
BREATHLESS [A story that will touch your soul]

EP 1; Placing the coffee mug on the glass table, "you know what darling, girls like you who always try to run away from dating and relationships, always end up falling in love at the end." Letting out a brittle laughter, "grandma I think you're under the influence of fairy tales. Or did you watch Cinderella cartoons before coming?" "Huh? I can't even remember the last time I watched fairy tales movie." "Then why are you talking bout dating and relationships? Because I know am not interested in them" Raising her eyebrows, granny Mathilda burst into laughter. Scowling her face, "grandma what's funny? I didn't say something funny" Slightly pinching and pulling bianca's cheeks, granny Mathilda chuckled, "yes dear, you just said something funny." Frowning confusedly, "how?" Taking a deep breath, "first of all, let me tell you something." She sat up properly and faced her. "Do you know that old men and women of my age  still goes into relationship?" Widening her eyes and mouth in shock, Bianca threw her hands in her mouth and gasped. "Ahh, you gat to be kidding me grandma" Nodding her head, "no darling, am not kidding, am talking legit." "But why do they have to go into a relationship when they're old and weak?" Shrugging her shoulders, "weird" Flicking her forehead, "oh you haven't heard of old people dating sites?" Frowning confusedly, "old people dating sites? No I haven't and why is it?" Chuckling, "okay I'll tell you" she whispered and explained. "Every woman needs a life partner, whom will watch over her, protect her and support her till the end of time. So no matter your age or who you are, you still need a partner." Sitting up properly, Bianca helplessly shook her head. "But it's not in my gene to date anyone right now, because–" placing her hand on her chest, she gave a doleful look and added, "I don't wanna suffer another heartbreak, please feel my pains" Patting the top of her head, she chuckled. "I do feel your pains too dear but heartbreaks are also part of life" Widening her eyes and mouth in shock, "huh?" Bianca shouted shockingly. "Uh huh, if you didn't date someone then how do you experience heartbreaks? Or do you just watch them happen in the movies?" P.S The cover page don't belong to me.

Ahanuwa_B_Osarugue · Ciudad
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259 Chs

Obituary postal

"Where are you going?"

"My dad just arrived and he is waiting for me at the airport. I need to pick him up."

Getting up, "okay we'll go together."

"Are you sure you want to come with me?"

"Why won't I?"

"Honey, my dad is very strict and formal. He might start throwing questions at you if he sees you."

"And what's the difference? Is not as if he won't ask me questions when he sees me."

Taking a deep breath, bianca sighed. "Okay fine, but just digest whatever he tells you, because he is fucking annoying sometimes."

Chuckling, "you are talking as if your father is a military man." Adjusting his blazer, "as a boyfriend, it's my right to see the father of the beautiful angel, who cleared the dark side of my life"

Rolling her eyes, "fine, but don't say I didn't warn you."


Somewhere else

"Perfect, Indeed you did a clean job." The man said before sipping his wine.

"I told you, my works are not rough. I followed the exact route you gave to me." The other man said.

Pushing a photograph to him, "here is another shit I want you to clean up."

Smirking his lips, "hmm, nice, so is this your friend and girlfriend?"

Letting out a mockery chuckle, "I don't know, but do exactly what you're told to."

"Okay, what's the target?"

"The woman"

Nodding his head, "what do you want me to do?" The other man asked.

Sipping his wine, "pillage and ravish."

Nodding his head, the other man smirk his lips, "occasion?"

"Party event."



"Wonderful." The other man scoffed.

Leaning towards the table, "but be careful, there's a backbone guy and he is quick-witted."

Letting out a mockery laugh, "you don't have to worry about anything. I assure you, that there'll be no mistake. But if the quick-witted guy acts too mature with me–" he scoffed and added, "I'll put him in an obituary postal."

"Good." Pausing for a while he added, "I want you to rearrange the dialogue."

"Okay, what do you want to come first?"

"His papers."

"Hmm, okay."

"Get all of it and don't leave any behind."

Smirking his lips, "well there's a little problem with that."

Scrunching his brows, "what problem is that?"