it lift from off my body.

"You'll find out soon enough."

I feel whatever she is using slide up the bottom if my foot.

"I-if you were just going to poke and scratch me, you could've left the light on."

I feel her warm breath on my left ear.

"But then you would see what I have in store for you and that would ruin the fun."

I shiver at her words.

"Well could you hurry up, its kinda cold and I'm basically naked."

" Oh, you're cold....." I see a flash of light. I feel the heat from the little flame just inches from my face. "Lets heat you up then."