
Bride Of Fate

It was supposed to be the happiest day of her life, but when the groom decided to make a last-minute exit at the wedding altar, she didn't break into tears. Instead, she mustered the courage to utter the boldest words she'd ever spoken: "I'll marry anyone here, right now!" In a surprising twist of fate, an unexpected voice from the crowd broke the stunned silence, responding with a resounding, "I'll marry you." To her astonishment, the man who stood up to accept her impromptu proposal was none other than her fiance's own brother. What began as a desperate and unconventional union quickly transformed into something neither of them had anticipated. From the very start, he made it clear that their relationship was built on convenience and mutual benefit, and she reluctantly agreed. She believed she could keep her emotions in check, taking it all in stride. However, life had a wicked sense of humor, and it had no intentions of following their carefully laid plans. As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, the lines between convenience and genuine affection blurred. Unforeseen circumstances, shared experiences, and undeniable chemistry threw them into a whirlwind of passion, confusion, and heartache. Their journey became a rollercoaster ride of unexpected twists, challenging their notions of love, loyalty, and destiny. In this gripping tale of love, fate, and the unpredictability of the heart, they would discover that sometimes the most courageous words spoken in the heat of the moment could change the course of their lives forever.

Divine_Mist · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
64 Chs

A Clash Of Visions

Siyueyun left through another corridor, leaving Gu Antong inexplicably gazing at his disappearing figure. Meanwhile, Jiang Nuan approached with a folder in hand, a look of pride on her face. She informed Gu Antong, "The group just notified us that in half an hour, you and Meng Mei, as the new group leaders, will have a meeting on the top floor."

Jiang Nuan didn't inquire about Siyueyun's departure, and Gu Antong was unsure whether his earlier words had influenced her or if there were other factors at play.

Gu Antong simply replied, "Alright, I understand."

Meng Mei and Jiang Nuan walked together, their expressions cold.

It wasn't until they boarded the elevator that Gu Antong learned from Jiang Nuan that this emergency meeting was related to the acquisition of Jingchun.

Upon reaching the top floor, Gu Antong noticed a large group of people gathering there, and it sent a chill down her spine. It seemed that the situation was much more serious than she had anticipated.

Many individuals had congregated, all of whom held prominent positions within the company. An emergency meeting of this magnitude implied that Siyueyun was determined to thwart Zhenxuan's plans to acquire Jingchun.

Gazing across the crowd, Gu Antong spotted Si Zhenxuan conversing with the board members as they made their way towards the meeting room at the end of the corridor.

With a grave countenance and a commanding presence, Si Antong recognized that Si Zhenxuan was resolute in his course of action. She also realized the profound significance of Jingchun to him.

Jiang Nuan stood alongside Siyueyun unabashedly. Given that many employees had already become aware of her identity at the previous engagement party, everyone now knew she was the company's second daughter.

Suddenly, applause erupted from the crowd, and Liao Yongcheng, the director of the personnel department, spoke loudly, "Please follow me into the conference room!"

While addressing the group, Liao Yongcheng deliberately or inadvertently cast a glance in Siyueyun's direction. This gesture did not escape Gu Antong's keen eyes.

The group followed Liao Yongcheng into a spacious conference room, featuring a large round table that occupied the center of the room. Siyueyun and Si Zhenxuan took their seats at opposite ends, flanked by the company's board members. Everyone, including Siyueyun, appeared solemn.

People found their seats and settled in quietly. The room was hushed, and even breathing too heavily seemed inappropriate in that stifling atmosphere.

Once everyone was seated, Siyueyun, sporting an unusually serious expression, began to speak. "Please pay close attention to the materials provided to you. I encourage you to look them over while I speak. We will discuss your opinions one by one."

As Siyueyun spoke, the attendees swiftly started perusing the documents in their hands. Gu Antong also glanced at the materials but kept her focus on Siyueyun and Si Zhenxuan.

Si Zhenxuan maintained his typical icy composure, but his demeanor was even colder than usual. As for Siyueyun...

Gu Antong observed him briefly, then turned her gaze away. Siyueyun must have a clear understanding of the situation and had done his homework beforehand. He seemed to have anticipated Si Zhenxuan's intentions and knew the importance of Jingchun to him, making all the necessary preparations.

But would Si Zhenxuan truly follow Siyueyun's lead? Gu Antong couldn't provide an answer, and she didn't have the luxury of pondering the matter any further. Siyueyun had already begun speaking, and his opening words caught everyone by surprise.

In the company, it was common knowledge that Siyueyun seldom took an active interest in its affairs. Instead, Si Zhenxuan typically handled such matters. So, when Siyueyun began addressing the assembly, it left everyone wondering about the significance of this change.

"This important meeting primarily concerns the acquisition of Jingchun, a brand with a century-long history. I assume you've had a chance to review the materials in your possession and have a general grasp of Jingchun's current situation. I won't dwell on that. What we need to address next is the central focus of this meeting: is acquiring Jingchun a worthwhile endeavor for our company?"

As he spoke, he cast a quick glance at Gu Antong, who sat in the corner.

However, his words carried a gravity as if he'd undergone a complete transformation. Unlike the surprise brought on by Si Yueyun's change in demeanor, the prospect of acquiring Jingchun didn't astonish us. Unless explicitly instructed otherwise, the company's secrets could easily leak. The top management was already aware of the plans to acquire Jingchun.

