
54. Bonus Chapter: Edmund's POV

Edmund's P.O.V.-

The doctor told me I could either change my lifestyle drastically and live a couple of decades longer, or continue on as I am and die who-knows-when. Well, after the bastard already denied anything that could be considered as "fun" constantly throughout my youth, I knew I wasn't going back to that boring, tedious, empty way of life. I made my decision, but I also made hers…. The doctor would never get the chance to ask Daphne that same question one day, because I've already decided for her.

Her husband, whomever he might be in the future, will carry on my wish and make sure she doesn't die young…..

Like me.

I was lying in bed with the nastiest hang over. Ugh, can't handle my liquor like I used to; not with this old-ass body. I wasn't even fifty-five yet. Come on, body- do better! I didn't lift my head at the gentle knocking at my door. The knob spun open, and my lovely darling Daphne stuck her head into my room.

"Daddy? You alright?" "Mmmmm, morning, baby girl. What time is it?" "Well it's not morning anymore. You've slept in way too long," she entered. I flashed her a grin. "Oh, honey; I don't sleep in. You all just wake up too early." She frowned, unamused by my brilliant humour. "You're supposed to go to Oxford today, Daddy." "Oxford?" My eyebrow raised. "To see Anthony. It's his first holiday at university and you promised to pay him a visit. Don't you remember?" Ugh, no. I don't wanna spend hours on a train; not when I'm feeling this shitty. But I knew I'd never hear the end of it if I didn't go. Reluctantly I pulled back the covers and sat up, only to be overwhelmed with this nausea sensation. Daphne looked at me and rolled her eyes. "Why didn't you come home earlier last night?" She scolded in that cute little way of hers. I shook my head, trying to keep steady. "It's alright. Just give Daddy a hand, baby girl," I reached my arm out for her, which she took, helping me to my feet. I noticed her watching me with intense eyes, causing me to smile a bit awkwardly.

"What?" "I wish you'd take better care of yourself. What would we do if anything ever happened to you?" This time I smiled at her for real. This child, this heaven's light of mine… "Sweetheart, I'm ok. Daddy's going to be around for a very long time. I'm not going anywhere. You'll see." Daphne didn't look so sure. I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "Everything's going to be alright, sugar. Don't you worry about a thing." Her eyes locked right onto mine. "I already lost Uncle Arthur way too early. I don't want to lose you too. You have to stick around for all of us….. for me." My grin merely widened. "I told you not to worry, button. Daddy's here, and Daddy's gonna stay here.

You'll need someone to walk you down the aisle, after all."

The train ride was hell. Heh, guess it's some ironic punishment for my irresponsible behaviour. Aren't I too old for that sort of thing? Daphne packed me a lunch for the journey, which I binned the moment the train left the station. I loved that girl but she couldn't cook worth a damn. Bought myself two foot-long subs and a litre of cleaning coke instead. I can't say I was feeling much better by the time we reached Oxford.

I'd already arrived for a driver back when I agreed to this ridiculous excursion. Oxford's campus was much too crowded for my liking, with these high society families fluttering about and gossiping. What an absolute bore. But then, I suppose they've got nothing better to do with their time. Not like me, who had a consider brood of children and three motorbikes which needed my attention back home. Still, I was here for my son and heir, and so I made an effort- somewhat- to put my best foot forward for his sake.

Anthony was with a few of his mates outside on the lawn, along with several other parents and kids. He was talking and laughing with a few of them until he spotted me. I gave him a grin and pleasant wave, only for him to come marching over to me. Oh boy, I inwardly rolled my eyes. Here we go; if it's not one spawn, it's another. Anthony looked mortified and enraged all at once.

"Where have you been?! You were supposed to be here hours ago!" My son chastised me in a hushed voice. My hand ran over my still exhausted face. "Hello, son. Nice to see you too," god, I was nackered. Anthony wouldn't let up on me just yet; his expression going more severe. "Colin called. He said you didn't make it home until two in the morning last night!" He said this, and I'd had enough. I was supposed to be the parent; not the other way around. I flashed him a warning glare."

