
Breaking the ordinary

Ethan, your average modern boy in modern society, ignorant of the hidden society, gets a system in his mind by some accidents. It's tale of a young man to reach the highest point of the hidden society and to know the hidden creatures living beside them.

samandridaku · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
50 Chs



"Damn who knew that her house was almost 70 km away. I lost the gamble. I thought that day due to traffic we were late but ...ugh I'm tired now.",

Of course this human who was breathing like some fatass was Ethan. Although the mission was completed, he still had to run alot. It didn't take him long to arrive at her home.

As Ethan was tiding his clothes, the door of mansion opened and young miss appeared in his view. She had the manager by her side. She was taken aback seeing Ethan here because she wasn't expecting him but she calmed herself without anyone noticing.

The manager too was looking at Ethan like he was looking at some ghost. He was truly surprised by Ethan because it was the same man who was sleeping in the car that day.

Ethan figured out their surprised looks so he also acted as if it was well planned and he came early for his duty.

Ethan stepped aside and waved his hand like a gentleman indicating 'after you miss'. Emma also didn't stand, and just walked passed Ethan towards the car.

Manager eyed Ethan for a bit but then snorted and didn't say anything.


Did I ever do something to him or his mom? Why is he eying me!

Wait is he ...gay?

As Ethan was still thinking foolishly, the manager horned twice for Ethan to get in the car.

Ethan's body blurred and her was already in the car. He didn't say anything but just looked at manager and sneered.

This bastard!

Sure enough manager was inticed by Ethan. As he was going to say something, he stopped and started driving.


"Haha so that damn cocky Emma would be killed today. Hahah",

"Hehe that bodyguard of her would be killed today. Young master you did a fantastic job hiring that butcher. He sure is one hell of killer. I, myself, am no match of him."

The one talking was the bodyguard of young master. And the young master, sure enough, the CSS company young master.

"Finally, even though that bastard was also showing attitude and he increased the money on every call. I almost puked blood due to him. But none matters if that slut is dead hahaha.", The young master laughed maniacally. He was sure this time that Macloy family was going to be in quite termiol.


"So still nothing note Worthy has been found? This is troubling.", As Emma got the report from the manager, she started rubbing her temples.

As Ethan saw this, he also felt bad. Because he already had the thing that they were looking for. He wasn't sure but he already scanned the whole site and nothing was there. So he knew this chest was what they were looking for.

I should give her a hand ...i suppose.

"System how sure are you in healing her injuries?", Ethan suddenly asked the system inwardly.

Beep ..

"As the level of host has been increased nicely. There is 96% chance to be successful."


As Emma was sitting on her seat in office, Ethan behind her. He suddenly caught her wrist. Emma looked at Ethan a bit perplexed. She was also inquiring him with eyes as ' what gives '.

Ethan also knew that he shouldn't have done this so suddenly but he didn't have any other choice. He had to make some excuse for knowing her injuries. He released her wrist after a minute or two.

Emma was still looking at him for explanation. She didn't feel bad but she still wanted an explanation.

"Pardon me but young miss I was curious as I don't feel any sort of energy from your body.", As Ethan said this much, Emma also understood that he's strong so that was a logical explanation.

"Young miss ... You're injured."

The expressionless Emma, suddenly had a change in her expression. It wasn't like nobody knew her injury. But still, Ethan could tell by just holding her wrist for a minute.

Only father was strong enough to do this ...

Is he equally strong as father?

As Emma was thinking all this, Ethan also went in inventory and took out the [silver needles]. He already had the manual and understanding. The system would also help him during any mishap so he wasn't worried that much.

Emma looked at Ethan and when she saw the needles, she suddenly froze. She knew better than anyone that how hard her dad worked in order to heal her injuries. She was like this from her birth. It wasn't something man made. Still her father was hopeful. He used his all kind of connections to find best doctors but he still couldn't heal her.

And here it was, this guy.

Telling her the problem in her body by just holding the wrist and now pulling the needles ..for treatment.

"Ethan you know what you're doing right?", Emma asked softly. There wasn't any arrogance or something in her voice.

In fact, there was expectations in her voice. She wanted to be helpful to her dad. She wanted to be powerful as her brother. She didn't want to be useless.

"Yes young miss. It's just that I need your permission.", Ethan said softly.

Emma met Ethan like a couples day ago or so. But she believed in him. She herself didn't know why but she did.

"Is this place okay? Or should we go home?", Emma asked as she wasn't sure for what to do. It was 11 am in the morning. She didn't have alot to do so she asked for convenience.

"It wouldn't take much time. Just lay down on sofa. It might be a bit painful though.", Ethan gave a little smile as if saying ' you dare right '

Emma got up from her seat and went to sofa. She laid on sofa gently closing her eyes.

Gulp ...

Ethan was intranced by her beauty. He swallowed his saliva subconsciously.

I should get serious too. Ethan stopped thinking about weird stuff and picked a single needle in his hand.

Suddenly his hand blurred and the needle was in Emma's stomach. The precision and control was the main point. But as Ethan already was efficient in it, it wasn't difficult.

Emma grunted lightly but still didn't open her eyes. She didn't know what was happening. But she knew one thing for sure....

He wouldn't hurt me.