Gu Antong smirked but refrained from commenting on Si Yueyun's words. She was sure that Si Yueyun had meticulously orchestrated this meeting.

"Well, to start, Chief Secretary, you've been the advocate for this acquisition. Please elaborate on your reasons for supporting it," Si Yueyun wasn't hesitant at all, giving the floor directly to Si Zhenxuan. Gu Antong grew more uneasy as his turn neared.

Si Zhenxuan's penetrating gaze swept across the room, sending chills down our spines. His imposing presence made us sit up straight.

"Jingchun, a brand with a century of history, still carries substantial name recognition and a dedicated customer base, despite its recent decline. I firmly believe that our acquisition will revitalize Jingchun and lead it to greater heights than ever before," Si Zhenxuan's words were succinct but oozed with confidence and authority. As soon as he finished, Shu Xun, who stood behind him, handed out documents. Si Zhenxuan was about to present information on the benefits of acquiring Jingchun, but Si Yueyun intervened at the opportune moment.

Si Zhenxuan was well aware of the company's current internal dynamics. Si Yueyun had begun to make covert moves, rendering any further discussion in this meeting futile. However, one common weakness prevailed among those present: self-interest.

Hence, Si Zhenxuan had already prepared data concerning Jingchun's existing resources and the potential benefits post-acquisition. The numbers spoke for themselves. He believed that the board of directors couldn't resist such temptations.

But to his surprise, Si Yueyun had everything well-arranged, leaving him no room to speak.

"I trust you have all made up your minds. Mr. Si holds an optimistic view of Jingchun's future and believes he can breathe new life into it, but I beg to differ. While we all recognize Mr. Si's capabilities, I am skeptical about taking on such a substantial risk for our company if the target is Jingchun."

Si Zhenxuan's gaze landed on Liao Yongcheng, who promptly rose and distributed the documents to the attendees. Si Yueyun continued, "I've conducted an evaluation of Jingchun's current state and the challenges we'll face in case of an acquisition. Take a look at the assessment first and weigh the facts before expressing your opinions."

As the document landed in front of Gu Antong, she eagerly began to peruse its contents. The more she read, the more infuriated she became.

This was hardly an evaluation; it was, in essence, a veiled declaration that Si Yueyun's company opposed the acquisition of Jingchun and wanted others to align with him. Those who read the document appeared to be leaning toward Si Yueyun, discussing it in hushed tones.

"From this perspective, it appears that the acquisition is merely a waste of money."

"Indeed, Jingchun's glory days seem to be gone. It's improbable that we can bring it back to life through an acquisition."

For a moment, there was a chorus of opposing voices and doubts. Gu Antang clenched his teeth, struggling to maintain his composure. The more he listened, the harder it became to keep his emotions in check. Master Si Zhenxuan, on the other hand, remained a passive observer, coldly watching the unfolding drama, as if he were an outsider.

It was evident that the overall sentiment was turning in Si Yueyun's favor. She couldn't hide her sense of pride and satisfaction. "After you've had a chance to review everything, feel free to share your thoughts."

Among the lower-ranked individuals, they exchanged glances and whispered privately. But none of them dared to step forward and voice their opinions.

Si Yueyun and Si Zhenxuan both held influential positions within the company, so it was understandable that no one was eager to challenge them openly. After all, Si Zhenxuan's true identity was shrouded in mystery.

Several senior executives and directors of the company remained silent, though it was clear they were leaning towards Si Yueyun's perspective. Si Zhenxuan's eyes held a subtle, ironic glint as he observed this.

It appeared that the decision to acquire Jing Chun not only had the support of those present, but it had also received approval from the company's highest decision-maker. Si Zhenxuan found it hard to believe that the senior executives and directors in the room were unable to see Jing Chun's promising prospects.

"Director, I cannot endorse the proposal to acquire Jing Chun," a voice finally broke the silence. It was Liao Yongcheng.

"Director Liao from the personnel department, could you please explain your reasons for not supporting it?" Si Yueyun asked, pretending to be inquisitive, despite having aligned Liao Yongcheng with her.

Liao Yongcheng raised a document in his hand, never once making eye contact with Si Zhenxuan. "This document provides the best explanation."

Indeed, the document was a compelling argument against the acquisition. Anyone who saw it would likely oppose the idea.

Liao Yongcheng's statement acted as a catalyst, prompting most of the directors and team leaders from various departments to express their opposition.

In a matter of moments, two-thirds of the individuals in the conference room had voiced their dissent. The project team, business department, and public relations department remained neutral, while the board of directors remained conspicuously silent.

Si Yueyun and Jiang Nuan couldn't hide their satisfaction. The plan was proceeding smoothly as intended, and they relished the fact. Jiang Nuan took particular pleasure in witnessing Gu Antong's frustration.

Gu Antong clenched her fists, continuously reciting Shu Xun's words and self-soothing herself. She reminded herself that Si Zhenxuan didn't want her involvement in this matter. Si Zhenxuan didn't want her to intervene.

In the end, Gu couldn't contain herself any longer.

"I support the acquisition of Jing Chun," she declared, her voice clear and resolute.

The meeting room fell into immediate silence, and all eyes turned to the source of the statement. It was Gu Antong, the leader of the new project team.