
Bring Me The Witch’s Heart

When nineteen-year-old Eileen is attacked by a terrifying warlock, she follows a mysterious black cat into a hidden realm. Forced into a world of magic beyond her comprehension, she learns she’s descended from witches. And her ancestry is far more intricate than what she expected. A stupidly handsome warlock, Adrian, will make matters more complicated when he reveals why he’s been chasing after her.

Eromami_Info · Fantasía
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21 Chs

Chapter 19: Kidnapped

The overpowering scent of lavender fills the air, almost suffocating in its intensity. Romina and her Fairy Brigade wield fumigation tanks, spraying the pungent liquid onto the flitting fairies in a desperate attempt to gain control over them. The fairies flutter around frantically, trying to escape the invasive mist, their wings beating furiously.

Romina's authoritative voice cuts through the cacophony as she commands her allies. They dart and weave around the room, spraying with practiced precision, their movements fluid and efficient.

My eyes follow their efforts, but in my distraction, I fail to notice the two monstrous fairies by the doorframe moving towards us. Their grotesque forms resemble butterflies, but twisted and vile – wings jagged like broken glass and eyes sunken and black as coal.

"Watch out!" I shout to warn Nicole, but it's too late.

One of the fairies leaps at me, baring its needle-like teeth. The pain is searing as it sinks its jaws into my arm, but my instincts kick in and I manage to shake it off. The fairy tumbles away, thwarted for now. Nicole isn't so lucky. The other malicious creature latches onto her neck, blood oozing from the puncture wounds as it grins triumphantly, its mouth smeared crimson.

"Nicole!" I hear Romina scream, her panic evident.

"Get it off me!" Nicole manages, her hands clawing at the fairy as her own blood stains her fingers.

"I'm here!" I lunge towards her, but Romina beats me to it, tearing the fairy away from her daughter. The sight is almost awe-inspiring.

Before I can take another step, something tugs at the back of my dress.

"Wha–" My words are cut off as I'm yanked violently to the floor. I glance back. There's some sort of sticky white thread around my gown, and when I follow it with my eyes, I see IT.

An icy shiver slithers down my spine as I take in the monstrous form of the spider-fairy. The grotesque creature has the upper body of a woman, her skin an unsettling shade of grey, while her lower half consists of spindly, pointed legs that twitch with anticipation. Her grin is filled with serrated teeth, gleaming menacingly in the dim light.

"Help!" I scream, panic rising within me like a tidal wave. But my voice seems to drown in the chaos, unanswered and ignored.

The spider-fairy tightens her web around me, dragging me closer to her putrid, cavernous mouth that reeks of rotten meat. My heart hammers in my chest, fear coursing through my veins like wildfire. All my attempts to free myself only serve to entangle me further in her sticky trap.

Just as I'm on the brink of being devoured, a golden wildcat leaps onto the spider-fairy, its powerful claws digging into her flesh. The spider-fairy hisses, momentarily distracted by the wildcat's attack. The sudden appearance of the feline startles me, but I know I must seize this opportunity to escape.

Gritting my teeth, I grip the edges of my beautiful skirt and tug with all my strength. The once elegant fabric tears away easily, leaving me in my undergarments and free from the spider-fairy's web. My chest heaves with relief and adrenaline, but there's no time to waste.

The wildcat roars as it lands a blow. The feline moves with a dancer's grace, swiping at the spider-fairy with deadly precision. Despite my terror, I can't help but be captivated by its beauty. His fur is a shimmering gold, and his eyes, green and intense, lock onto mine for a brief moment. Which witch could possess such a magnificent familiar?

The spider-fairy lunges towards the wildcat, her grotesque legs slicing through the air like razors. But he is too fast, dodging each attack with incredible agility. Suddenly, one of the fairy's legs connects with the cat's face, drawing blood. A guttural growl escapes the feline as it recoils.

"Damn bug," he hisses, shaking its head. Before I can even blink, a golden smoke envelops the wildcat, transforming it into a tall, golden-haired man. His muscles ripple beneath simple yet elegant clothes – an unbuttoned shirt offers a glimpse of his chiseled chest, while a plain golden coat drapes perfectly over his broad shoulders. A golden cat mask conceals his face, adding an air of mystery to his alluring appearance.

The man smirks, leaping towards the spider-fairy with newfound vigour. They exchange blows, each strike more powerful than the last. Every movement he makes is an enthralling dance, both mesmerising and deadly.

The sight of the golden-haired man fighting the spider-fairy is both mesmerising and horrifying. He stands proud and powerful, his claws shining as he tears a grotesque leg from the monster. With one swift motion, he stabs the creature with its own leg, silencing its screeching for good.

"Are you alright?" he asks, turning to me with concern in his eyes. I can't help but blush at the fact that I'm standing before him in nothing but my undergarments.

