
Bright Academy

School for gifted students is an understatement. Bright Academy was a school on an isolated island in the middle of the ocean. Felix Oppong was one of the over thirty students in the forty square kilometer sized college, for good reason...

Felix_Kunjan · Ciencia y ficción
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285 Chs


A light switched on, revealing the gigantic palace of a room then Trevor said,"So, this is my place."

Alexa looked around then said,"It's amazing."

"Really?"Trevor asked with a tilted head,"I thought I was being too stingy when buying it."

"Are you kidding?"Alexa asked,"It's magical!"

Alexa ran and did a fouette then stayed put under the massive, crystal chandelier.

Trevor walked closer to her said to her,"Do you want to see your room?"

She looked at him.

The lights automatically switched on the moment they walked into the room and it was as big as the living room, just more classic.

She looked at him with a shocked expression then said,"This has to be the master bedroom."

"It is."He said.

"Then where will you sleep?"She asked.

"Here."He said once they were in his room.

It was much less impressive than her's and looked like a guest room, it was still filled with expensive items but as the owner of the building, Trevor should have had the master bedroom, or at least Alexa thought.

"I can't take the room you gave me."Alexa said.

"Then I'll move to the guest room and give you this one."He said, concerned.

"No you don't get it, you have to get the best room, not I."She said.

He smiled then said,"I'm taking care of you, not the other way round."

She smiled back at him and they were going to unpack their luggage when she held him by the collar and roughly pinned him to a wall.

He was confused till she kissed him on the lips and he was confused as his eyes were widened, he thought she wanted to get married first, but he didn't ask any questions and he held her back and kissed her back as she unbuttoned his shirt.

She threw him on the bed and he was breathing heavily as she slowly climbed on then kissed him on the neck then worked her way to his kissable lips...

Alexa and Trevor had decided to move in together after a year of dating while I still couldn't leave my mom alone.

Alex and Jessica were one now and their lights were growing with an accelerating rate.

Lilith on the other hand was still having those Vivid but the scariest part was when I saw her on the swing with Frankie.

I didn't want he or his father anywhere near my daughter or family after what they had done so went to stop what was happening.

When Frankie saw me, he had a terrified expression on his face.

I said in a low tone,"What are you doing with my daughter?"

Lilith then said,"We were just patching up over what had happened before."

I ignored her and walked closer to him as my eyes began to glow then I roughly pushed him off.

Lilith yelled my name then ran to stand between us but I said,"Lilith, stay out of this."

"No I won't! I won't let you hurt him or anyone else anymore!"She yelled.

When I saw her tears, I remembered all the danger I had caused with my light and was about to leave when I sensed Anneliese walk closer with a frown then ask,"What are you doing here?"

Frankie was shivering violently as Lilith said,"Mom, dad, he won't hurt me, please."

"Lilith, go to your room."Anneliese said.

Lilith burst into tears then ran away but I turned back to Frankie then said,"I don't want to see you or your father anywhere near my daughter again."

"But..."He finally spoke.

"What did you just say?!"I yelled in a double voice.

"Nothing."He said.

"Good, now be a good little monster and run back to the hole you crawled out of."I said.

I was just so angry at his dad and took it out on him even though I knew he didn't deserve it.

He left and I ordered the guards not to allow him in again and especially not near Lilith or Apollo.

There was a tournament in the MMA championship Trevor worked in where martial artists from all around the world were competing to be the best and Trevor was able to qualify due to his previous match scores.

But Alexa had realized that during the tournament, Trevor lost his two and a three quarter of a year winning streak and not only that, but he was performing badly and she knew it was only because of her.

Before she started going to his matches, he barely ever lost but now, he always did and it was always because he got distracted by Alexa's distress.

He still had three matches to undergo till his chances of going to the next round were over and as Trevor was getting ready to go to the arena, he realized Alexa didn't seem like she was coming.

He went to ask her if she was going to attend then she said,"You'll only lose if I do."

"What are you talking about?"He asked, confused.

"I mean I am a liability to you, I distract you in every match, before I started coming, you were doing great but now I do, you haven't won once."She said.