"Boy, if you say one word….." "What kind of example are you setting for Daphne?! Dammit, Dad! You're not even taking your medication!" He clearly didn't take my threat seriously. Can't say I blame him. My hand waved around again to brush him off. "You're starting to sound like your sister. Don't worry; I'm fine, I'm fine. Nothin's gonna happen to your old man," I always liked talking like that; drove my pops up the wall. Dad wanted me to be a classy gentleman, and I said to hell with that. Give me a bike and shot of whiskey any day. Course it was getting harder and harder to do that with age. And there's the gigantic elephant in the room- my stupid heart condition. Dad would never let me live it down if he had lived long enough to learn…..

Anthony merely shook his head. "You don't know that. You can't keep doing this, Dad. What if you have an accident and we're not there to help you? Do you know how much worry you're causing your children? I….." "Anthony!" The sound of another boy calling cut him off. Anthony checked over his shoulder to him and I grinned. Woo, saved by the bell. Of course he had to shoot me another harsh stare before leaving. "I'm not done with you just yet," my son stated with some authority as he took off. I smirked to myself. Yes, you are. This conversation ends now. I mean, I know he and Daphne and the others are just concerned for my wellbeing. But for the first time in my life, I have real freedom; I'm getting to experience everything I was denied. I want to have a life too…. I love my kids, but I want to live my life to the fullest…. while I still can. Course I honestly believed they were all worrying for nothing and I would live another twenty years. I've still got a lot of time left- thank god.

"Edmund!" Ugh, well maybe not. I forced a grin and stashed my hands away in my pockets as Portia Featherington came waltzing over to me. God, what an annoying woman. Since we were children, I was forced to play with her whenever Dad and I visited Buckingham palace. It was painfully obvious that she had a crush on me, and still has one. Benedict once explained to me it's because I'm the local high-born "bad boy", to which he's not wrong. No one else in our ranking rides motorcycles or gets tattoos; or dare I say, wears permanent stubble on their chin. I hadn't been clean-shaved since the day Dad died- that was one thing he took with him. Plus, I'm quite conventionally handsome, if I do say so myself. The drawback was ladies like Portia, which I have zero interest in, fawning over me. You'd think eight kids would be enough to drive them away but noooooooo. That's baggage they can and do overlook.

Portia walked up to my side, looking all yellow and gitty. Her hair was up in some curl-do; not to my tastes, personally. "I heard you were coming today!" "Hello, Portia," I sighed, slouching my stance a little. "It's been a while since I've last seen you. You're looking scruffy and fine, as usual." "Thanks. You're looking….. uh, healthy," that was the best compliment I could think of on the fly. It seemed to work as her smile grew. "Oh, thank you! I just started this new aerobics class last month." "It shows," it did not. She giggled, waving her hand once in the air. "Oh you!" Then we looked back at the scores of kids; Anthony among them.

Portia grinned my way. "He's turning into a fine young man. You must be very proud, Edmund." "I am; he's a good kid. He'll make a good head of the family someday…." "And your other children? How are they? Your youngest just turned three, didn't he?" "Yes, he did. Oh, they're fine; all doing well in school and what not. No trouble or problems with the law. Can't complain," I shrugged. "That's good. You've always had well-behaved kids," her eyes drifted back over to Anthony. "And your girls? How are they?" I honestly couldn't remember if Portia only had daughters. Her family forced her to marry some rich older guy right out of university. It was clear that she didn't love him but they had a slew of kids together nonetheless. Her gaze lowered a tad. "They're doing well, thank you. They're attending that private girls school up in Kingston." "Oh," I didn't really care. She smiled. "All honour students. Penelope has been at the top of her class for the past two semesters." "Oh, that's good," my mind was beginning to wander; I'd be lying if I said the conversation wasn't boring me. "She's hoping to come to Oxford, like your Anthony. Maybe her and Colin will apply at the same time." "Colin?" I raised my eyebrow down at her. As if to catch herself, she suddenly blinked and looked away. "Eloise; I meant Eloise." Uh huh, sure you did.

We both casually glanced back at the boys. I was starting to feel sleepy there under the warm spring sun. My back slouched even more slightly. "How 'bout the rest of your family? How's Archibald doing?" She huffed, rolling her eyes dramatically. "Nugh, don't ask. I'm just thankful he went to spend the rainy season with his brothers up in the highlands. It's so nice to have the house to myself. You are always welcome to come for a visit, by the way, Edmund." I gave her a side-eye, smirking a little. Yeah, invite me over while your husband is away. Wouldn't he love that? Not that Archibald liked me before anyway.