"Y-yes, thank you," I stutter, extending my hand towards him in gratitude. To my surprise, he ignores it, sweeping me up into his strong arms instead. The suddenness of the action catches me off guard, and I can feel the heat rising in my cheeks. His muscular body is warm against mine, his strength evident as he lifts me without effort.

"Hey! Put me down!" I exclaim indignantly, flustered by the close contact. But he says nothing, only smirking behind his golden mask as he starts trotting towards the exit.

His silence unnerves me, and thoughts race through my mind. Who is this man? Why did he save me? And what does he want with me now?

"Where are we going?" I demand, trying to sound more confident than I feel.

"Patience," he replies, his voice smooth and deep. "I'll explain everything soon."

As we make our way through the chaos, my curiosity gets the better of me. I can't help but study the man carrying me – the well-defined muscles of his chest, the firm grip of his arms, and the mysterious allure of his golden cat mask. Why am I thinking that? Maybe I do need a boyfriend after all.

"Who are you?!" I finally ask.

"Someone who wants to help," he answers cryptically, his green eyes meeting mine for a brief moment before crossing through the exit, carrying me through the numerous corridors of the Spring Palace, until we finally reach the main gates.

We're outside. Safe. Why isn't he stopping? Where the hell is he taking me?

The moon casts a silvery glow on the Spring Palace's gardens, bathing the vibrant flowers and neatly trimmed hedges in an ethereal light. I can't help but marvel at the beauty of it all, even as panic grips me tighter with each step my captor takes.

"Please, put me down!" I demand, wriggling in his arms. "What do you want with me? Where are you taking me?"

"To meet someone who's been waiting," he replies simply.

I squirm more, my heart pounding in my chest. "Who? Why?"

He shakes his head slightly. "All in good time."

We're approaching one of the cherry trees now, its leaves rustling in the cool night breeze. A terrible thought creeps into my mind and makes my skin crawl. He's taking me into the tree, far away from here!

"No!" I blurt out, struggling against his iron grip. "Don't take me into the tree!"

Suddenly a darker thought surfaces - What if he's attempting to get me out of Witchwood, into the world where... where that warlock hunts? Memories of my chilling encounter with the warlock begin to flood my mind. His empty eyes, the coldness that stung like needles... I shudder, unable to contain my fear any longer.

"Stop!" I scream, desperation seeping through every syllable. With all my strength, I scratch at his back and kick my legs, desperate to break free from his hold. But he remains steadfast, barely flinching as he restrains me further.

"Let me go!" I cry out, my voice cracking with emotion. "I don't want to leave Witchwood! The warlock will find me!"

For a moment, the man hesitates. And then, in a voice laden with both reassurance and regret, he replies, "You'll be safe."

"Curse you!" I cry out.

I'm doomed. We're closer and closer to the cherry tree. What is he going to do to me? Who is he taking me to? Haven't I been through enough today?

Suddenly, a shadow darts out from behind. Nyx, in his alluring human form, leaps towards us. He collides with the stranger with calculated accuracy. Due to the impact, my captor's grip on me loosens just enough for me to wriggle free and fall to the ground. My ass hits the cold earth with a painful grunt. I rub my sore backside as I try to scramble upright.

My eyes dart between Nyx and the man, panic roaring in my veins. They roll on the ground, grumbling, locked in a deadly dance. A flurry of black and gold, I can't tell who's winning.

I stagger backwards as they wrestle, pressing my back against the cherry tree. I try to get up to run, but my leg hurts more than I anticipated. I can't go anywhere. And what if Nyx...? The golden wildcat seems to be a formidable opponent. Nyx's suit, once pristine black, is now smeared with bits of grass. His usually impeccable hair is disheveled. What if he loses?

Fear courses through me as I watch them fight. Nyx's lips curl in a snarl, one swift moment before he delivers a punch on the stranger's cheek, forcing a grunt from him. The man fights back, throwing a jab that connects painfully with Nyx's jaw. I inhale sharply, feeling the impact as my own.

Each punch Nyx lands is swiftly returned. Each kick has an immediate counter. Suddenly, Nyx disentangles himself from the stranger by jumping backwards. He's panting, his raven hair sticking to his forehead shining under the moonlight. His amber eyes harden as they lock with the stranger.

Nyx, all lithe grace and dark menace in his tailored suit, moves to stand protectively before me, his stance as firm as the man's own.

"Enough," Nyx growls, baring his fangs. "Leave now and I won't kill you. She's not going anywhere."

But the stranger doesn't back out. Instead, he approaches us, his golden hair dishevelled, clothes torn in places. His jaw is set hard, icy eyes glaring at Nyx as he says: "Never."

With a sigh, Nyx throws his jacket onto the grass and rolls up the sleeves of his shirt, revealing sinewy arms. His fists clench and unclench in a menacing rhythm.

