
Bride Of Fate

It was supposed to be the happiest day of her life, but when the groom decided to make a last-minute exit at the wedding altar, she didn't break into tears. Instead, she mustered the courage to utter the boldest words she'd ever spoken: "I'll marry anyone here, right now!" In a surprising twist of fate, an unexpected voice from the crowd broke the stunned silence, responding with a resounding, "I'll marry you." To her astonishment, the man who stood up to accept her impromptu proposal was none other than her fiance's own brother. What began as a desperate and unconventional union quickly transformed into something neither of them had anticipated. From the very start, he made it clear that their relationship was built on convenience and mutual benefit, and she reluctantly agreed. She believed she could keep her emotions in check, taking it all in stride. However, life had a wicked sense of humor, and it had no intentions of following their carefully laid plans. As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, the lines between convenience and genuine affection blurred. Unforeseen circumstances, shared experiences, and undeniable chemistry threw them into a whirlwind of passion, confusion, and heartache. Their journey became a rollercoaster ride of unexpected twists, challenging their notions of love, loyalty, and destiny. In this gripping tale of love, fate, and the unpredictability of the heart, they would discover that sometimes the most courageous words spoken in the heat of the moment could change the course of their lives forever.

Divine_Mist · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
64 Chs

Testing Loyalties in the Workplace

Gu An Tong gazed up at Jiang Nuan, his expression still icy, seemingly the master of the perfect mockery aimed at Jiang Nuan's actions. This only infuriated Jiang Nuan further, and he quietly made a resolve.

"Gu Antong, you're asking for it. Since you've worked under me at times, you should—"

Wicked thoughts festered deep within Jiang Nuan's heart, and he immediately wielded his authority as the boss. "Gu Antong! Since it appears you have a preference for ignoring my instructions, why don't you just take charge of all the most urgent tasks today? How about that?"

Jiang Nuan shot a malevolent grin at Gu Antong, making it evident he was stirring up trouble. The crowd watched in silence as the situation unfolded.

Gu An Tong's expression remained unaltered. She lifted her gaze to meet Jiang Nuan's, a smug smile gracing her lips. "If the director says I can do it, then I can. If the director says I can't, then I won't. What's the difference whether you ask me or not?"

With that, Gu Antong turned around and sauntered back to her desk, nonchalant to Jiang Nuan's vexed demeanor.

For Jiang Nuan, there was no fear; there was only a sense of tedium when dealing with someone like her. However, they both worked on the same cooperation case, and she was his superior.

Gu An Tong had a headache. Si Yue Yun didn't make things any easier, and now there was Jiang Nuan to contend with. She didn't need any more troubles. Si Zhen Xuan barely showed up at the company, let alone in this situation.

Jiang Nuan had complicated matters further. After last night, she had Wei Yulan by her side, and now she was her boss. It seemed that more trouble was in store for the future.

As Gu An Tong's headache deepened, she contemplated whether to inform Si Zhen Xuan that she should no longer be responsible for the cooperation case. However, her phone chimed at that moment.

Who could be texting her? Gu An Tong was taken aback as she unlocked her phone, only to discover a message from Si Zhen Xuan.

"How's it going? Are you adapting well?"

The message was brief, just seven words, but it warmed Gu An Tong's heart. She couldn't help but laugh, feeling a bit silly yet radiant.

It appeared that he still had her on his mind, didn't he?

Gu Antong had a busy morning, so much so that she hardly had time to drink a glass of water. It wasn't because the workload was genuinely overwhelming, as Jiang Nuan had suggested; it was more about Jiang Nuan hovering over her like a hawk, incessantly watching her.

Gu Antong grew increasingly fatigued and exasperated. She was finding it difficult to tolerate the situation. Even though Si Zhen Xuan had said that this was her responsibility, such blatant difficulties were no longer part of her job description.

The rest of the team appeared to be at ease, occasionally exchanging light banter.

"Gu Antong, why isn't this task finished? I need it after work. Hand it to me before that," Jiang Nuan, seemingly out of thin air, issued a non-negotiable command to Gu An Tong.

Observing her lunchtime plans slipping away, Gu An Tong felt a chill in her eyes. She stopped her work and gazed at Jiang Nuan with an equally frosty tone. "Director Jiang, this is our job, and I hope we can all approach it with seriousness and responsibility."

Jiang Nuan raised an arrogant eyebrow, a scornful smile playing on her lips. "Don't be so rigid, Gu Antong. I'm the director here, and you're just a team leader. I want you to take care of these tasks immediately. Everyone in the project team has their assigned duties, and you're only filling in today. Be grateful for the opportunity."

Gu An Tong froze for a moment, her eyes slowly widening in disbelief. Was this woman for real? She didn't want to engage any further.

Lowering her head, she checked the computer's clock. It was only a few seconds before noon.

10... 8... 3... 1! Perfect! Time to call it a day!

Gu An Tong stood up, slung her bag over her shoulder, and made her way towards the exit. There was no desire to continue conversing with Jiang Nuan.

Jiang Nuan's expression suddenly shifted as she reached out to stop Gu Antong abruptly. "Gu Antong! You can't escape."

Gu Antong halted, her voice failing her. Previously, she had believed Jiang Nuan to be a highly ambitious and astute woman, skilled in her machinations. But now, her perspective had taken a different turn.

Is Si Yueyun similar to Jiang Nuan after all? Are they cut from the same cloth, or have they both been fooled by Jiang Nuan's deceptive facade?

