
Bringing Anime Into Other Worlds: Supreme Anime Omniverse System

" Bring Anime Into other words. That is your job, Arthur." Was the last thing Arthur Von Nikolaevich Romanova Volkov, heard upon losing his consciousness. " I'll do It." He said, happy to be of use for such a Noble and Holy cause. And so a Legend was birthed from the many-many enemies and lovers Arthur created to get where he is. ~~ ---[ I own nothing, except my own creations]--- ---[∆Tags∆: DnD • Total War-Warhammer • Fate Grand Order • Azur Lane • Sword Art Online • League Of Legends • Naruto • Bleach • Dragon Ball/Z/GT • Highschool DXD • Genshin Impact • Honkai Impact 3 • Fire Emblem ]--- ~~

HolyEroGod · Cómic
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5 Chs

Chapter 2: Short Dream & New Day

A black, endless void

That's all I can see as I floated around in the abyss. A loud roar was heard in the distance from a creature of unknown origins.

I stared off into the void, with a carefree smile, flowing through and out of something that is water-like.

However, soon I can hear a calm yet serious beautiful mature female voice, blowing In my ears.

" A Samurai follows what is known as Bushido, seven principles or virtues every Samurai Warrior should live by and never stray from: Rectitude, Courage, Benevolence, Politeness, Veracity, Honor, and Loyalty."

" To expand on this, the Samurai Warrior, holds loyalty, courage, veracity, compassion, and honor as important, above all else, has an appreciation and respect of life, and is deadly in combat and yet so gentle and compassionate with children and the weak. They strive for enlightenment for good judgment, personal growth, and self-awareness, and practices some type of martial art skill or something that helps him or her develop physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually."

" Furthermore, they use Death as his or her advisor not his or her enemy. They seek to understand the phrase, "Know thyself!". They seek communal and family relationships and understand the role of the servant and the Master. Lastly: Failure to uphold this code, the Samurai is tasked with taking his or her own life. So remember: Live the way a Samurai would. And Family above anything else. That is our way, little bro."

In a hazy white mist, I can see a beautiful young girl around 14-16 years old, with magnificent blue eyes and light pink hair, fazing In and out of my senses. Now and then, she would be Kenjutsu practicing and others getting really drunk, wearing a lot of blue and red.

' Huh... She looks that one person from... from...from...Gods not again.' Having the name on my lips, I sighed at my bad memory lost, since Transmigrating Into this new world and life of mine, the only thing I know from my past is I was Successful In life and was a huge Otaku of sorts, with knowledge about what I read and watched from my past life In a haze. Some I know more of and the others not so much.


" And I'm up," I said, upon seemly snatched out of my dreams with a start.

" That's our way, little bro..." Yawning and playing with the last word my seemly past big sister said to me, I smiled,' Huh... At least I know "I" had family back In "my" old word.' That's a good to think to know If I happen to make it back there.


Slowly, I looked at my window, that is housing a simple black crow with black eyes, eyeing me up and down, carrying a little sliver Triple Moon necklace around Its neck.


Cawing, the crow flapped its wings and appeared on my lap. However this time, It now has two sliver Triple Moon necklaces, with one being the longer than the other.


Somehow understanding the black crow, I asked," The bigger necklace is mine?"


" Can I have the other?"


" So now two caws for: Yes, and one for: No?"


" Mhm~ Smart one you are~"


" Shameless as well, you are~"


" Yes, you are."


Huffing away, the black crow flapped Its wings and disappeared, Into the night.

" That was one smart crow." I hummed glancing at three full moons through my window.

' Huh... This World has three moons. Neat.' Rubbing my eyes, I got off my bed and yawned.

" Let's get some practice In." Yawning out once more, I grabbed my homemade wooden bokken, "I" got for my last birthday from Artoria and left.

Making my way downstairs, I rubbed my sleepy eyes and took off to the backyard, In a lazy-like manner.

I say backyard, but It's more like a mini forest with tall green trees surrounding a large plot of grass, enough room for two teams of three to have a full-on sparring match.

Basically, think of team 7 training grounds from Naruto and you'll have it.

" Fuuu~ Let's get to It~" Grinning ear-to-ear I got In an odd very familiar stance. A stance like it was drilled into me by someone or something from day one, from my Mother's body.

" Remember, every strike you deliver must be fast. Swift but clean. Strong but controlled. Do not lose your balance. It's a death sentence on the battlefield. Aim with accuracy. Do not miss and display any opening no matter what. Use the ground to support you." Soon I started hearing that strong and loving beautiful female voice. My past sister's voice, If I remember right.

" Set your foot properly, your back straight and firm. Used your hips to generate power. Struck with purpose. Your strike must be clean. Your strike must be swift. Your strike must be fast. Your strike must be accurate."

" Focus! Do not let your mind wander! Focus on your target! Clear your mind! Your sword is a part of you! It is the extension of your limbs! Control it! Just like you control your legs and hands! It moves as you will!"

Performing sword slashes and cuts with a bokken, I rises my eyebrow, feeling myself get more faster and cleaner.

And hearing my 'Sensei' I changed my stance. After delivering a downward swing I then performed an uppercut slash and a vertical swing again. I kept my body straight as best as I could despite being uncomfortable as I wasn't used to the somewhat new stance. Though after six or seven repeats I began to perform each move more easily.

It was as if my body knew how to act, as if it already had the memory of the movements. It just had forgotten and needed to remember them.

It was a very strange sensation but, I didn't truly mind it.

" When you strike make sure your attacks are delivered with the intent to kill. Make sure they are fatal for your opponent. Each strike must have the intent to bring them down. Do not hesitate. Aim to kill."

" If your attacks are not strong enough then use your whole body, control your weight, as long you keep your balance secured, all of your attacks have the potential to be lethal. If your defense is not strong enough then use the ground, the earth is immovable, as long your stance is firm your defense will be like a fortress."


Slashing a falling leaf through, I hummed In thought,' I'm missing something.' Missing something Indeed. At my hip, I feel an odd space empty, as If something should be there.

' Swords? Two more swords?' I hummed remembering my past big sister, possessing three katanas.

' I'll ask Artoria later and so If she can make me two more bokkens then.'

{" Entertainment, what was that technique you just performed?"} My black katana at my hip asked curiously.

{" You tell me. I have no idea."}

{" Mhm... For once In a long time: I have no idea either."} Yawning, she then added:{" Wake me when you need me. Other than that, let me sleep."}

{" Hai-Hai."}

{" Mhm."}

" Arthur, what are you doing at this hour?" Hearing Artoria's sleepy voice behind me, I smiled.

Spinning on my heel to her, I answered," Practicing~"

" At the Seventh bell?" She asked.

" Mhm~ Yes." Keeping time in this world goes like this: First Bell=Sunrise, Second Bell=Morning, Third Bell=Noon, Fourth Bell=Afternoon, Fifth Bell=Evening, Sixth Bell=Night. Seventh Bell=Midnight. Easy right~?

" Go to bed." She yawned, looking Into my eyes.

" Can't."

" What do you mean you can't?" She inquired with a raised eyebrow.

" I just can't. I already tried a few times. So I gave up and started Practicing In hopes I can make myself sleepy."

" Follow me." Shaking her head, she slightly smiled and pulled me along with her.

...Into her room that three times big as mine with a bed that could fit six people.

Pulling me on the bed with her, she softly plopped my head on her big soft, and warm breasts. Following this, she then started humming an odd tone that made me tired, while petting my hair, as If I was the most precious thing to her.

An odd feeling, I quite like.


Slowly but surely both brother and sister fell asleep In each other's embrace.

A beautifully cute scene, If one were to see It.