
Bred For Chaos: The Rogue's Dalliance

The Rogue wolves have long been seen to be the lowest of the lows. They are either booted out of their packs or left on their own free will. Rogues were nothing more than outcasts who were always cast aside by their society. They were never really a source of great danger, or so wolves thought. Every other wolf could encounter pales in comparison to Eligor Wylder Koen. He is exceptionally strong, shrewd, and cunning. He was overwhelmed with fury and recollections from his past, so he did exactly what he felt he had to do — He incited his kind's animosity against those at the top and led rogue groups to decimate the packs. Eligor is determined to destroy everybody who’d stand in his way, even if it meant the Heiress of the Leurunas. Asteria Lilith is the sole daughter of Alpha Declan, the man who commands the country’s second-most potent pack. The she-wolf is everything that a man could ever dream of. She is fierce, trained, and an excellent warrior who exudes the presence of a Luna. She is the next in line and the heiress of the pack he is frantically attempting to destroy. Eligor and Lilith are the complete opposites of one another. One is a rogue, and one is a leader. They were never really meant to be a perfect fit… But the Moon Goddess seemed to have a different plan.

NeviahInks · Fantasía
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16 Chs

C H A P T E R 1 3

I kept a careful eye on him as the three of us remained concealed. Eligor is resting against the balcony railings, holding a glass of red wine in his right hand. He seemed to be drowning himself in his own thoughts, probably thinking of new ways to torment our pack. His sole goal is to kill us, after all. 

Atticus and Willow also kept their undivided attention on Eligor. It was almost as if they were just waiting for him to do something strange, something we could use against the rogues. So when a woman in a black nightgown slowly emerged from his back, the two of them perked up, ready to observe what the two rogues would do. 

"That could be his mate, Atticus." Willow suddenly blurted out. Atticus nodded, still not peeling off his stare from the woman who just entered. She looks fairly young, but beautiful and neat for a rogue. She could be Eligor's girlfriend for all I care. 

"We could use that woman against him, Lilith. Don't you think?" Atticus suddenly asked. I completely fell into silence. How could I even answer that question when I, myself, just found out that he was seeing another she-wolf behind my back? 

It made me suddenly regret to consider him when I was on a date with Alpha Khai. I have no feelings for Eligor and whatnot, but I must say that I feel mistreated as his mate, especially since he always claims me as his own every time we meet. Is there even a glimmer of conscience in him? How could he pursue me while he's clearly dating another wolf? 

I faked a grin. "We could, Atticus. I think it'd be better to capture her first so we could lure that rogue into our place. They're obviously lovers." I replied, watching as the woman hugged him from behind, leaving kisses on the back of his nape. 

Eligor did not have any violent reactions, so it was safe to assume that he was dating her. I'm probably just a toy for him, as he has always claimed. I'm honestly not surprised. Eligor is completely wicked, and cheating on his partner is just exactly what I expected him to do. It's not like he could still disappoint me when he's been a disappointment since the very beginning.

Willow gasped at the sight of them making out. I kept a straight face. I don't think it is any of my business if he has fun with other wolves, but I'll make sure to treat him the same way the next time that we meet. If he could see another she-wolf, then it'd cause no harm for me to entertain Khai. He's a lot better than him, after all. If only Eligor did not come into my life, then I'd probably be dating an Alpha already. At this point, I'd take anyone, even a vampire, just to run the fuck away from Eligor. 

"We should go, the both of you. We've gathered enough information for the day. Unless you guys want to stay over and watch rogue porn?" I teased, trying to keep the mood light. Eligor is not worth ruining the night over. It's exhausting enough to visit their territory, I don't want to stress myself out even more over a useless rogue. 

Willow and Atticus frowned in response and immediately stood up and turned their backs. "That's disgusting, Lilith. I'd rather pour alcohol in my eyes and burn it than watch them have sex." He replied. 


The night was already too deep when we were halfway back to the Leuruna's territory, so we made a decision to camp over in a cave for the night. Atticus and Willow took the initiative to build the tent as I went over to the nearest river. I took off the boots that I was wearing as I let my feet enjoy the warm water. My breathing hitched in relief. We've been running for hours already so it was such a comfort to finally relax. 

I closed my eyes, oblivious to the surroundings when Dusk suddenly called into my mind. "Lilith?" She asked.

"Yes, Dusk?" I replied, swaying my feet in rhythm with the water's current. It felt so good that I was suddenly tempted to just drown myself and leave all of my problems behind. I must be going insane. 

"I'm not sure whether you noticed, but it seems like Eligor was aware of our presence earlier. I could feel Zion's attention drawn to our hiding spot." She uttered, her voice laced with nervousness. I quickly stood up in surprise. 

"How come you did not tell me about this sooner, Dusk? We could have been caught!" I exclaimed. If Eligor sensed us despite the distance, then there's a high possibility that it was because of the mate bond. I almost put my friends in danger for fuck's sake. 

"I've already caught you since you first stepped foot in the forest, Asteria." A familiar voice suddenly said from behind. I froze. He found me… again. 

I heaved a deep breath as I slowly turned around, just to be greeted yet again by his smug expression. Eligor raised his eyebrows and went closer to where I was standing. "You and your friends are not good at spying, lover. Do you want me to teach you?" He whispered, his arms slowly crawling to hug my waist. 

I rolled my eyes as I felt his breathing, hitting the skin of my neck. "You only found us because of the bond, Eligor. You think too highly of yourself." I replied. 