But what did that have to do with her? She had no desire to get involved with these two individuals, yet she had allowed them to take charge of a joint project. "Release me," Gu Antong stated coolly, her tone steady, although her presence weighed heavily on Jiang Nuan and Chu. In fact, it was evident that she was upset.

"I'm your superior, and I need you to prepare this information right away. Can't you hear me?" She wasn't going to let go of Gu Antong so easily. After all, they had worked together, and she was Gu Antong's supervisor. How could she pass up such a great opportunity? Gu Antong lowered her gaze to the stack of documents on her desk. She glanced back at Jiang Nuan, appearing somewhat fatigued. Yet, it wasn't physical fatigue that was wearing her down; it was dealing with Jiang Nuan.

"Jiang Nuan, if you still want to marry Si Yueyun, it's best to be mindful of your public words, actions, and demeanor," Gu Antong offered a gentle reminder, though her eyes hinted at a hint of animosity.

"You..." Jiang Nuan was furious, her eyes widening, but she didn't dare to retort.

Gu Antong's words served as a reminder that if she wanted to marry Si Yueyun, she couldn't afford to tarnish her reputation before the wedding.

Tomorrow was merely the engagement; she hadn't yet become Si Yueyun's wife. She had to remain composed.

With this in mind, Jiang Nuan's expression, though still stern, hinted at a new plan brewing in her mind.

"Hmph!" Jiang Wenleng huffed and turned to leave.

"Jiang Nuan," Gu Antong suddenly called out from behind.

Jiang Nuan stopped in her tracks.

"I recall that we had a good relationship back in college," Gu Antong forced herself to remain composed. Since she had fallen in love with Si Zhenxuan, she no longer cared about why Jiang Nuan had pursued Si Yueyun.

"There should be no enmity between us. Why do you oppose me at every turn?" Gu Antong finally voiced the question that had been on her mind for a while.

The two women stood in the corridor, drawing the attention of many employees who were curious about the sudden newcomers to the company.

Gu Antong exuded an air of elegance, nobility, and beauty, dwarfing the conflicted Director Jiang, who had created a stir. The stark contrast endeared her to those who passed by, as Gu Antong, once known for her quiet and cold demeanor, now shone brightly.

Jiang Nuan noticed the growing crowd of onlookers and didn't want to escalate the situation further. She pursed her lips, her face growing increasingly somber, and without looking back, she coldly retorted, "Of course, it's just that a hypocritical woman like you won't remember."

After Jiang Nuan departed, Gu Antong stood in silence for an extended period. Only then did she release a quiet sigh.

Her intention wasn't to reconcile with Jiang Nuan, but she genuinely wanted to understand when and why she had provoked her.

Regrettably, Jiang Nuan seemed uninterested in providing any answers.

Even so, Gu An Tong wasn't a timid soul. She was ready to confront any challenge head-on, just like a soldier protecting their territory.

While lost in thought, Shu Xun reached Gu An Tong's office and guided her to the elevator that led to the president's office.

"Is Si Zhenxuan looking for me?" Gu An Tong asked, and then immediately felt she had inquired too much.

"Yes, the Chief Secretary said he'd like to meet you in person." Shu Xun's voice was soothing, and his smile was equally warm. The atmosphere in the room took on a peculiar, yet comfortable aura. "And then..."

Just as Shu Xun was about to continue, the elevator signaled their arrival with a "Ding Dong!" Gu An Tong mumbled, sensing that Shu Xun might not continue.

"The General Manager's office is over there. He said he wants to see you alone." Shu Xun pointed to the office door but had no intention of entering. His face held a mischievous charm, reminding Gu Antong of his playful tendencies from their time at the hotel.

As Gu An Tong reached for the doorbell, she patiently waited, her cheeks still tinged with a faint blush.

"Come in."

Gu An Tong gently pushed open the door and walked in, only to discover Si Zhenxuan deeply engrossed in his work.

"Please, have a seat. Lunch can wait." As soon as Si Zhenxuan noticed Gu Antong's presence, he swiftly organized his papers and approached her. He took her hand and led her to a sofa.

Gu An Tong followed Si Zhenxuan, her anger and frustration from the morning seemingly dissipated. However, there was a lingering question on her mind.

"Why did Jiang Nuan become the project team director?" Gu An Tong wasn't one to speak her mind directly, but she certainly wasn't naive.

For Si Yueyun, she had some understanding and acceptance, but Jiang Nuan had always felt like an impending storm.

Initially, it was explained as a way to test them. However, Jiang Nuan had since used every tactic to align with Wei Yulan and Si Yueyun.

From Gu An Tong's perspective, this resembled an elaborate scheme to prepare for Si Zhenxuan's eventual ousting from the family.

Si Zhenxuan wasn't surprised by Gu An Tong's question; he may have even anticipated it.

"Just as you walked in, Jiang Nuan naturally requested to join." Si Zhenxuan remained composed, unaffected by the matter.

Gu An Tong's eyes widened, more surprised than speechless. "What about the test she mentioned?"

The situation had reached a point where it couldn't be any more obvious. Si Zhenxuan might no longer consider himself a family member in their eyes. What she had once said to them appeared inconsequential now.

"It's supposed to be a test, they say," Si Zhenxuan replied. There was a subtle depth in his eyes, hardly noticeable but not lost on Gu An Tong.

"A test? I've never seen such a test before." Gu An Tong's lips curled into a slight smirk. She wasn't inquiring about Si Zhenxuan's feelings or plans; she understood that sometimes comfort and more questions could only deepen the wounds, especially after the indifference displayed by Wei Yulan and Si Yueyun the previous night.