

Lawrence Flyn was many things. Served in the army during WW2, he took place in many battles. He wasn't particularly strong or even incredibly skilled with guns. For the longest time he didn't know why he lived, when so many friends of his died. At the Omaha Beach, he saw so many of his fellow soldiers cut down by enemy fire and explosions. During his time out of the army, many of his fellow soldiers had died from their debilitating injuries. He found out though. He survived, not due to his skills or strength, but because of his unstoppable will and madness. He hadn't cared for his life since he was a young boy. Father leaving him with a sick Mother. He took any job a child could do but in the end, his Mother still died. Trying to move on with his life, he fell in love eventually. But she too was killed during their trip to Hawaii when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. He joined the army, not out of patriotism, but hate. His spite for the world grew like a fire from that day on. Hoping for himself to die in the war, he never got his wish. The years went on but still, his spite never left him. It wasn't until the year 2010 at the tender age of 95 that he finally saw his foolishness. All that bitterness and hate he carried made him miserable. Life was unfair, but one should never give up on the smallest chance to be happy. In his retirement home he began to make friends with the other residents. Finding hobbies and talking with them. Eventually, he got into anime. It was introduced by one of his friend's Grandsons when he visited. He used the time he had left to indulge in the shows made by the Country he loathed until just recently. He spent the rest of his days comfortably, waiting to be reunited with his Lover once again when he finally passed on in 2018. That was what Raven Branwen remembered right after killing the Maiden to acquire her powers. She fell to her knees and shivered with tears in her magically blazing eyes. "Wh..What have I.. done..?"

Saeko_Kaburagi · Cómic
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47 Chs

Original Sin

Raven looked at the beautiful armored woman. Now that she had a closer look, she could properly tell. Evil radiated off her passively, though she wasn't sure if the woman in question was evil or not. After all, the power she herself had, gave off quite a sinister feeling too. That's when Qrow got up and rubbed his face before clutching his ribs and coughing. Looking at the imposing women in front of him, he took out his flask and drank from it before looking at his sister, as if to ask what the hell was going on.

The armored woman peered at Raven for a few seconds before shrugging, "Alright. Let's hear it"

"Light God and Dark God of Remnant.. Are you familiar with them?" Raven asked, noticing the Grimm-like appearances of the woman's entourage.

"Yes, I am aware of them" She responded and released a slightly unnerving chuckle.

"They sent their lackeys to ambush me. When that wasn't working, they decided to try and kill me themselves. Salem had to hold them back so we.." Her knuckles cracked under the pressure as wrath's flames rolled off her body, causing Qrow to back away before she forcibly reigned it in.

"We had to escape here. I think the only one who could help me kill them is you. I'm out of options and Kimblee hasn't contacted me in years.. So I ask you. Will you help me?" Raven asked hopefully.

A vicious and down right evil smiled spread on the woman's lips and she gave them a slight lick. "Killing more Champions of gods hmm? That sounds like it'd be a great fun"

"Alright, change to plans. I'll be gone for a bit, so bunker down. Lili, I want you to join Bell in taking over that dungeon. While the two Goddess can come with. I can tell I have some more corrupting to do with you two" She turns to the three woman behind her and said.

"Yes, Our Goddess!" The girls responded.

"Alright. I want some more information about what is what. But not here" She turned back to Raven and Qrow and responded.

"Come" She finished talking for a few seconds before a portal of pure blackness opened near her and gestured inside.

"Ah.. damn. You know how to pick 'em, Rae" Qrow commented to his sister, who simply entered the portal, dragging a spooked Qrow behind her.

"Ah.. shit.. What the hell, right?" Qrow sighed and finished his flask as he was dragged in.

"Try not to be your obnoxious self while we're talking to new people, will you?" Raven asked with a huff as they stepped into new territory.

Seeing a forest of beautiful sakura trees made them pause. Though a second later Qrow made a strange face at the sight of the black liquid on the ground around the trees, creating a strange contrast between beautiful scenery and something he was scared to touch. Though Raven looked at it with some familiarity. Looking at the Snake seal above her breasts, she made the connection. Though this was far above what she had devoured. It promised change.

"I see... This is why you feel you way you do" Raven glanced at the woman and commented.

Following her gaze the woman smiled and nodded, "Among other things. Now, where is...?"

