
Chapter 1| Bring me to Horizon

lLocation: the town of Crest fall in the kingdom of Lion Heart.

within the low walls of this town, unique silence dominates this town and normally towns are often filled with players, but this one was different. if you go out at night this is would be the setting you'll see, a loosely guarded city, almost the insides were pitch-dark, creepy creaking sounds of metal hinges, such silence that the sound of dropping a single coin on the ground could be heard through-out the whole town.

the town was located directly south of the Main city of Lion Heart, approximately 10 000 kilometers, thats why most players did not bother entering this remote town. Even if somebody picks this town as their primary respawn point everybody would just turn around and scrams out because of creeps.

rumors say it was filled with ghosts, others say it was empty, even the Experts would say that the town was cursed by great evil. Since then nobody came to this isolated Town monsters can spawn freely and nobody was there to reduced their numbers even by one then they entered the town to play of course with some villagers.

One night when the monsters run and play inside the town a player arrived unlike other players he looks like a walking stick due to his small build and thin limbs, he then sat at the town center which has a fountain for a bench, sat there for several minutes waving his hand in the air as if he was interacting with something after doing some weird patterns a unsheathed sword came of of nowhere then held it with both hands and unsheathed the sword then performed some sword slashes.

after doing them he slowly lit the lamps on the streets using his starter kit "Flint and Steel" until all of the the lamps in the city was lit up, then several shadowy figures arrived at the creaking gate, the gate could directly take you to the town center so immediately the unusual player immediately saw these figures but due to his poor identifying skill he could not discern what or whom entered the town.

~Clink~ ~Clank~

Several sound could be heard from the figures until they stepped into the light that the player lit up they revealed themselves as "Gnolls" a type of mob that has a body of hyenas but was walking on their hind legs and carried around crossbows with slight amount of poison on it, they also carry maces and daggers.

The player unsheathed his sword knowing that these creatures posses such threat to him, they were 7 knolls in total, half of them carry crossbows and the others carry mixed kinds of weapons. Currently the mentioned player was just level 0 and could not possibly defeat 7 knolls without his skills and techniques.

Suddenly he dashed and placed the sword on his shoulders the distance between him and the knolls was a freaking 20 meters but he was quick and when he was in front of one of the knoll he immediately delivered a heavy slash causing the knoll to be severed into half placing a -300 critical hit, then immediately pounced at the knoll next to the one the he sliced and pierced his sword on the other's head and pinning it to the ground causing instant death of -350 critical hit.

he continued his discriminating critical hit attacks until none of the 7 knolls remained breathing, this kind of handicraft could be only done by an expert even though the knoll's level was level 4 he killed then without a sweat. He then collected the loot that the knolls dropped, he successfully collected some copper coins, some Slightly poisonous arrows, and then a low-level mace, along with the small amount of Experience points he collected his level bar went about a quarter.

But when he was about sit again on the fountain a faint laughing sound was approaching slowly towards him from the wester gate then the laughs keeps getting louder and louder until he saw another batch of knolls but this time they looked a lot stronger than the ones he took care of, then he dashed again and dealt a killing blow and attacked quickly leaving no time for each knoll to get a breather he continued until he could easily behead each and everyone of them dealing a consistent damage of -300 damage to them.

after that he also did collect the spoils of his battle and sat down on the fountain, this time he killed 9 level 7 knolls and his level bar was only left a quarter to be filled, a smile appeared on his face but that smile dies out immediately this time the thing that he heard was gigantic footsteps, this time he could clearly see that it was gigantic even though he was not sure was it was.

footsteps continue to move towards his direction ~thump~ ~thump~ it goes, until he saw it, it was a gigantic creature who has two heads, and armed with a gigantic club, it was an Ogre even though it has a big body it's intellect is that of a child. So the mentioned player immediately took action, he picked some poisonous arrows from his bag and held them on one hand and the sword on the other, He then leaped and blocked the club with his sword and pierced the Ogre's eyes with the poisonous arrows dealing a critical damage of -250 and dealt poison debuff on the Ogre which deals -30 *dps on the target.

Then he pierced his sword on the Ogre's throat killing it, and his body glowed indicating that he leveled up, after he collected the loot from the Ogre's body, he was shocked when he he got a gem like object, it was an Ogre's eye, a rare trinket that can be used to increase an equipment's stats.

~ting~you defeated an Ogre with 9 level gap you gain extra 900% exp, 3600 Exp~

~ting~ you've leveled up from 0 to 1~

he then sat on the fountain hoping that some of the Town's Chief would come out but none of the villagers came out.


Sunrise came but nobody came until he went to the Eastern gate to go out, a voice called him out and when he faced to the Town's direction he saw the Townspeople looking at him with eyes filled with gratitude.

"Oh hero from the Horizon we express our outmost gratitude" they all exclaimed and bowed then a notification came to his head

~ting~Your fame in Fallen Crest was raised by 2000, they will threat you as an noble~

~ting~You've gained the title 'Hero of the Horizon' giving you additional 5% to all attributes~

Then he entered the town and talked with the matter with the Town Chief, and they both decided to fix the town to attract more player and assigned some men to do night patrol. Quickly the Mentioned Player was turned into a significant character in town for fending off the monsters that terrorized the town leaving the townspeople helpless, they even made a statue of him beside the Eastern Gate with the words "The one who stayed until Horizon"-Critical Judgement.

he was rewarded by the Town with great honor, several golden coins, a simple house, and all the information he needed about the surrounding areas.

I think this MC is too op Critical hits! so I'll decide either to go with Critical hits or Swordsman.

The last part when he left for the Eastern gate he was in the approaching the sun so in the Townspeople's eyes he went from the Horizon.

ZZrothcreators' thoughts