
Bride Of Fate

It was supposed to be the happiest day of her life, but when the groom decided to make a last-minute exit at the wedding altar, she didn't break into tears. Instead, she mustered the courage to utter the boldest words she'd ever spoken: "I'll marry anyone here, right now!" In a surprising twist of fate, an unexpected voice from the crowd broke the stunned silence, responding with a resounding, "I'll marry you." To her astonishment, the man who stood up to accept her impromptu proposal was none other than her fiance's own brother. What began as a desperate and unconventional union quickly transformed into something neither of them had anticipated. From the very start, he made it clear that their relationship was built on convenience and mutual benefit, and she reluctantly agreed. She believed she could keep her emotions in check, taking it all in stride. However, life had a wicked sense of humor, and it had no intentions of following their carefully laid plans. As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, the lines between convenience and genuine affection blurred. Unforeseen circumstances, shared experiences, and undeniable chemistry threw them into a whirlwind of passion, confusion, and heartache. Their journey became a rollercoaster ride of unexpected twists, challenging their notions of love, loyalty, and destiny. In this gripping tale of love, fate, and the unpredictability of the heart, they would discover that sometimes the most courageous words spoken in the heat of the moment could change the course of their lives forever.

Divine_Mist · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
64 Chs

Awkward Bath-Time Revelations

After a refreshing bath, his hair remained damp. Occasionally, a droplet trickled down his neck, following the path of his hair, and then made its way down his chest.

Suddenly, Gu An Tong's face flushed with embarrassment. He quickly averted his gaze, not daring to meet the intense and probing eyes of Si Zhenxuan.

Si Zhenxuan reached over to grab his phone from the edge of the sofa and said, "I'll have the hotel send our meal later, and we can take the day off today."

  I'll go take a bath!" Gu An Tong quickly lowered his head and avoided looking at the captivating man in front of him. At this moment, he exuded an irresistible allure that left her breathless.

Gu Antong entered the bathroom and surveyed its layout. It seemed normal. She let out a sigh of relief, her heart settling.

She reached out and slowly began to remove her skirt. Her hair hung down as she turned on the bathtub. With her coat off, just as she was about to take off her trousers, her eyes widened, and she forgot to breathe.

The bathroom's glass door was transparent?!

Thinking of every move he had made earlier, Gu An Tong blushed. She hurriedly scrambled to put her clothes back on, her body trembling, and one question circling in her mind.

Did he see that? Does he know the bathroom door is transparent?

Meanwhile, Si Zhenxuan sat on the sofa, engrossed in his documents. Due to her embarrassment, Gu An Tong didn't dare to step out of the bathroom or even contemplate taking a bath.

As time passed, Si Zhenxuan finally glanced at the bathroom. He frowned slightly when he saw that Gu An Tong was still fully clothed inside.

Setting his papers aside, he walked toward the bathroom.

Gu An Tong was surprised and couldn't meet Si Zhenxuan's gaze.

"Why aren't you taking a bath?" Si Zhenxuan asked, clearly puzzled by the situation.

Even more embarrassed, Gu An Tong stammered, "The, the bathroom is transparent!" She protested, but couldn't bring herself to raise her head.

Though the water in the bathroom had clouded from Si Zhenxuan's bath, Gu An Tong's neck remained a shade of crimson, a mixture of embarrassment and allure.

"I know," Si Zhenxuan responded directly, his eyes still fixated on Gu An Tong's neck, his expression dark and enigmatic.


"Why didn't you tell me that you knew?"

Si Zhenxuan smiled discreetly and maintained his deep, melodious voice. "What would I have seen? What's there to worry about? We are husband and wife, after all."

He brought up the marital aspect again.

Gu An Tong was taken aback. Her embarrassment began to fade, replaced by a rush of happiness. He understood her, and as husband and wife, they need not be so shy or reserved. They should face everything together, right? She agreed with this sentiment, but...

"Well, don't peek," Gu An Tong whispered softly. She still couldn't completely shake the awkwardness from her heart. It was too much to ask of her to continue her bath as if nothing had happened, especially when she was so exposed.

Si Zhenxuan fell silent for a few seconds, his gaze locked on Gu An Tong's lowered head.

"Fine, I'll look at the documents for a while," Si Zhenxuan said, then turned and returned to the sofa, picking up the document to review.

His words provided a clear answer to Gu An Tong, but she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Did he mean that the documents were more interesting to him than she was? He'd rather read the papers than pay attention to her!

Although she knew Si Zhenxuan was a man of his word, it still stung a little to see him so engrossed in his work.

Inside her heart, the angel and the devil on her shoulders kept debating. In this manner, Gu An Tong endured what might have been the most timid bath of her life.

After Gu An Tong finished her shower and emerged from the bathroom, her bathrobe was wrapped so tightly that it could barely contain her, and water droplets from her hair adorned the robe.

True to his word, Si Zhenxuan kept his eyes on the documents sprawled before him, but the sound of cascading water seemed to trigger thoughts of the graceful figure he'd just witnessed in the shower. His hands trembled.

It dawned on him that there's a world of difference between seeing a woman's body and not seeing it. He could treat the latter with indifference, but the former felt like being right there, in the moment.

