
Branded Heiress

Branded with a mysterious tattoo at age 12, Amaliah was the scorned, unwanted daughter blamed by her noble family for the tragedies that befell them. When her beloved sister vanished, Amaliah was forced to take her sister's place as the engaged bride of Crown Prince Ryleigh, despite his love for the missing sibling. On what should have been Amaliah's wedding day, her long-lost sister returned, only to be murdered shortly after along with Ryleigh. Accused of the killings, Amaliah found herself disgraced, disowned, and her inheritance seized. Her only escape was an arranged marriage to Konstantin, a feared warlord rumored to lead an ancient cult. Trapped in her new husband's foreboding castle, Amaliah learned the cult's shocking secret - her tattoo marked her as the reincarnation of their founder. As more bodies piled around her and those closest betrayed her, Amaliah felt an undeniable, forbidden allure to Konstantin, her greatest adversary. He aimed to use her reincarnated powers for his own nefarious ends. Amaliah was forced to choose between submitting to this dark fate or embracing her destiny - to destroy the cult, the ruthless husband who inexplicably became her lover, and the dismaying future that had haunted her since childhood.

JQueenn · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Guilt And Scheme

Lord Arin stormed into the coffee room, his face twisted in disgust and anger. "Lirien, what is the meaning of this? You asked to see me, but I can't imagine what you could possibly want." He spat the words, his disdain evident.

Lady Lirien trembled, her eyes downcast. She had expected his anger, but it still hurt to see it.

"My lord, I...I have something important to tell you," she stammered.

Lord Arin snorted. "Important? Ha! You've never spoken a truthful word in your life, Lirien. What scheme have you concocted now?"

Lirien took a deep breath, her hands shaking. "I want to apologize for my past schemes against you and Elisandra. I realize now that she will always be the woman in your heart, and I promise to cease my meddling." Her voice was barely audible, but she forced herself to continue.

Lord Arin raised an eyebrow, his expression skeptical. "What prompted this sudden change of heart? Did my mother finally tire of your failures?"

Lirien flinched at the jab, but she deserved it. She had earned his scorn. "I...I've come to realize that my actions were wrong, my lord. I was blinded by my own desires, but I see now that I only brought harm to those I care about."

Lord Arin snorted again, but Lirien pressed on. "I know I can't undo the hurt I've caused, but I want to make amends. I promise to leave you and Elisandra in peace."

But before she could finish, Lord Arin cut her off. "And it had better not be another ploy to win my affections. Elisandra is pregnant, and I won't have you disturbing our peace." His eyes blazed with a fierce protectiveness, and Lirien felt a pang of regret.

She had expected this, though. She had prepared herself for his anger, but not for the pain that came with it. "I...I'm pregnant too," she blurted out, her voice barely audible.

The room fell silent, the only sound Lirien's ragged breathing.

Lord Arin's expression froze, his eyes wide with shock. He turned to leave, but Lirien's words stopped him.

"I apologize, my lord. I have no intention of destroying your marriage. I'll either abort the child or leave the city, whichever you decide." She spoke quickly, the words tumbling out in a rush.

Lord Arin's face twisted in disgust again, and he turned to leave without a word.

Lirien felt a stinging sensation in her eyes, and tears began to fall. She had expected his rejection, but it still hurt.

Days passed, and Lord Arin couldn't shake off the weight of Lirien's revelation. He had thought her schemes were behind him, but this...this was a new level of deceit.

Yet, as he thought about the child, he felt a pang of responsibility. He couldn't abandon his own flesh and blood, no matter how the child came to be.

Finally, he made his way to Lirien's estate, his mind made up. He barged into her room without ceremony, his expression stern. "Lirien, I've made a decision. Do not abort the child. I'll arrange for you to live in the countryside, and I'll do my best as a father to the child."

Lirien's eyes narrowed, skepticism etched on her face. "Why would you do that, my lord? You could simply force me to abort it and be done with me." Her voice was laced with bitterness, but Lord Arin understood her doubts.

