

*Mia's point of view*

I open my eyes, staring into the darkness of my room. I roll onto my back, popping it a few times as I stretch, but then I notice something missing from my room. "Where's Cat?" I whisper to myself. I sit up from my bed, looking in the direction of the wide open door. I hear footsteps echo down the hall, but when the footsteps stop, and my lights flick on, I feel my blood boil.

"Oh you're finally awake, good. Now I can give you your present." Jasmine Coy says with a smile.

I quickly swing my legs off my bed, jumping up and moving towards the unwanted menace. "Get the fuck out of my house you....BANG!!!" I stare at Coy as the sound of the gun rings through my ears. I look down, feeling the blood pour out of my chest as my legs give way, forcing me to the ground. I stare up at Jasmine as she walks closer to me, my hand firmly on my chest as I try and keep the crimson liquid from escaping the burning hole.

"Poor little Mia, you just had to ruin MY fun by bringing the new girl into your circle, and now I'm going to have to RIP her away from you."

Coy says before placing the barrel of the gun on my forehead. "But dont worry, I'm going to make it nice and slow, just so you can suffer when I take your little doll away." Just as she pulls the trigger, I look past the gun, past my enemy standing in front of me, to look at Cat standing in the doorway, but it wasn't my doll standing there, it was just another nightmare. Holes in her eyes and chest as blood leaks from a gaping wound in her neck, but before I can say anything, the shot rings through my brain as my eyes once again open, bringing me back to the same darkness i first saw in my nightmare. I flex my arm, feeling the soft flesh of my little doll as I listen to her soft breathing.

I dont know how much time had passed with me laying there in silence, breathing in her intoxicating smell as I hold her tight, but as my room begins to brighten I know the day is about to begin. I close my eyes, wanting to stay like this forever, laying in bed with my little doll in my arms, but I knew reality would soon break me from my dream, so I just lay there, enjoying myself in the simple pleasure of Cats hair.

"Why does she smell like vanilla, and why do I love it so much!?" I think as I take in another deep breath."God you smell so good." I hum in delight as I exhale. I glance across the room to the tiny digital clock the sits on my dresser. "5:22. Hmm, it's still early." I think. I feel Cat shift in my arms, a soft moan escaping her lips. "You're adorable." I think to myself. "When should I wake you up though? You don't have any clothes, and you might want to take a shower, or you might want something for breakfast." I think. As I lay there and think of what waffles we had in the fridge, my mind flashes to yesterday, my core instantly setting fire. "You just had to remember yesterday didn't you you fucking idiot, you're supposed to be thinking of Cat." I curse myself but then I have the perfect idea on HOW I should wake up my little doll.

I slowly slide my right hand up Cat's stomach lightly caressing her flesh with the tips of my fingers, brushing past each rib until I reach her right breast, lightly brushing the soft mound of skin, electing another small moan from her lips. "I wonder how far I can go before she wakes up." I think as I lightly massage her breast, feeling her squirm in my arms. I feel a sly grin creep over my lips as my left hand works it's way down her squirming midsection. I lean forward, nibbling on her ear as I slip my fingers pass the fabric of her jeans, the tips of my middle and index fingers float just above the soft fabric of her panties. "You know she might get mad about this. Yea so what, if I get a punishment for this then it's so worth it." I argue with myself as I move my other hand to pinch and pull on her nipple. "She's one hell of a sleeper, i wonder if she wakes up before my alarm goes off." My grin widening as i hear more soft moans break through her lips. I press my waiting fingers onto her burning core. "Wow, wet already?!" I think in gleeful lust sliding them up and down her lips as soft moan become low pants as Cat squirms even more in my arms.

Sliding my left leg in between her thick thighs, I slowly pry them open just enough for my hand to move fully into position above her burning core.

"So you have two options here...."A voice says that isn't mine.

"And what would those be, I'd love your opinion right now." I ask before biting down onto the soft skin of Cats neck, bringing yet another moan from her lips.

"You can stop and wait till after school, or you can keep going and not get anything till the end of the week. It's your choice." Cat's monotone voice echoes through the fading darkness.

I hold my position, thinking over my two choices.

Sighing in defeat, I shift both of my knees to rest between Cat and my stomach. "I'm guessing this is you blue balling me for stopping the orgy so I'm just going to make this punishment worth my time. Time for school MISTRESS!" I yell, kicking Cat off the bed and onto the the dimly lit floor, her voice bouncing off of the walls in a loud scream followed by a loud thud. I sit up, flinging my legs over the edge of the bed as I stand. I keep my eyes fixed on the dark mass in the middle of my floor as I walk to my door, flicking on the lights as I quickly open the door.

"I'll wait for you outside, so get dressed I wanna get to school early tooooo.... show you around." I say pulling the door shut behind me.

I walk into the kitchen, flicking on the white light I slide my feet across the tiled floor to the fridge, prying the door open so I can look inside.

"Mom didn't buy any apples." I say closing the fridge, moving to the cabinet above my head. "Maybe she bought the pineapple like I asked." grabbing the tiny nob I open the little door, and to my delight the entire cabinet space was filled with sliced pineapple cans. "Thank you breakfast." I sigh, grabbing a few cans of pineapply goodness, opening one expertly with just my left hand, balancing the other two in my right.

