
C8 - Going home

"Knock-knock," Alex said standing at the door.

"Morning," Gabriella says happily.

"I brought some fruit for you." Alex puts the fruit basket on the side table and pulls a chair closer.

"Thank you," Gabriella says sincerely.

"I was waiting for your call last night," Alex teased.

Gabriella blushed a bit and fiddles with her fingers that are no longer black. Alex took her hands for closer inspection.

"I am no expert, but it looks like you will be keeping these."

Gabriella grew intensely shy at Alex's touch. She finally gets to talk to this handsome guy that never noticed her before. They chatted about this and that but no mention of what happened to her. Three hours flew by without them noticing. The nurses and two doctors came into the room to do the shift handover. Alex is shocked to see that it is 8 am. "Buzz me if you need anything," he said squeezing her hand before leaving.