
Bred For Chaos: The Rogue's Dalliance

The Rogue wolves have long been seen to be the lowest of the lows. They are either booted out of their packs or left on their own free will. Rogues were nothing more than outcasts who were always cast aside by their society. They were never really a source of great danger, or so wolves thought. Every other wolf could encounter pales in comparison to Eligor Wylder Koen. He is exceptionally strong, shrewd, and cunning. He was overwhelmed with fury and recollections from his past, so he did exactly what he felt he had to do — He incited his kind's animosity against those at the top and led rogue groups to decimate the packs. Eligor is determined to destroy everybody who’d stand in his way, even if it meant the Heiress of the Leurunas. Asteria Lilith is the sole daughter of Alpha Declan, the man who commands the country’s second-most potent pack. The she-wolf is everything that a man could ever dream of. She is fierce, trained, and an excellent warrior who exudes the presence of a Luna. She is the next in line and the heiress of the pack he is frantically attempting to destroy. Eligor and Lilith are the complete opposites of one another. One is a rogue, and one is a leader. They were never really meant to be a perfect fit… But the Moon Goddess seemed to have a different plan.

NeviahInks · Fantasía
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16 Chs

C H A P T E R 1 2

I scowled at Willow as she slipped yet again while we moved deeper into the forest, also known as the rogues' lair. The three of us decided to embark on an important mission tonight to investigate the immunization of the rogues to Wolfsbane. Atticus and I were both carrying hefty camp packs, but we kept our steps light and virtually imperceptible. Willow, however, was doing the exact polar opposite. She was becoming extremely clumsy throughout the night, stumbling upon and slipping on every little debris that came her way. I was getting frustrated. 

"You're going to get yourself in trouble if you keep walking that way, Willow. We can't afford to get injured right now. Going to their territory is extremely dangerous." I reminded her while I shoved away the branches of trees hindering the path. 

She sighed. "I'm really sorry, Lilith. I guess I'm just not in a good condition today. My wolf is having a hard time using her night vision." 

I took a deep breath and just nodded. "Just be careful, okay? You can always hold on to Atticus and me if you keep slipping away. It's better than falling and hurting yourself repeatedly." 

I noticed Atticus agreeing through my peripheral vision. "Lilith is right, Willow. We need to be in our greatest shape tonight, especially if we get caught and suddenly have to fight them." 

Willow pouted and held onto my shoulders. "If only we could run in our wolf forms, then it wouldn't be this hard visiting their territory." She complained. 

I chuckled. "They would easily distinguish us, Willow. We have a different scent than the usual rogues. One sniff and they'd find our asses out." I replied. 

The three of us initially wanted to travel the forest using our wolf forms, but both Atticus and I realized that we would be readily identified by the rogues if we did.  Aside from the fact that we smell quite different from them, Dusk is also only one of her kind. My wolf form is noticeable, and Eligor has seen me in Dusk as well. It wouldn't be safe to snoop around their territory in such a recognizable cover. We might as well just unveil ourselves and doom our lives to its ends. 

"Ugh. Those rogues are going to be the death of me, Lilith. I just want to banish them from the face of the earth forever. They're giving me the worst headaches and anxiety." Willow said, growling. 

Atticus scoffed and nudged her. "If you're already this stressed being a spectator, then I'm going mental, Willow. I haven't slept a wink since the day that I saw them pumping themselves with Wolfsbane. I might as well bury myself in a casket." 

I could not help but frown at Atticus' words. He's so fucking overworked for a Beta. I really don't know how I missed the signs that he was giving. He always came back exhausted, and I've always thought that it was because he was guarding the borders. Little did we know, he was actually conducting his own investigation. That must have been so hard. 

"You need to rest once we get back, Atticus. You can't go on like this. You've already lost a ton of weight from spying and protecting the pack against them. It's about time that you get a little vacation." I replied, patting his shoulders. If I were to compare him to something at the moment, I'd say he resembles a vampire. He's really pale, and his eye bags have extremely deepened. I wince just at the sight of him. 

"How could I be greedy and rest, Lilith? The pack is constantly being threatened by the rogues and the alpha has been giving me all the important tasks. I don't think I'll be able to rest anytime soon. " He replied, sulking in the corner. 

Despite what I said, I knew that Atticus was right. Resting is a privilege when you hold a high position among the pack. I'm exhausted just thinking of how long he stays up every day. 

"I really wish that I could help, Atticus. I just don't understand why my father and Alpha Khai haven't told me anything about the Koens up to this point. I'm the future Luna of the Leurunas. Don't I deserve to know a little bit of our history? I don't even have the slightest hint of any idea why the Koens are seeking their revenge. It's exhausting." I complained. 

"Maybe they did something horrible in the past, Lilith. I don't think that Alpha Khai and Declan would be very secretive if they were never at fault." Willow suddenly said. I could not help but think the same. If they weren't guilty of any crimes, then why can't they just be transparent, at the very least to those who hold a position within the pack?

"That's a bold thing to assume, Willow. But we can't be blamed either. Even I, as the Beta, do not know anything about the history of the three packs involved. I've been honestly having a hard time thinking about where I should start investigating." Atticus opened up. 