"Alexa, you're not a liability to me, you're rather my lucky charm and I wouldn't be able to go on without you, please?"

She was quiet for some seconds and knew he was getting late and wouldn't leave until she said yes so she did.

The match went as usual, and Trevor lost,as usual.

His fans were beginning to lose faith in him and were blaming all his failures on Alexa, the pressure was too much for her so she pretended to be sick by his next match and even then, he wanted to stay and look after her but she somehow convinced him to go.

She stayed and watched the match from the TV and saw that, Trevor lost again, but not only that, he sustained fatal injuries and Alexa was broken hearted when she saw him being rushed to the hospital.

Trevor recovered in a few hours since I healed him then immediately went to look for Alexa but when he saw her already waiting to visit him, he was confused.

"I thought you were sick."He said.

Alexa looked down in shame, she hated lying, especially to him.

She looked up in tears then said,"I faked it all and I'm sorry, I just didn't want you to go through all the pain of being mocked for losing so many times."

She looked down and began crying but he slowly lifted her head up and said,"I told you, I can't go on without you, you don't make me lose, you never have, please, my lucky charm?"

She then nodded slowly then he kissed her on the lips and said,"That's why I love you."

The crowd was cheering for ' The Crusher ' as Trevor's opponent was called, as he beat up Alexa's boyfriend.

She didn't want to watch him suffer like this as he was thrown, back first into the corner buckle then the Crusher rammed his shoulders into Trevor's belly.

Trevor yelled in pain then the Crusher did it again and Alexa looked away but from the corner of her eyes, she could see Trevor looking at her, begging for support.

He had never said it, but Trevor just wanted Alexa to be happy with what he did.

Alexa looked back at him as he yelled again when the man hit him again.

The man stood to his feet then went to the opposite corner of the ring, then started running towards Trevor but he was too weak to do anything.

Alexa didn't know where it came from but she was immediately filled with an immense passion then yelled,"Trevor! You can do it!! Please win, for me!"

The crowd looked at the odd girl out, confused as she was cheering for the losing side.

Trevor looked at Alexa, then forced a weak smile, then raised his knees and the Crusher's shoulders collided with them, then Trevor held the ropes and kicked him with both of his feet.

The Crusher stumbled backwards and wasn't ready for the Tornado DDT Trevor gave to him then Trevor struggled to his feet and when he had finally gained ground, he looked at Alexa and blew her a kiss.

The Crusher had stood up by now and Trevor winked at her before getting into a fighting stance, then the man charged at him...


Trevor and Alexa kissed mildly then he said,"I told you you were my lucky charm."

She smiled at him as he went to the referee who raised his hand and declared him the winner of the match.

Trevor still had to win two more matches with impressive marks in order to be promoted to the next round and with Alexa cheering him on, he had no doubt he could do it.

Trevor's winning streak went back on as he won match after match and Alexa became more passionate when cheering for him and never stopped.

Lilith was still mad at Anneliese and me for how we had treated Frankie but I was standing my ground, I only wanted what was best for her.

She soon left her hard feelings and went back to the same sweet little girl she was before.

Alexa and Trevor came for a visit then Lilith ran hugged Alexa while saying,"Hi Aunt Alexa, hi Uncle Trevor, hi cousins."

She was about to leave when Alexa asked,"What do you mean cousins?"

"Oh, you're expecting triplets, two boys and a girl. The boys are an H 2 Order and an Enforcer and the girl is a Chromosapien."Lilith said.

Trevor was ambivalent as he said,"Wow, your niece is such a party pooper."

Lilith stuck out her tongue at him and he did the same as Alexa walked forward slowly, still digesting the news and my mom went to welcome her.

In the background, Trevor and Lilith were having an intimidating staring contest then she kicked him in the shin when she lost.

He jumped on one foot in pain, then started chasing her as she ran and screamed.

He dive rolled and caught her then she screamed and laughed as he tickled her.

He then stopped then helped her to her feet and said,"You aren't a party pooper Lilith, you are an amazing niece."

She smiled as he ruffled her shoulder length, ponytailed hair.