
Bride of the werewolf king

Joy_Michael_ · Ciudad
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15 Chs

Incredibly beautiful

Mia ran through the woods in her wolf form. She had no idea where she was going but all she could think of was running. She could hear every single sound in the woods even to the sound of a centipedes the noise was so loud that can't block them out, Mia was in an emotional rollercoaster. Although it was dark she can see clearly searching for something.

Mia abruptly stopped when she saw another wolf blocking her way. She growl at him  but the another wolf stood still glaring fiercely at her demanding for submission. Mia was stubborn refusing to back down instead lurched at him.

Sebastian was surprised by the sudden attack. He was not expecting this little girl to be this fierce. Sebastian was on a defense mode not wanting to hurt her but all his efforts was in vain cause Mia was not ready to stop.  Left with no choice, he decided to used his authority.

Mia was about to attack but thrown back by Sebastian. He howled loudly at her.

She suddenly stepped back feeling weak and submissive when she heard Sebastian loud howl demanding for respect.

When Sebastian saw that the girl was finally calm, he shift back to his human form fully naked.

Mia shrink back when she saw Sebastian coming closer.

"Shhh, it's okay" Sebastian gently stroke her. Mia slowly eased up resting her head in his arms.  Mia changed back to her human form passed out in Sebastian arms.

He looked down on her with unfathomable feelings.

"She look so fragile"  he murmured gazing softly at her

He held her in his arms and stood up with both of them naked. He ran out of the forest with his speed and within a short time he was at the foot of the forest. 

Luke was already waiting for them. He was puzzled when he saw the state the two were in. He was used to seeing Sebastian naked after hunting but then it finally dawned on him who the other person was and immediately turned around to back them.

"Oh fuck" he muttered. "Did I just stare at the new Queen? What the hell was I thinking?" He added why softly hitting his head.

"You can hand me my clothes now if you are done with your foolish act" Sebastian said from behind.

"Oh Yes" Luke handed a robe to him without looking back.

"Can you stand now?" He asked Mia who was finally awake.

"Ye..yes thank you".Mia said feeling shy.

Sebastian put her down but the moment her feet touched the ground she wobbled and fell back into his arms.

"Ouch" Mia excalm when she collided with him.

"Are you sure you can walk on your own?" Sebastian asked feeling concerned.

"Yes". Mia replied.

When she was finally stable, Sebastian wrapped the robe around her before turning to Luke.

"Take off your coat"

Luke immediately complied and handed it to him. Sebastian took the coat and wear it. Meanwhile, Mia was looking at her feet the whole time not daring to look up.


They walked back into the castle taking the back door. Since it was not appropriate for them to be seen in such a state.

Luke instructed one of the maid to take Mia to her room for her to get changed. Luke followed Sebastian back to his room he too need a change. Luke closed the door behind them and was about to asked Sebastian about what happened because his curiosity was getting the best of him but was surprised to see him walking into the bathroom.

"I need to take a shower" he said before closing the bathroom door. He really needed a shower due to what happened, he was a bit dirty.

Under the cold shower, Sebastian saw a scratch wound at the back of his shoulder and was reminded of the scene in the forest.

"She is really fierce" he said with his lips pressed into a tight line.

When Sebastian came out, Luke immediately went back to his question.

"What happened?"

"She shifted". Came his calm reply as he took before sitting down at the edge of the bed.

"What?" Luke excalm in confusion. "How? How did it happen?".

"I don't know. It happened right after the ceremony".

"But.. that's unheard of".

"Exactly. And she was incredibly beautiful" Sebastian said while smiling unknowingly.

Luke was baffled. 'did I just see the Almighty werewolf king smile?'  he wondered.

"What are you looking at? Help me with this" Sebastian interrupted his thoughts.

"Did you just smile?" Luke asked pointing to Sebastian's face.


"Yes, you did. When you were talking about her"

"Do you want to loose your head?" Sebastian threatened him.

"No. Not at all". Luke immediately hurried to his side to help him with his clothes.


There was chattering in the hall with so many people dressed in different luxurious brand. One might think that this was a normal gathering amongst the socialist but it's not. It was gathering amongst the most high ranking and noble werewolf packs waiting for the new queen to be introduced to the people. Some people have different opinions about the marriage.

"Why are they not here yet. We've waiting here for a long time" said a male werewolf in his fifties.

"Do you think something happened?" Another one chimed in.

"What could possibly go wrong in a royal wedding?" Asked the first one.

"Everything" the other two said at the same time.

"I heard that the new queen have not turned" said the other one.

"Yes, I heard the rumor but I couldn't believe it. How can a weak girl be crown as the queen?"  The third person said.


"Wait! is that Daniella? What is she doing here?" Asked a girl who is standing along with five other girls in a corner.

"It is" said a girl wearing a blue beautiful gown.

"Isn't she supposed to be like our new queen?" Another girl asked.

"Yes" they all echo looking at Daniella who is standing beside her father with a smug face. She looked beautiful in her red dress but her facial expression ruined her appearance.

"Wait! If she is here, then that only means that the queen is someone else" the first girl analyzed.

"What?" They were all surprised except for the one in an orange dress.

"Well, I overheard my parents discussing it"

"Really? Who is she? Is she beautiful? Which pack is she from?". The first girl started raining questions at her.

"Whoa, slow down Rosa. Why are you interrogating me?" She asked Rosa.

"That's because you are the only one who have information about our new queen" Rosa counter back.

"Well, you shouldn't be so excited. From what I heard, she is from some small pack from the eastern part of the city" she tried to remember the details. "And oh! She is just as weak as a human". She added.

"What do you mean by that?" The others were confused.

"You know, all werewolf turns when they come of age right?" She asked and the others nodded in agreement.

"Except she didn't. And haven't till now" the girl whispered to them.

"How is that possible? You mean some useless girl is now our queen? That's unacceptable". Rosa was disappointed.

"Why are you angry?" Asked the girl in blue dress.

"Amber, you can't possibly.."

"So what?" Amber cut Rosa off. " As long as it's not Daniella I'm good. I really did not want that bitch to be queen". Amber said with a smirk.

"Me too ". One of the girls replied.

"Isn't it more interesting that she was replaced by someone who is not even...."

"Now I get where you are going"  Rosa said laughing with the other girls. " I bet she wants to hid herself in a hole".

"Why don't we make friend with the new queen and rub it in Daniella's face" Amber suggested.

"That will be great. But I hope she is not that that ugly" Rosa made a funny face trying to imagine what the queen looks like.

"You will have to endure it so we can....."

Amber interrupted by announcer's voice.

"Welcome, my fellow werewolfs. Today is indeed a joyous day as we celebrate the wedding of our king to his Luna our queen." The announcer said in excitement but not so much can be said about Daniella and her parents and also Mia's family standing in an

Inconspicuous corner.

"Ladies and gentlemen, here comes king Sebastian and queen Mia".