
Let's Go

Just outside the Star Luo forest, our Mc was currently trying to break through to rank 50, thus he needed to contemplate the words written in that of the Heaven and earth cultivation manual. So he took a lotus seating position from a safe location that had a river found by Siri, he then released a certain amount of spiritual essence to become one with the environment.

Oscar: "To become earth one must live through it, to become heaven one must overcome it"

Oscar then kept on repeating this phrase until he felt a circulation of spirit essence bursting inside his body, Oscar knew that he had to solidify the inside of his dantian to better circulate the excessive amount of spirit essence and advance to the next rank. At the moment Oscar was now a rank 49 spirit ancestor and this was how he had to cultivate unless he wanted his foundations to be disrupted and eventually destroyed.

As he finished solidifying his dantian, he repeated the whole process again until his dantian could not be filled anymore. The moment he was done every single impurity that he had in his body was now excluded through his pores, in fact each of these emitted a pungent odor. So Oscar took off his clothes, and the mask given to him by Siri and jumped into the water.

As he resurfaced everything about him seemed extraordinary, his well-toned and lean abdominals, his well-built and solid chest, all the way up until his breath-taking and devilish face. With jade green eyes and sharp eyelashes, however there was a slight cut right next to his left eyebrow, this however did not serve him any justice as it seemed to make him more rough and charming at the same time. In fact, if any women were to see him at this moment they would instantly fall for him at first glance, he seemed to be a figure crafted by the gods themselves or an exquisite sculpture made by the most skilled artist.

However, this only lasted for a moment as Oscar quickly took a towel and dried himself with it and placed the mask on his face to make him seem ordinary. He then took out a few clothes from his storage and placed it on the ground, after which he put them on and hid his perfectly formed body. For most people to have such an amazing physique was something to be shown to the world, however Oscar did not believe in that at all. As he believed that one should not be judged by what's on the outside, instead they should be judged by what's on the inside.

(Author's note: I am cringing just by saying that, I mean I don't really like to write that)

Oscar's Pov…

Oscar: Hey Siri

Siri: Yes, host

Oscar: What was the name of the spirit beast again

Siri: It is a 10,000-year-old beast named the elemental devil smiling chameleon

Oscar: Ok good

You might be wondering as to why I am hunting this spirit beast, well obviously it's because of one of its spirit abilities which can apparently make itself look weak or strong. This means that if a stronger predator approaches it, it then uses this ability to give off an aura of a spirit beast more than 10,000 years old. This then scares the predator allowing the chameleon enough time to escape, it can also use the opposite of this technique to trick weaker spirit into attacking it only to become its source of food. This is something even Siri could not do, unless I bought a really expensive item which I did not want to do.

I plan to obtain this ability as it can help me look weak and hide my pure spirit essence as I have not yet reached the necessary proficiency to make it less pure. Also I'm going to be meeting with Tang san and the others and it would totally make them suspicious of me if I excluded any aura of a spirit elder. So basically I plan to be Low-key and just blend into the crowd at the same time, and then just wait for right moment.

Oscar: Hey, Siri

Siri: Yes, host

Oscar: Lead the way

20 minutes later, somewhere in the Star Luo empire forest…

Oscar: Whoooh… Siri are you sure it's here

Siri: Yes, I am quite sure of it

Oscar: Well then where is it

Siri: Somewhere within close range host

Oscar: Huh?

After looking and walking around the forest with the sun still high in the sky, I still could not find that damn Chameleon.

Oscar: Damn it if only there was a way to attract it, Wait that's it

I then got an idea, a risky one but, it could pay off if I plan it out correctly and time it just right, otherwise I might get killed at the same time.

Oscar: Hey Siri

Siri: Yes, host

Oscar: I have a plan


10 minutes later…

After careful planning, I decided to prevent any Spiritual essence whatsoever from being excluded from my body with the help of Siri, for five minutes. I then added a few weak spirit beast odors on to my body which I got from my storage space and waited for the chameleon to arrive. After 2 minutes or so, I heard a tree branch snapping from my left side, I turned towards the source of the sound and instead saw a different beast from what I was looking for.

The beast itself looked like a jaguar except this one had yellow spots with purple fur and huge feather wing, I then asked Siri what it was.

Oscar: Siri what spirit beast is this

Siri: It is a 7,000-year-old purple, yellow spotted winged jaguar

Oscar: That is a really long name

I quickly took a stance and opened up some space between us, it then seemed that jaguar was getting restless and jumped towards me at an incredible speed. I took out the sword I crafted personally for myself from my storage space and quickened my speed to attack as well. At first I wanted to stab it from its chin all the way down to its stomach, however just as my sword was about to be plunged into its chin. It used those huge wings and managed to avoid it, but I took that chance and jumped and then plunged my sword into its left leg.

As it fell onto the ground it could almost not support itself as it was limping, but I knew it must have had something up its sleeve as it did not have the look of wanting to escape. I then saw it extending those wings of his and revealed a few shiny feather which seemed to look like metal. It then suddenly flapped its wings at a high speed and sent a few of those sharp dagger like feathers towards me. I quickly blocked a few with my sword and jumped onto another tree, I then took that chance to run up the tree and jump off it to increase my speed so that I could dive towards it.

As I did, I gained a huge amount of speed and dived towards the jaguar who could not avoid in time, I then plunged my sword into its back and crashed into the ground while creating small hole around the jaguar. As I got up I saw the jaguar looking extremely tired and fatigued, I myself was feeling a little bit tired as I needed spirit essence to restore my stamina. I took a step forward and the jaguar looked like it was trying to intimidate me, but that was not going to work at all.


Oscar: Yeah nope

I then jumped towards it but suddenly it extended huge wings and sent another flurry of metal daggers, I used my sword and blocked a few. However, the jaguar took that chance to escape from me, as it floated off the ground and was about to fly off, I then took my sword and was about to throw it towards it's chest.

Oscar: So you think that you can try to kill and get away with it, HELL NO

However, as my sword was about to connect the jaguar itself suddenly disappeared the next second, leaving my sword to embed itself into the nearest tree. Suddenly I heard the voice and roar of the jaguar coming from among trees, followed by a huge crunching sound which made the cries and roar of the jaguar stop. I looked around and saw nothing until I looked on the highest top of the trees, and there it was the jaguar which I was about to kill.

Except it was now floating and bleeding from a different place at which I attacked, suddenly the head disappeared and was followed by another huge crunch. It then fell onto the ground headless and lifeless, I then looked up and saw a terrifying sight, up on the trees was a smile covered in blood dripping from its sides. I mean it looked like a person smiling as if It just had done something enjoyable, it then slowly began to show the other details of its face and by the time it was finished I was stunned.

Oscar: Holy shit now I know why they call it the elemental devil smiling chameleon

Because this thing had horns of a demon, as well as blood red eyes, the face of person, and the smile of a devil with sharp fangs that was really frightening. It then licked its lips and disappeared, I suddenly sensed something coming from in front of me, I quickly moved to my left. As I did there it was tongue shaped size hole left at where I was standing just a second ago.

Oscar: Siri remove all restrictions

Siri: Done host

I then felt huge amounts of spirit essence now flowing from my dantian and extending towards my arms and legs. I then took out a red sausage and ate it to help me win this fight.

Oscar: This is going to be tough, LET'S GO

End of 1st Volume going to take a two day break just to think of a few more ways of making volume 2 even better.

Thank you for reading, and there will be a mass release after the two day break so stay tuned and thank you again.

Noreason12creators' thoughts
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