Eligor chuckled. "Or maybe you're just too naive to think that I wouldn't find you. I can feel you no matter how far you are, Asteria. The mate bond might not work for you, but it does for me." 

"You're really such a fucking asshole, Eligor. You knew I was there and yet you're still going to have sex with that goddamn wolf? Couldn't you at least wait till I left?" I scowled at him. It's so fucking offending that he did that although he was aware of my presence. Was he rubbing it on my face? 

His eyes lit up in amusement. "Are you finally jealous, lover?" 

I growled. What does he think of me? His admirer? "Bold of you to assume that I have feelings for you, Eligor. All that I feel towards you is lust, and that's not even voluntary. Stop being so fucking narcissistic." 

Eligor is such a narcissist for a rogue wolf. He doesn't even have anything to boast about. He's packless and is evil. What's there to be proud of? His dick? 

"You talk too much, Asteria. Does it hurt your pride to admit that you were jealous?" Eligor asked playfully. I scoffed. Is this how he wants to play? Fine. 

I feigned a smile and wrapped my hands around his nape. He smirked. "I'd only be jealous if it was Khai Palmer Cillian, Eligor Wylder Koen. You know that I like my men powerful, don't you?" I whispered, drawing circles on the back of his neck.

Eligor's eyes immediately darkened. I grinned. If there was anyone that's jealous between the two of us, it would be him. He freaks out over the most little and random things. He's so fucking possessive and it's not a good look to wear. 

"Don't ever fucking mention that guy's name in front of me again, Asteria. You wouldn't like what I would do." He replied, threatening me.

My blood immediately boiled at his remarks. He is so fucking entitled that I just want to snap his neck into two in this instant. I hate men that claim me. I hate men who feel the need to control me. And most of all, I hate men that are rogues. I hate Eligor. My claws slowly revealed themselves as I dug my nails on his neck. To my satisfaction, his blood immediately trickled down my palm. Eligor winced. 

"I'm not fucking afraid of you, Eligor. I'm not letting you to dictate me anymore. I was such a fool for even caring about your feelings when I dated Khai. You're nothing but a fucking worthless rogue." I spitted. 

He frowned. "Are you seriously choosing that man over me, Asteria? I'm your mate for fuck's sake." Eligor snarled. I could not help but laugh in a sarcastic manner. 

"We're only mates because you fooled me, Eligor. I told you to stop thinking highly of yourself, didn't I? You don't have any right against me, Koen. I'm not letting you manipulate me anymore. This is over. We're fucking over." I replied, finally putting distance between our bodies. 

Eligor's eyes widened in surprise as he still tried to get a hold of me. I let out a loud growl and stared at him in despise. You're doing great, Lilith. I should have done this earlier. From now on, I'm only focusing on defeating his rogues. I'm not going to be swayed by him anymore. It's about time that I fulfill my duties as the future Luna. 

You will see, Eligor Wylder Koen. I will fucking kill you. 


"Where have you been, Lilith?" Atticus asked when I went back to the cave. 

I faked a smile. "I just felt like relaxing by the river, Atticus. How's Willow? She's been in a bad shape since earlier." I asked. 

Atticus sat at my side, pointing to one of the three tents. "She fell asleep before she even realized, Lilith. She must be exhausted. I suddenly feel so guilty that I drag the two of you into the forest. This is solely my responsibility as the pack's Beta. I'm so sorry, Lilith." He replied. 

I broke into a chuckle as I leaned my head to his shoulders. Atticus stiffened in surprise. I rolled my eyes. We've known each other since we were pups. If I were to choose a biological brother among the Leurunas, then it'd be Atticus. 

"You don't have to bear everything alone, Atticus. I also hold a great responsibility for the Leurunas. I'm just thankful enough that you've been risking your life for us. It's not an easy task to go after them alone, after all." I said, staring at the bright moon. 

It suddenly felt comforting that Atticus was sharing the same worries as mine. I was also having a difficult time earlier since I realized that I almost caused them harm. It wasn't right of me to be complacent that Eligor wouldn't find us when the bond could easily lead him to me. I'm such a fool for even thinking otherwise. 

"That's my oath as your Beta, Lilith. Alpha Declan is almost my father. I don't think I'd be okay if I let him down. I owe him my entire life." He replied. 

I chuckled. "You've been serving us your whole life, Atticus. I meant what I said earlier when I told you that you need a rest. You've lost a lot of weight already. How could you fight rogues if your body is hurting itself already, Atticus? We'll cover for you, I promise. So take a break and recuperate for the upcoming war." 

Atticus looked at me and patted my head, smiling. I smiled back. I really find his presence comforting. He's always been like a breath of fresh air. I suddenly felt like his smile made up for the stress that Eligor caused me earlier, how I wish that life would always be this peaceful. 

"Serving the family of the Leurunas is always a great pleasure, Lilith. My family will always be in debt to yours' since the day that you gave us shelter. I'm still grateful up to this day. I can't even imagine what we would do if the Leurunas weren't able to find us." 

The Kyson Family was kicked out by their pack and taken in by my father back in the day, so I also get where Atticus was coming from. "You don't have to be so dedicated, really. You've already paid your debt back with your years of service. I'm sure that my father feels the same way." 

I understand what he is feeling. He must have been going too hard on himself since he felt in debt to my family. But I don't think I could stay and just watch him exhaust himself to death just to appease the alpha. I just can't. 

I smiled. "You're already a part of us, Atticus. You're my brother. You no longer need to feel pressured, we can handle this together —you as the Beta, and I as the Luna."