"Artoria~!" Suddenly, an adorable shout could be heard before a pink comet flew past the siblings.

"Tearwyn~. Thank you for opening the portal so quickly. You know the Remnant siblings, Raven and Qrow" Artoria dismissed her armour and caught the speeding fluffball with ease.

"Hello" Tearwyn was glued to Artoria's chest, but still managed to give a nod and a small wave to her guests.

Artoria and Tearwyn snapped their fingers suddenly. Behind Artoria appeared a small throne like chair and table created from Black Water. The table however was only half, as the other half that appeared near the siblings was instead created of thin fluffy pink clouds, with smaller clouds for the two to sit on.

"I get to sit on a cloud? Nice.. Hello back to you, Little Lady" Qrow responded.

Raven blinked and did everything she could to suppress her maternal instincts at the appearance of the little fox tailed girl. She cleared her throat and sat on the cloud with Qrow before bowing her head and responding.

"Hello to you too, Tearwyn. You're a.. Goddess, right?" Raven asked, eyes fixed on her little face.

"Yes! My name is Tearwyn Alter, and I am a Dark Goddess. You're currently in my and my sister's, Artoria here, dimension" Tearwyn puffed out her chest and tried to look as proud as she could.

"And my name is Artoria Alter. An upcoming Dark Goddess, and Tearwyn's sister" Artoria said, giving Tearwyn several head pats.

Qrow was about to respond when they heard Raven audibly inhale due to the scene before her. Chuckling, he shook his head and introduced himself while his sister got her bearings and schooled her expression.

"And uh.. I know you know us but I'm Qrow and this is my sister, Raven. I'm a human and she's...." Qrow pondered for a moment before shaking his head.

"I'm not sure I have a particular race any more" Raven added.

Tearwyn looked at Raven for a few seconds before she summoned a stick of cotton candy and started to nibble on it, "You're a Human-Grimm Hybrid. But you're on your way to ascension like my sister here. You have a very impressive Authority in you. A few in fact. I know I said it was rare, but that's three mortals who have claimed Authorities before they have ascended..."

"Authorities..? Ascension?" Raven furrowed her brows at the mention of it before leaning a bit closer and glancing at Artoria.

"I can only assume it has something to do with being an upcoming Goddess?" Raven mused before she nodded to herself.

"Yeah.. I can feel it on you. You're going to reach something soon" Raven hummed in acknowledgement before turning back to Tearwyn.

"As I asked before. I need help with killing those two gods. They're there with Salem and I can't go back as it is or they'll easily kill us both.." This time, Raven had more control and simply iterated with a slight clench of her fingers.

"Well, I have a suggestion. But... how are you willing to go for your goal? What are you willing to give up?" Tearwyn hummed in thought for a few seconds while her eyes glowed a bright pink before she said.

"Anything but my loved ones. I can't and won't sacrifice them" Raven responded resolutely as Qrow nodded.

"Good answer! But I will warn you nonetheless" Tearwyn nodded her head and said joyfully.

"What I am going to suggest, will change you forever. Down to your very soul" Tearwyn's whole demeanor changed as she looked Raven dead in the eyes.

"If it can save them, I can accept such a thing" Raven simply responded, though Qrow shot her a worried look.

"Then you have two options. And since you're going against both factions, I suggest you do both" Tearwyn said.

Artoria frowned, "Wait. The brother gods are in their respective factions then? Well now, I have even more of a reason to help you slaughter them and their champions..."

Tearwyn looked at Artoria with a tilted head and a face that screamed 'Ya think?'

"Well, I thought they were neutral to be honest. Since they worked together to make their own multiverse" Artoria scratched the back of her head a bit and said.

"And those are?" Raven leaned in and asked in interest, noting Artoria's increased interest in killing the Gods.

Giggling, Tearwyn gave Artoria a pat on the head before she turned back to Raven and said. "The first one, is to absorb one of the Seals from Artoria. Now, let me be VERY clear. Only attempt to absorb ONE and ONLY ONE seal. You will feel a massive rush of power from absorbing the seal, and might think you could take the others"

"While absorbing the other seals is with in your power, its not within your right. Attempt to do so, and Big Sister Lilith will wipe you, and everything else connected to you from existence itself. Clear?" Tearwyn stated seriously, making Qrow shiver.

"Very well" Raven nodded before she turned to Artoria, then to the black water, making a guess as to what the second suggestion was.