"The money in the bank will come in handy if anything happens, I know Coy's going to be waiting and she might be there already." I walk out of the kitchen to the table of sex toys Cat set up during my wonderful torment just twelve hours ago. Sitting the two unopened cans next to my collection off toys, moving them towards the other end of the table. "On the other hand she might wait for the spectacle and have a little respect for Cat." I say taking a ring of golden goodness from its silver prison, holding it just above the opening so the juice drips from the bottom. "You are the fruit of the gods, and I am thankful." I pray before folding the slice, taking half of it into my mouth. "Ooooh, the gods fuck you're good!" I moan, quickly scarfing down the other half of the pineapple. "But the question stands, do I drive or walk. Driving gets us there faster but walking gives Cat and I some time to talk." I grab my backpack from the floor next to the table, placing the two unopened cans inside the bag. "So what's the plan if the worst comes to pass?" I question myself. "Defuse the situation and get Cat away from her." I zip my backpack up, quickly swinging it over my shoulder and walking to the front door. "Ok but what if that doesn't work, what then?" I open the door, walking outside. "Do we run or fight?" I look up, finding the usual pinks and purples of the morning sunrise replaced by a stale grey. "Rain. Guess the gods don't want me to worry today." I pull the last slice of pineapple from its can, shoving it down my throat while I walk down the little path to the end of my driveway. I stop in my normal place, downing the golden liquid left in the empty can. "But do we fight or run?" I ponder, staring at the grey metal bottom of the can where my precious fruit once rested.

"Should I lock your door!" Cat yells, breaking me from trance.

"Yea!" I yell not looking away from my empty can. "This has always been an easy one, why can't I come to an answer now?" I growl.

"What was that, I couldn't hear you?"

"HOLY SHIT!!" I scream, throwing the can into the air, Cat's laughter following immediately after as the sound echoes down the empty street.

"Don't do that!" I quietly yell, taking the first few steps of my familiar journey.

"You scare way to easily for someone of your...." Cat moves her hand up and down, gesturing to all of me. "Nature."

"I may be a violent person but I'm still a person, I'm not void of normal human emotions." I poke my index finger into Cat's side, forcing a small chuckle from her lips.

"Okay... okaay!" Cat chuckles while I continue to poke her side.

I stop poking her, dropping my arms to swing at my sides as I walk. "Do you like tacos?"

"Pfff, what?" Cat chuckles.

"Tacos. Do you like them?"

"I don't eat meat, but i do like fish tacos."

"Don't tell me you're a snobby vegan." I say, slight disgust in my voice.

"Theres a difference from being vegan and being a vegetarian."

"And what exactly is the difference? They seem like the same thing to me."

"Vegans dont eat any animal products, vegetarians just don't eat meat." Cat explains.

"But fish is meat."

"No it's not, its fish. Meat is red and bloody."

"But it comes off of an animal. How can you say it's not a meat. Meat is flesh, and flesh is life." I say raising my fist to the air.

"You're a dork."

"Yes, but....." I say as I lean down, placing a small kiss on her soft lips, forcing both of us to stop in our tracks. I pull away from Cat, staring into her sky blue eyes. "I'm your dork."

"Shut up." Cat says pushing past me, a light shade of crimson crossing her cheeks.

I chuckle to myself as I walk back to Cat's left side. "So your not a vegan?"

"No sweety."

"So can I still eat bacon, cause if I can't I don't see us lasting long."

"You're going to end a relationship over bacon?"

"Bacon is the ducktape of all food stuffs, so yes." I say plainly.

"Well I guess we're over then cause I dont wanna kiss you and taste greasy meat."

I stop walking, I look down at the ground. "I was only jokeing. You know I really wouldn't end it over something stupid like bacon right?" My voice cracking slightly. Cat stops a few feet ahead of me, turning to speak.

"Mia don't be ridiculous I know you're joking." She says.

"Ok good. I um, I want to make this one thing clear." I feel a knot start to form in my throat. "I'm not crazy or obsessive or whatever you're going to hear cause this is technically your first whole day so...." My constant staring at the sidewalk was finally broken by call Cat's beautiful eyes instantly locking into my sight.

"Mia what's wrong?" Cat asks, hints of worry in her words.

"People are going to tell you some shit about me that....."

"We already had this conversation, if anyone tries to tell me anything about you I'm to ask you about what I was told."

"Yea but it's not that simple." The growing knot in my throat was making it hard to speak.

"It's pretty simple." Cat says.

I look away from Cat. "I know you're going to ask questions, and I know Coy's going to try and put you through the same hell as me, Cat...." I force myself to stare back into her beautiful eyes. "I don't want you getting hurt because of me."

"Jasmine Coy wont put her hands on me if that's what you're worrying about."

"You can't really think that. You saw what's she does to me. She's pure fucking evil!" My voice raising to a low yell.

"Mia..." I feel Cat's hand graze my left cheek. "I'm going to be fine, so let's keep walking." Cat says, her voice calming the worry that was growing in my throat.

I take in a deep breath. "Ok, but if she approaches you walk away!" I growl.

"Duely noted." Cat says grabbing my hand, pulling me behind her as we walked in relative silence, the sounds of the morning bugs and our shoes the only noise in the world around us.

*Cat's point of view*

"What am I going to do if Coy approaches me and Mia isn't around, I dont know how to fight!" I internally scream. I pull Mia close behind me as I listen to the tapping of our shoes on concrete. "I could talk my way out of an altercation, or I could just run." But as the school comes into my view my mind starts to slow the closer we get, I squeeze Mia's hand letting words slip freely from my lips. "Nothings going to happen to me and I wont let anything happen to you."