
Bride Of Fate

It was supposed to be the happiest day of her life, but when the groom decided to make a last-minute exit at the wedding altar, she didn't break into tears. Instead, she mustered the courage to utter the boldest words she'd ever spoken: "I'll marry anyone here, right now!" In a surprising twist of fate, an unexpected voice from the crowd broke the stunned silence, responding with a resounding, "I'll marry you." To her astonishment, the man who stood up to accept her impromptu proposal was none other than her fiance's own brother. What began as a desperate and unconventional union quickly transformed into something neither of them had anticipated. From the very start, he made it clear that their relationship was built on convenience and mutual benefit, and she reluctantly agreed. She believed she could keep her emotions in check, taking it all in stride. However, life had a wicked sense of humor, and it had no intentions of following their carefully laid plans. As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, the lines between convenience and genuine affection blurred. Unforeseen circumstances, shared experiences, and undeniable chemistry threw them into a whirlwind of passion, confusion, and heartache. Their journey became a rollercoaster ride of unexpected twists, challenging their notions of love, loyalty, and destiny. In this gripping tale of love, fate, and the unpredictability of the heart, they would discover that sometimes the most courageous words spoken in the heat of the moment could change the course of their lives forever.

Divine_Mist · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
64 Chs

Dual Leadership Dilemma

General manager? Gu Antong quickly realized that the person in question was Si Yueyun. While she was taken aback, her surprise didn't come close to matching Xie Jianchen's astonishment.

"Is this a move to strip me of my leadership role?" Gu Antong maintained a cool demeanor, her expression unchanged. In all honesty, it didn't bother her much. If she could disentangle herself from this project, it would be a relief. This way, she wouldn't have to deal with Jiang Nuan and Meng Mei.

Gu Antong's lack of reaction startled Jiang Nuan. She clenched her teeth, struggling to control her anger. She had expected to be rattled by the news, but she hadn't anticipated her own indifference.

The project team members exchanged glances, opting for a wordless truce rather than engaging in a pointless, unproductive feud. None of them could afford to provoke anyone, so silence was their safest course.

Meng Mei allowed a faint, nearly imperceptible sneer to cross her lips, only to have it vanish, replaced by a friendly smile. She positioned herself between Gu Antong and Jiang Nuan, becoming a peacemaker, at least in the eyes of the project team.

"Miss Gu, please don't misunderstand Director Jiang. The project team is going to have two leaders."

Meng Mei's statement sent ripples through the group, and heads turned in surprise. What did that mean?

Gu Antong was equally puzzled and just as confused. But Meng Mei chose not to elaborate, focusing her gaze on Jiang Nuan instead.

Gu Antong's eyes darkened as she gained a newfound understanding of Meng Mei. She had always recognized Meng Mei as a smart woman who knew when to advance and when to retreat. But now, she realized that Meng Mei was not only intelligent but also adept at winning people over. Her loyalty to Jiang Nuan was crystal clear. As for the reason...

Irony flickered in Gu Antong's eyes. The only thing that could unite people like this was a common adversary, and Jiang Nuan was undoubtedly that adversary. But as for Meng Mei...

Apart from Si Zhenxuan, Gu Antong couldn't fathom why Meng Mei would take such a stand. The coincidence of her being here felt too contrived. Gu Antong shook her head subconsciously, her guard up.

Jiang Nuan was genuinely pleased with Meng Mei's stance. She gave Meng Mei a grateful smile before addressing the assembled team. "According to the decision from above, the project team will be divided into two groups, each led by one of the two leaders. Both groups will undertake the same task simultaneously, and the final choice will be made through planning and a vote to decide which team's approach is preferred."

Jiang Nuan's words rendered the team silent, with Gu Antong keeping her head down. Such situations weren't unheard of within the company, often aimed at improving work efficiency. But here, now...

Gu Antong couldn't help but entertain the notion that Jiang Nuan and Meng Mei had reached some sort of agreement.

"What are your thoughts on this decision?" Jiang Nuan phrased it as a question to solicit feedback, but her smug expression conveyed a clear message: there was no room for objections.

Moreover, the decision had been made by the two project leaders, Si Yueyun and Xie Minglang. Who would dare to voice an objection?

Gu Antong also lowered her head and stayed silent. She knew she had no say in the matter, nor did she care to express one.

Observing the silence, Jiang Nuan smiled with satisfaction. "Very well, since no one has any objections, I hereby declare that the project team, consisting of thirteen members, will be divided into two groups. Gu Antong will lead the first group, and Meng Mei will lead the second group. As there is an uneven number of team members, the thirteenth person will join Meng Mei's group. Gu Antong, do you have any suggestions?"

A wry, sarcastic smile crept onto Gu An Tong's lips as she met Jiang Nuan's challenging gaze. "Certainly, I have no objections."

Observing Gu Antong's worn-out appearance, Jiang Nuan was clearly in a cheerful mood, and her laughter brightened up. "Alright, folks, here's the list for each team. We'll be posting it on the bulletin board later. Today, we're all leaving work right at six. It's a welcome party for Meng Mei. We're going out for a nice meal, and then we'll hit the ground running tomorrow. Keep in mind, if any group performs exceptionally well this time, there might be a bonus for us."

As the news of a welcome gathering spread, the team members cheered. Who wouldn't like free food and drinks? Meng Mei cast a shy smile at Jiang Nuan and asked, "Director, is this really necessary?"

"No, you're here by special appointment from Xie Er Ye. We can't skimp on your welcome. We don't want to be outdone by anyone," Jiang Wenyi pointed out, his gaze unapologetically shifting toward Gu Antong.