"You're correct about that guess. Oh, one second" Tearwyn smiled and said.

She snapped her fingers, and a slight pink glow covered Qrow.

"There, now he's protected from what is about to happen" Raven nodded thankfully at her as she said.

"Though, his soul is very impressive for someone who has nothing special going for him. Famous twin link for you, I guess~" Tearwyn commented with a chuckle.

"Hey.." Qrow took offense and pouted, much to Raven's amusement.

"You have my gratitude. I'm ready whenever you are" Raven stood up and looked at Artoria as she muttered a word.

"Gluttony" And a ravenous red aura surrounded Raven's area, searching for something to devour mindlessly until it was reigned it by Raven.

"Remember Tearwyn's warning. Lady Lilith really will erase everyone and everything related to you if you attempt to ruin her fun" Artoria nuzzled Tearwyn's ears playfully for a second before she stood up while setting Tearwyn down on the table. As she walked over and warned.

"I'm not interested in earning her or Kimblee's ire. Though I'm sure I'm doing exactly what he intended right now.." Raven placed her gauntleted hand over Artoria's collar.

In the next second, both of them felt a strange presence the moment Gluttony reached inside Artoria. Raven felt a particularly cold and empty void presence that watched her reach the seal within Artoria. Artoria, on the other hand, felt Gluttony and something else completely. Something vastly unpredictable, everywhere and affecting everything that was watching on her end with a vested interest.

"I can feel aspects of your benefactor. I am happy the don't have the stain of either the Light or Dark. A neutral, albeit Chaotic presence" Artoria hummed with her eyes closed as she said.

"Yes.. I can feel yours as well. It's like.. Death? No.. Something more final" Raven muttered before Artoria felt her seal removed, devoured by a starving aura that was pulled out from within her.

Raven's aura shot up once again and her soul's presence radiated an intense crimson/black energy, like a star reaching the end of its life. Breathing out calmly, she noted the difference in power immediately, though it wasn't enough to match the two Gods. Then she took a good look at Artoria. Smiling widely at the feeling of having her seal removed, Artoria couldn't resist letting everything go and use Mana Burst. The energies exploding and washing over Raven, who was glad Qrow was covered, as he would certainly die if he was unprotected.

"Ahhh. Feels good having another seal released. Seven more to go..." She erupted into red-black flames as power radiated off her while she gave a pleasant sigh.

"See why I shielded you? While your soul is impressive, it'd still be squashed under my sisters power~" Tearwyn giggled and skipped over the table to gave the trembling Qrow a head pat.

"Haaah.. Yeah.. I'm sure I'll be gettin' used to that kinda thing now" Qrow responded with a wry smile.

Feeling the energy wash over her, Raven turned over to the waters solemnly. On Raven, corruption lines traveled up her body like snakes, adding onto the marking on her chest. Now, there were five snakes around her irises, when there were previously three.

"So I don't need to strip again, yes?" Raven asked with a raised brow.

"Nope! But, those are not the waters you need to take a dip in. I'll ask you again. Are you sure? This will change you. You'll still be you, but... well. A much, MUCH darker you..." Tearwyn giggled and said.

"If it saves her and I can kill those Brothers, I'll do it" Raven responded unhesitatingly.

"Artoria, if you would? Let her look at what she'll be taking a dip in" Tearwyn looked to her dear sister and requested.

Giving a nod, Artoria started moved away from Raven a good bit and then said a chant of some kind.

"From the foolish dreams of a damned King, realise that Avalon is a lie. For no man is without sin, and thus none shall ever pass. So instead embrace madness, corruption and the power of sin. Relish in decadence and corrupt all who believe in the foolish dreams of the damned King. Light has no place in the Realm of the Corrupted! Pandemonium's Grace!" As she finished the chant, Darkness exploded out of Artoria, and surrounded her in a wild frenzy. Artoria now looked older, taller, and had the same armour on when Raven first saw her.

Raven watched as her words resonated with something inside her. Pressing her hand to her marking, she felt Gluttony, Wrath, Envy along with the newly released Sloth and Greed light up in response to her words and power. Raven nodded.

"I see.." Raven muttered.

"This, is what you'll be taking a dip in." Artoria held up her right hand, and the abyss itself seemed to drip off and form a steadily growing puddle.