They circle each other, eyes locked, their breaths heavy with determination.

Then they lunge at each other again, faster than I ever thought possible. Nyx is agile, dodging and weaving through the stranger's attacks. But the stranger is relentless, his hits carrying a brute force that makes me wince every time he lands one.

Nyx's movements are elegant yet lethal. He delivers a punch to the stranger's face; it hits home and the stranger stumbles back, grimacing. My heart flutters at Nyx's victory but it is short-lived.

With an animalistic snarl and renewed vigour, the stranger charges towards Nyx again who barely has time to react before he receives an agonising punch to the gut that sends him sprawling on the grass. A gasp catches in my throat as I watch Nyx hit the ground, his usual gracefulness all but disappeared. He's on his hands and knees now, shaking, trying to catch his breath. I want to run to him, to help him up, but I can't. I'm too weak.

Nyx doesn't need my help though.

He dips his head low, so low that it's almost touching the ground, and then something wondrous happens. Black smoke starts to billow from Nyx's body, obscuring his battered form.

Soon the smoke clears to reveal Nyx in his beastly form. His fur is black as the night, glossy under the moonshine. His claws are long and sharp, teeth bared in a vicious snarl that sends chills down my spine.

The stranger stops in his tracks, his triumphant grin slipping from his face.

He takes a step back and then, something strange happens to him, too. Golden smoke begins to emit from his being. The smoke spirals and whirls around him. It shimmers like the most precious metal, casting a gilded glow over his rugged form.

I watch in awe as his body shifts and morphs, swelling into something bigger, something… scary. Then, as if coalescing from the very ions of the air itself, the smoke solidifies into fur—a majestic pelt of golden hue that catches the moon's light and reflects it back in a stunning play of luminescence.

His transformation is complete: a beast made of sunlight and fire standing opposite Nyx's creature of moonlight and shadows. The stranger—or rather, the creature he has become—is a wildcat, its size and grandeur undeniably intimidating. He roars, revealing rows of teeth that could easily rip through metal.

"You've done enough," the wildcat says with a voice like thunder. "Get out of my way, before I truly hurt you," he declares.

"You can try," Nyx replies as he launches himself against the wildcat.

Their bodies clash with a deafening thud, the force of their impact sending tremors through the ground. I dig my fingers into the grass, clutching at the rough strands to keep myself steady as my world shakes. The air vibrates with their growls, their roars, their screeches. It's a terrifying symphony of violence and power.

Nyx strikes first, swiping his gigantic paws across the wildcat's face. His claws rake through fur and flesh, leaving behind bloody streaks that glisten ominously under the moonlight. The wildcat howls in rage, retaliating with a swift clawed punch to Nyx's side. It's a move as swift as it is brutal, sending Nyx skidding across the grassy field.

But Nyx doesn't stay down for long. With a flick of his tail and a shake of his head, he launches himself back into the fight, his feline form fluid and graceful. Their battle moves erratically across the field, trampling everything in their path. As they fight, I feel like a helpless observer, caught in the midst of a battle between two formidable creatures.

My heart hammers in my chest as Nyx, his claws extended, manages to score a hit on the wildcat's neck. The golden beast recoils with a snarl, giving Nyx a momentary advantage. But too quickly, Nyx's confidence swells, and he lowers his guard.

"Watch out!" I scream, but it's too late. The wildcat seizes the opportunity, sinking its teeth into Nyx's exposed neck. He howls in pain, attempting to escape but instead he collapses to the ground, clutching at the wound.

"NYX!" My voice cracks with terror as the wildcat runs towards my friend. Is he going to kill him?

To my surprise, the beast ignores Nyx and charges towards me. My heart races in fear. He's still trying to get me! In the blink of an eye, the wildcat is upon me. I grasp for anything to hold onto, but I only find the tree... The wildcat's body presses against mine and the bark of the tree turns to butter beneath my fingers.

"NO!" I cry out, the world spinning around me as I start to fall. For a moment, our eyes meet – those fierce green eyes I won't forget. Then, out of nowhere, Nyx appears behind the wildcat, slashing at its side with his claws. But it's not enough. I'm already plummeting, the Witchwood landscape blurring into a terrifying whirlwind.

It's done. I've gone through the tree.

I crash onto the moist, packed dirt. Pain shoots through my body, and the darkness of the night shrouds me. Clouds drift across the moon, casting eerie shadows across the ground. Where am I? A forest? What's happening?

I feel strong hands lifting me, and hazel eyes meet mine for just a moment. Fear tightens its grip on my heart. Someone familiar. A man.

"Wh-who are you?" I stammer, my voice barely a whisper.

"Shh," the man murmurs, pressing a cloth against my mouth.

Darkness claims me, and I wonder if this is the end.