Gu Antong's sarcastic smile widened. He remained silent; there was no need to engage with such individuals. After all, what does it matter to someone with a clear conscience?

Jiang Nuan shifted his attention to Meng Mei and a malicious gleam entered his eyes. "Gu Antong, are you joining us?"

"I..." Gu Antong hesitated, but then remembered the elevator conversation between Meng Mei and Si Zhenxuan. Meng Mei had mentioned wanting to speak to Si Zhenxuan privately. So, when did she intend to attend the party?

This thought made Gu Antong wary. He didn't intend to befriend Meng Mei, and thus he gave a polite smile and responded, "I'm not sure yet."

Meng Mei couldn't help but notice Gu Antong's expression, and she smiled as she turned to Jiang Nuan. "Director, it seems like I have some responsibilities to attend to as the team leader. You folks go ahead without me."

Gu Antong raised an eyebrow. It appeared that whenever Si Zhenxuan was involved, she couldn't stay as composed and indifferent. Her true feelings were easy to discern by others, at least in Meng Mei's eyes. She had already sensed Gu Antong's shifting mindset.

"What's the matter? You don't want to come, Gu Antong?" Jiang Nuan's smile sparkled brightly.

"Gu Antong, you usually act so confidently. Who would have thought that Meng Mei could make you hesitate like this? It seems that standing with Meng Mei is the right choice," Gu Antong reflected on her earlier misjudgment. She knew that the workplace was full of sly maneuvers. On her very first day, she was criticized by onlookers, and it might have a negative impact if she responded harshly. So, she responded coldly, "It depends on the situation. I didn't say I wouldn't go."

"That's settled!" Jiang Wenqiao nodded, dismissing the subject of Gu Antong. He then turned to the rest of the group, his smile returning. "Don't forget, let's focus on our work for now. Oh, and Meng Mei, since you're new here, let Gu Antong show you around."

Gu Antong stared at Jiang Nuan in amazement. What was that supposed to mean? If she recalled correctly, Meng Mei had just joined the project team herself.

"What? Is there a problem?" Jiang Nuan provocatively looked at Gu Antong, the satisfaction in his eyes unmistakable, further igniting Gu Antong's defiance.

"Of course not," Jiang Nuan replied.

"That's good!" Jiang Nuan nodded with satisfaction, then turned and walked into his office.

As people watched Jiang leave, they all began to busily engage themselves with their work. Only Gu Antong and Meng Mei remained standing in the same place. For a moment, neither of them knew what to say.

For Gu Antong, Meng Mei was like a magical barrier that had once haunted her dreams. Now, those nightmares had transformed into reality, as bright and daunting as the moon, standing before her with a graceful smile, but with the intent to take away the person she cared for.

While Gu Antong wrestled with her apprehensions, Meng Mei appeared composed. She took a few steps toward Gu Antong, offering a polite smile that concealed a deeper layer of meaning. "Miss Gu, may I call you Antong?"

Gu Antong lowered her gaze, her eyes flickering with uncertainty. When she looked up again, she found Meng Mei's smile blossoming at the corners of her lips. "Certainly. Then you can call me Meng Mei."

It might be called absurd if she looked frightened, wouldn't it?

After all, she was the one standing beside Si Zhenxuan, the one who had married him.

Gu Antong's face wore an expression of pride, almost blinding, while Meng Mei appeared slightly surprised, a coldness in her eyes. But she continued to smile, "I'm new to the company, and I may not be familiar with many aspects. I hope I can rely on you for guidance in the future, Antong."

The last two words carried an intimacy that suggested they were well-acquainted.

Gu modestly replied, "We can support each other. I'm new to the company too, so I may not have as much experience as you."

"Oh, come on. You were personally chosen by President Xie for this project. It means you must have something exceptional. After all, Xie Er Ye has high standards and doesn't pay much attention to many people," Meng Mei complimented, though her eyes revealed a different sentiment.

"You think highly of me. If Xie Er Ye truly values you, it implies that you have remarkable qualities as well, doesn't it?" Gu Antong responded with a low chuckle, dismissing Meng Mei's words.

She had noticed the varying attitudes of Xie Jianchen, but she couldn't quite comprehend them. She didn't believe that someone like Xie Jianchen would truly hold her in high regard.

There were all sorts of rumors about Xie Jianchen's personality in Chengdu, with some suggesting that his aloofness and lack of involvement in gossip made him seem unapproachable.

Gu Antong didn't believe she possessed the qualities that would genuinely captivate him.

Rather than continuing their hypocritical exchange of compliments, Gu Antong subtly gestured towards a nearby reference room, saying to Meng Mei, "All the information regarding this project is in there. I'll select the crucial parts to show you."

"Good!" Meng Mei nodded and followed Gu Antong into the reference room.

As they walked, Meng Mei observed Gu Antong's movements. When Gu Antong reached out to select some documents, Meng Mei suddenly brought up a sensitive topic. "I heard there was some commotion at your wedding with Zhenxuan. I was quite surprised when I heard about it. I never expected that Zhenxuan would get married so suddenly."

Gu Antong tensed up, her hand pausing mid-air as she struggled to comprehend the sudden inquiry from Meng Mei.

Raising her eyes, Gu Antong realized they were in a secluded part of the reference room. It was unlikely anyone outside would overhear their conversation.

"Everyone aspires to get married when the right time, age, and the right person align," Gu Antong replied with a frown, pretending to organize the documents in her hand, even though she couldn't shake her unease.