I shook my head a tiny bit before going on. It was taking effort now to stay involved in this conversation, if you could call it that. "And your brother? Is he still in London?" I went on to ask her, totally disinterested. She nodded. "Yes, he's staying at the family manor downtown. Oh, have you heard the news?! He's thinking of starting a gossip column for the elite members of high society!" "Oh?" Like I care about that. Too bad Portia couldn't detect that. Her excitement was creeping out more and more. "He's thinking of calling it "Lady Whistledown". Isn't that marvellous?! No one will ever suspect it's him! He'll be completely invisible to everyone who doesn't know. But you can't tell anyone, course!" "My lips are sealed," I noted, still surveying the lawn in front of us. I looked around a bit aimlessly at first, then I looked at Anthony. Watching my son happily interact with his university friends brought a smile to my face.

Anthony was talking to two guys, when a third joined them. This boy was one I hadn't seen before, or if I had, I didn't remember him. Tall, slender, handsome- your typical Oxford bloke. I watched curiously, however, as Anthony greeted him with enthusiasm; him placing his hand on the boy's shoulder. He seemed awfully happy at his arrival.

"Who's that boy?" I motioned to him with my fingers. "Hmmmmm?" Portia glanced to where I was pointing, only for her eyes to light up in realization. "Oh, him! That's Simon Basset- the Duke of Hastings son." Hastings…. That name left a sour taste in my mouth. I knew Hastings and wasn't a fan of the man. Stiff, humourless, had a tension to be cruel- he reminded me too much of my father, although fifty percent less scary. Hastings was nowhere in sight, which I took to be a sign that he didn't come to see his son this holiday break. Doesn't surprise me one bit, sadly. But the boy looked well-adjusted enough. He certainly smiled frequently, which made me also happy to see. Or relieved anyway.

Portia leaned in a bit closer to me, speaking in a quieter tone. "He's the heir to the Hastings estate and title, being the duke's only son and child." "Heh, quite different than my large gaggle of offspring," I chuckled softly. "I heard his father's started pushing the idea of marriage. He wants to see his grandchildren while he still has a chance." "Grandchildren?! The boy can't be older than my Anthony. They're far too young to be thinking about marriage, let alone having kids," I retorted a bit too loudly. Portia gave me a look which said to quiet down. "You can't talk, Edmund. You and I likely have several decades left, but the duke is ten years older than us. You can't blame him for wanting to see Simon carry on the Hastings line before he goes." "No, but that'll come in time. All our kids…. They all have lots of time." "Mmmmm, I suppose you're right. I guess a few more years wouldn't hurt," I didn't notice her then looking back at me through the corner of her eye.

"You have four daughters…." "Yeah, and they are underage," I shot back, displeased that she would bring them up like this. But Portia flashed me a knowing smile. "But they won't always be. I can see Eloise fitting right in with high society." "Eloise? Don't you mean Daphne? She's the eldest," I inquired. She looked straight at me with those scheming eyes of hers. "I thought the Viscount had different plans for her." I watched her for a second before shrugging. I'm sure she meant nothing by it.

"Eh, that'll come in time. Like I said, they're too young to be thinking of any of that. But don't worry. I've been instructed to make sure Daphne marries…. well. I just wish there was something in it for her….." My voice trailed off a bit. "More than a title?" Portia seemed a bit surprised. I grinned back at her. "Something she'd actually like for herself," was my explanation, which she appeared to take. Then I gazed back at my son and Simon, who were laughing together. This warm, fuzzy feeling came over my heart. "They get along well," I thought out loud. Portia also peered in their direction and nodded. "Yes, Simon is very sweet. Anthony's lucky…. to have a friend like him." "It would seem so," I smiled again, watching my firstborn child….

I didn't meet Simon Basset in person until Anthony's graduation, and even then it was only briefly. I don't think he ever met Daphne or any of my other kids. Pity. I never told anyone this, but I secretly hoped Daphne would wind up with someone like Simon. I barely knew the boy, but from the way Anthony gushed to me about him back home I could tell…. He wasn't like his father, my father, or me. No, he was different- better. I hoped so much he or someone with his temperament would marry my favourite child. Only then could I go with the ease of mind…

He'd take care of her, so she might live longer than me.