I couldn't help but be brought back to the moment when I and Eligor first met. He said something about the Leurunas ruining his life. I can still vividly remember his rage and blood lust from the minute I laid my eyes on him. What may be the root of your aversion, Eligor? He even went so far as to establish a rogues' empire. I'm sure his vengeance would be unlike any other. 

"If only they'd be a little transparent, Atticus. Maybe then we'd get a new idea of how to defeat them. We barely even know our opponents, and honestly, I don't think we stand a chance if this continues." I muttered under my breath. 

These rogues are not to be taken lightly. Seeing how they are so desperate to kill us, even sacrificing themselves for a nonsensical experiment, is enough for me to have a gist of the extent of their anger towards the Leurunas. They're enraged, and they are coming for us. 

Welcome to the fucking life of a Future Luna, Lilith 

The three of us ducked our heads under the bush as we were greeted by the sight of the rogues' lair. I could smell each and every one of them from our position, making me frown at the disgusting scent. I seriously cannot fathom how Eligor does not smell when this is where he lives. It smelled like rotten eggs and worms even while we were keeping our distance. 

"Do you see anything, Lilith?" Atticus asked, trying to peek in the telescope that we'd both brought. 

I turned my body towards a big mansion and carefully assessed the place. Did Eligor build this on his own? It seems a lot more extravagant than I expected, considering that it belongs to a rogue. Their kind are usually not given anything by the government and neither can they be employed in the wolf society. I could not help but wonder how Eligor is capable of sustaining this place. I've known him for quite a while now, and he's still a big mystery that I can't seem to figure out. 

I looked back at Atticus and pointed to another house, just beside the mansion. "Do you see that, Atticus? It looks like a warehouse or some sort of storage. It doesn't seem livable. Perhaps they're keeping something important inside that place." 


If I were to describe this abode, I'd say it appears abandoned, yet it's not. In comparison to the magnificent mansion directly next door, the entrance is rusted and the walls are virtually disintegrating. It appears to be something nefarious that would be placed there. Knowing Eligor, they could even use it to store corpses. 

I frowned at the thought. Just the thought of a mass of dead bodies behind those rusted old doors makes me feel uneasy. It makes me want to fucking throw up. 

"That place looks so creepy, Lilith. I suddenly want to go home." Willow said, whispering in my ears. 

I nodded. "There's no doubt that they're doing something shady inside that place, Willow. The sight of it is already making me imagine the worst possible things that they could store inside." 

Atticus suddenly stood up. "Come to think of it, Lilith. I think I saw several rogues come out from that house when I saw them using Wolfsbane. They could be storing their serums inside!" He exclaimed. 

My eyes widened as they drifted yet again to the old house. Atticus is right. Where else would they store wolfsbane other than a separate house? Wolfsbanes are extremely poisonous to wolves, so I doubt that they'd store it in a kitchen where it could be mistaken as an ingredient. 

"You might be right, Atticus. Do you think we could possibly sneak inside?" I asked, still staring at the house. 

Atticus sighed in response. "This is the safest distance that we could maintain, Lilith. They'd be able to smell us if we go any closer." He whispered. 

Willow groaned. "We should have brought our masking gas, Atticus. The next time that we come here, we should not forget about those." She replied. 

I agreed. "I'm so sorry, guys. It slipped on my mind." Actually, it did not. I just ran out of my masking gas because of how much I use it when Eligor makes his way to visit me. I need to get a new one. 

"Don't worry about it, Lilith. We can go again next time. We're not even fully equipped today. It wouldn't be wise to attack an empire full of rogues unless we're trying to get ourselves killed. Let's just stay here for a little while and see if someone comes out." Atticus said. 

Willow and I both concede. Atticus has a point. It'd be the best move for us at the moment. I wouldn't want to appear scared or weak, but they would easily outnumber us if we stopped from hiding. I can't let my father's efforts to train us go to waste even before we could use them at war. I'm not dying in this filthy place today. And even if we do have the masking gas, I doubt that Eligor would not be able to sense me. This mate bond is honestly such a disadvantage on my side when we're at war. I suddenly find it so unfair that he could feel me, but I can't feel him. It'd be useful right now if I could sense where he is, but to no avail, I can't even feel a bit of his presence though I'm not far away from his place. 

"Someone is coming out." Atticus suddenly declared. My body instantly tensed as I sharpened my sight, but I realized that it wasn't needed since I recognized the familiar smell. 

It's him. It's Eligor. 

My eyes followed his moves as he came out from the veranda on the 2nd Floor. Our night vision as werewolves is clear so it wasn't hard for us to see him. 

Willow gasped on my side. "Are you guys sure that he's a rogue? He looks strangely magnificent." She uttered, her jaw dropping down as she spoke. 

I could not help but feel nervous. He wouldn't sense me, would he? I'm keeping a good distance from their place. It'd be impossible for him to even get a whiff of my scent. 

Atticus glared at her remarks. "That's a fucking killer, Willow. Your taste in men is utterly doubtful." He whispered. I immediately felt guilty. I'm mated to that goddamn killer, Atticus. What does that make of me? If Willow's taste is already doubtful then my taste in men would be a crime. 

"I know how to appreciate beauty when I see one, Atticus. He's drop-dead gorgeous! Maybe he's their hostage or something." She even replied. 

I frowned. Hostage? Eligor is only a hostage when he's in bed with me. Other times, he's just a fucking predator.