
Chapter Ten: Avalon Nightclub

"Sir you have a guest waiting for you in the lobby." The assistant informed Alexander as soon as the meeting was over. After receiving a nod from Alexander, the assistant bowed and left. Checking the time, he tidied up his documents and walked toward the waiting room. Dressed in a V-neck mini black tunic dress with a bow Criss cross, with chestnut hair and black high block heels, was a young lady sipping on a cup of latte. "Vivian." On hearing a cold voice calling on her name, she raised her head, "Salut beauté[1]."

"You haven't changed at all. How have you been?" "Me, I'm good. Abroad was fun but empty without you. After all, where do I get to see such beauté[2]." "I thought we will be meet at the club."

"Well, I thought we could go together. It's been a long, I wanted to spend more time with you, can't I?" said Vivian with a smile displayed on her face. "I'll wait for you here as you finish your work before we leave together."

"Okay. Then help yourself around. Olivia show Vivian around" he told his assistant as he went back to work.

Soon 2 hours passed and Alexander was done with his work. He picked up his blazer and headed to the lady who was reading a magazine. "Done?" asked Vivian as she put down the magazine which was soon replied "Mhm. Let's go. The rest must have already reached." As they headed for the elevator.

5 kilometers away at Avalon nightclub…

The Avalon nightclub, adorned with an air of allure and pulsating with vibrant energy, stands as a resplendent haven for the nocturnal souls seeking refuge from the mundane world outside. Nestled within the heart of the city, it exists as a kaleidoscope of sights, sounds, and sensations, offering a thrilling escape into a realm of heightened experiences.

As you approach the entrance, a symphony of throbbing beats escapes through the massive doors, tantalizing your senses and beckoning you into its depths. The flickering neon lights, interlaced with wisps of fog, dance playfully, casting an otherworldly glow upon the crowd that congregates within.

Inside, the atmosphere is electric, infused with an amalgamation of anticipation and liberation. The air hums with the melodies of seductive music, carefully curated to stir emotions and ignite passions. Each note reverberates through the meticulously crafted space, mingling with the laughter, whispers, and clinking of glasses, creating an orchestral backdrop for the unfolding stories of the night.

The dance floor, a pulsating arena of self-expression, draws you closer, its polished surface inviting movement and connection. Bodies intertwine, moving in synchrony or expressing individuality, as the rhythm permeates their beings, releasing inhibitions and unearthing hidden desires. A whirlwind of colors and motion envelopes the room, amplifying the collective euphoria that courses through every soul present.

Lavish lounges and private corners serve as intimate retreats amidst the vibrant chaos, providing solace for those seeking respite from the ceaseless whirlwind of activity. Here, patrons recline upon plush seating, engaged in whispered conversations or lost in deep contemplation, their faces illuminated by the soft glow of candlelight.

The bar, an altar of libations, exudes an air of mystery and temptation. Bartenders, like alchemists, craft concoctions that tantalize the palate and intoxicate the mind. Their hands move with precision and flair, swirling, shaking, and pouring elixirs into ornate glasses, releasing fragrances that tease and enthrall.

As the night progresses, the ambiance shifts, ebbing and flowing like the tides of emotion. Moments of crescendo and release punctuate the atmosphere, drawing the collective energy to its peak before allowing it to cascade into a soothing lull. And as the dawn begins to creep over the horizon, casting gentle rays of light through the windows, the nightclub slowly relinquishes its hold on its nocturnal inhabitants, bidding them farewell until the next rendezvous beneath the shimmering lights.

In this nocturnal haven, where time stands still, souls entwine, and dreams come alive, the nightclub weaves its enchanting tapestry, etching memories upon the hearts of those who dare to immerse themselves in its captivating embrace.

[1] Means hello handsome.

[2] Means beauty.