Si Zhenxuan always prided himself on having excellent self-control. Yet, at this very moment, he felt lost in a trance. The papers in his hands flipped faster and faster.

Suddenly, the sound of running water ceased.

Gu An Tong walked out of the bathroom and found Si Zhenxuan still seated in the same spot, engrossed in his documents, towel-drying his hair. She sat down next to him, a mix of curiosity and resentment in her eyes, and asked, "Were you genuinely reading those documents?"

Si Zhenxuan nonchalantly flipped the document back to the first page without revealing his distraction and responded with a soft "yes."

Curious, Gu An Tong leaned closer to see the document, which bore the words "Si's Group" on the first page. She frowned and inquired, "Why do you have to work so hard for the Si family, especially considering how they've treated you?"

"I've grown accustomed to it," Si Zhenxuan replied, setting aside the document to gaze at her. The two of them, both in bathrobes, sitting side by side, created an awkward atmosphere, with a palpable air of intimacy.

Gu An Tong retreated slightly, and upon hearing Si Zhenxuan's explanation, she mumbled, "The Si family treats me well. They've given me significant training. After all, I'm not their own son. Their support is more than enough."

Si Zhenxuan noticed Gu An Tong's sly smile and reached out to gently stroke her damp hair. "Are you happy being with me?"

"No!" Gu An Tong quickly shook her head, her gaze lost in the deep pools of Si Zhenxuan's eyes. She pointed to the romantic decorations surrounding them with a blush on her cheeks. "Actually, this room is even better than our honeymoon suite."

Si Zhenxuan surveyed the room, pausing to consider the flowers and balloons. After a brief reflection, he responded earnestly, "If you like it, it's the same as buying a house."

Although his response was devoid of emotion, a wide grin slowly spread across Gu An Tong's face.

"Our new house?"


"Can I design our own room there?"


His response was succinct, but it made Gu An Tong's smile grow even brighter.

"It's getting late. Let's go to bed," Si Zhenxuan calmly closed the document in his hand, and naturally placed his hand on Gu An Tong's waist.

"You should get some rest too. You seem quite tense. Tomorrow, there'll be more to handle," Gu An Tong understood that Si Zhenxuan might be used to bearing the weight of everything alone, but that didn't mean he wasn't uncomfortable or wouldn't get hurt. At least, he had been hurt today when Wei Yulan ruthlessly cast him out of the family.

Si Zhenxuan looked into Gu An Tong's eyes, seeing only heartache and disappointment. He knew exactly what she was unhappy about and what she felt sorry for.

"Alright," Si Zhenxuan nodded, a rare moment of acquiescence, and he set aside his newspaper to head towards the large bed.

Gu An Tong blinked, slightly surprised that Si Zhenxuan had taken her advice. She had expected him to retire first.

It seemed that something was quietly changing between them.

Gu An Tong's face lit up with a smile. She felt warm and content. After the recent excitement, she found herself on a large, unfamiliar bed. Strangely, she no longer felt as lost as she had before, particularly about the prospect of sharing it with Si Zhen Xuan.

"We've got a place to stay, but what about Mengmeng? Maybe it's best to let Shu Xunyang look after her for a while?" Gu An Tong suggested, looking at Si Zhen Xuan, who was standing on the other side of the bed. She turned to sit on the bed, but as she did, the mattress gave way beneath her, like a soft ripple on water, and she cried out in surprise.

"Ah!" Suddenly, her body sank into the middle of the big bed, feeling as though she was floating on water.

Si Zhen Xuan raised an eyebrow, remembering Shu Xunyang's earlier phone call about "booking a room." At the time, he had sensed something odd in Shu Xun's tone but hadn't dwelled on it. Now, as he stepped into this room, he began to suspect that something wasn't quite right.

"What's going on with this bed?" Gu An Tong, who found herself stuck in the middle of the water bed, complained as she tried to stand up but kept slipping and falling.

Si Zhen Xuan looked at the bewildered Gu An Tong and couldn't help but chuckle softly. He kindly explained, "This is a water bed, and this room is a themed one—a love nest."

"A water bed? A love nest?" Gu An Tong was left flustered, her face turning bright red as she mulled over these unfamiliar words. "I...I don't understand."

Si Zhen Xuan took a step forward and extended his hand to help Gu An Tong up. "Let me assist you."

Gu An Tong nodded, her movements a little hesitant, and she placed her hand in Si Zhen Xuan's. With a gentle pull, he effortlessly helped her stand up.

"So, how are we going to sleep on this?" Gu An Tong asked, feeling a bit flustered and worried that they might end up rolling into each other. She recalled similar situations in the past.

"As long as we balance ourselves when we lie down, we won't fall in," Si Zhen Xuan reassured her with a calm expression, seemingly unfazed by the strange surroundings.

"Alright, let's give it a try then," Gu An Tong agreed. She bypassed Si Zhen Xuan and went to the other side of the bed. "On the count of three! One, two, three!" Gu An Tong counted, and simultaneously, they both lay down on opposite sides, focusing on maintaining their balance.

However, as she lay there, Gu An Tong couldn't help but cover her face and let out a helpless sigh. Once again, she found herself in an unusual situation. An interesting room had brought her together with a man, but it certainly didn't feel all that interesting right now.