"My mother will be involved, Lirien. You have my word that I won't harm you or the child. We'll keep this quiet, and you can live a peaceful life in the countryside." He spoke softly, trying to reassure her.

At the mention of Adelaide's name, Lirien's tension eased, and she nodded. "I promise to keep silent, my lord. Thank you."

Lord Arin turned to leave, but not before adding, "And Lirien? I mean it. No more schemes. Let us end this chapter and move forward in peace." He left the room, leaving Lirien to her tears and her doubts.

The years that followed were filled with tension and guilt.

Lord Arin struggled to come to terms with his new role as a father to two daughters, born to different women.

He felt guilty for Elisandra, and the weight of his secrets threatened to crush him.

Despite his inner turmoil, Lord Arin was determined to be a good father to both Amaliah and Katarina.

He spent hours with Amaliah, teaching her about the castle and its history, and playing games with her in the gardens.

He also made sure to visit Katarina in the countryside, bringing her gifts and stories of his adventures.

But fate had other plans. Elisandra's health began to decline, and she passed away soon after, leaving Lord Arin heartbroken and filled with regret.

Amaliah was devastated by her mother's death, and Lord Arin's guilt threatened to consume him.

He knew he had to tell Amaliah the truth about Katarina eventually, but he feared her reaction. Would she forgive him, or would she hate him forever?

However, during his grief, he drifted away from Katarina, unaware of the sadness it caused her.

He spent more time with Amaliah, trying to comfort her and himself.

But whenever Katarina called him "father" in front of Amaliah, he felt a surge of tension.

He didn't know how to tell Amaliah about Katarina, fearing it would only add to their problems.

Meanwhile, Katarina sensed Lord Arin's pain and grew concerned. She had grown to love her father, and she didn't want to lose him too.

She reached out to Amaliah, hoping to comfort her, but Amaliah pushed her away.

Lord Arin was grateful that Amaliah eventually discovered the truth through her grandmother's journal.

He realized that he couldn't have borne the weight of that secret any longer.

Though his relationships with both daughters were still strained, he hoped that with time, they could heal and move forward together.

Adelaide's eyes gleamed with calculation as she gazed at her granddaughter, Amaliah, now a bright and curious 10-year-old.

She had lost her hold on Lord Arin, but she knew exactly how to manipulate her innocent granddaughter.

"Amaliah, dear, your birthday is approaching, and I know exactly what you should wish for," Adelaide said, her voice dripping with sweetness.

Amaliah's eyes widened with excitement. "What should I wish for, Grandmother?"

"You should wish for your father to marry Lady Lirien, of course!" Adelaide exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with deceit. "Think of how happy it would make him, and how lovely Lady Lirien is. She would make a perfect stepmother for you."

Amaliah hesitated, her eyes clouding with uncertainty. "I don't know, Grandmother...I'm not sure that's a good idea."

Adelaide's face darkened with displeasure. "What do you mean? Of course, it's a good idea! Your father needs a wife, and Lady Lirien is perfect for him."

Amaliah shook her head, her ponytail swishing. "But I don't want a stepmother, Grandmother. I like it just being Father and me."

Adelaide's eyes narrowed, her voice taking on a menacing tone. "Amaliah, listen to me carefully. If you don't make this wish, I'll make sure your father is unhappy forever. I'll tell him all sorts of things that will make him sad and miserable. And it will be all your fault."

Amaliah's eyes widened in fear, her voice trembling. "No, Grandmother, please don't do that! I'll do it, I'll make the wish!"

Adelaide's face relaxed into a sweet smile, her eyes gleaming with triumph. "That's my good girl, Amaliah. I knew you'd see things my way."

Amaliah said sadly, "I'll do it, Grandmother! I'll wish for Father to marry Lady Lirien!"

Adelaide nodded, her expression solemn. "Yes, dear. And I know your father would grant your wish, as he always does. He loves you so much, and he wants you to be happy."

Adelaide's smile was triumphant, but her eyes gleamed with malice. She knew exactly what she was doing, and she didn't care who she hurt in the process.

All that mattered was getting what she wanted, no matter the cost.

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