"Artoria's Black Water can change even gods, Raven. This will rebuild you. Body and soul" Tearwyn informed, hearing Qrow swallow in nervousness.

"It will be up to you, and your will, to not be consumed entirely" Artoria explained.

"One last thing. When you go in, you and my sister will form a soul connection. Normally, it will make you view my sister like a Goddess. And you would go out of your way to please her. Like with all soul connections to Gods and Goddesses. But, something tells me, you'll be fine" Tearwyn explained, seeming eager to watch.

Raven simply smirked at her explanation before she stepped inside once again, submerging herself as a fundamental change began to take place. Raven's consciousness drifted away and she was brought before the seal within her. The marking had changed. It was a red symbol, one of a snake with its jaws open wide below a strange looking fruit. The feeling it gave away was ancient beyond compare. Trusting her instincts, she touched it and was overcome by complete silence and stillness.

On the surface, Artoria felt a link form between them both. Though it morphed and changed due to a strange and tired aura. It manipulated an aspect of reality, the very bond that should have been worshipper and goddess was changed into kinship. Seeing the alteration, the aura receded, just in time for the emergence of a massive power. A symbol of a snake devouring a fruit hovered above the waters, unleashing the raw aura of sin that surrounded them all. Wrath's flames burned along the surface, Gluttony's ravenous energy swirled the waters, Envy's pressure rose above the whirlpool and condensed, Sloth's aura lazily flowed around the whirlpool, Greed's energy lit up the area in crimson. Lust's presence made itself known, covering the top of the now maelstrom in a passionate crimson haze and finally, the last one emerged. Pride.

Within the seal, Raven pulled out a mirror image of herself, who simply touched her face gently. The look in the mirror image's eyes reflected extreme age, though it also held vast amounts of pride within. Without saying a word, she locked lips with Raven, who was awoken just then.

Raven rose out of the water, though another Raven was on her back, hands reaching down and grasping Omen, filling it with her black colored energy that dwarfed every other sin before it. Eyes opened within Raven's shadow, hundreds of them, urging the next words out of her mouth in anticipation. The mirror image whispered in her ear.

"Say it.." The mirror image coaxed her with its seductive voice.

"...Pride" Raven whispered before she stepped out anew, the overwhelming authority warped in on itself and changed her appearance again.

Her hair reached her calves now. Though it was less unruly. The marking on her chest matching the image seen above the waters. Her iris decorated now with small rings with a serpent pattern. Aside from this, her soul, which had been like a large star before, was now resembling a black hole, with a crimson corona of light around it. Her immense magic and now divine aura receding into her body calmly and under control, thanks to Pride. The mirror image sank into Omen, which changed under the black water's influence.

"Well, would you look at that" A sharp whistle could be heard from Artoria as she nodded her head.

Tearwyn was sitting on the edge of the fluffy cloud table and giggled.

Looking over at Artoria, she rolled her shoulders and exhaled before smiling.

"Want to go kill some Gods now?" Raven asked.

"Sure. What about your brother by the way? He won't survive in the full power Black Water, but he could in the basic or Grimm remodel levels" A dark smile was on Artoria's face as she nodded her head and replied.

"I would suggest it, at least a dip in the basic. It'll make him Immune to the Light/Dark Corruption" Tearwyn encouraged.

"Woah woah.. How will I get laid ever again looking all Grimm-like?" Qrow asked seriously as Raven deadpanned and grabbed him.

"Rae... RAE!?" Qrow clutched onto her arm like a scared cat.

"Relax. I'll make sure you're mostly the same annoying idiot as before" Raven tried to ease his fears.

"Give him the basic. He's going to cry to me if he can't score at a bar" Raven shook her head in exasperation.

"That is some basic Black Water. You'll have a few changes still, but they won't make you look like a Grimm~" Both Tearwyn and Artoria giggled lightly, while Tearwyn pointed at the chair.

"Yes, Qrow. Why not enjoy the seat of a King for a bit~?" Artoria teased while Raven effortlessly carried him over.

"Is this for spreading your chuuni phase pictures on the internet..?" Qrow asked, still apprehensive.

Raven stared at him before forcefully seating him with an evil glare directed at her brother.

"I'll beat your ass later, just shut up and take your anti-corruption vaccine.." Raven growled as she mercilessly threw her brother into the chair.

"Ah.. shi-" Qrow managed to utter before he sank inside and changed.