
Chapter Eleven: Bloodwood teak region

At the celestial academy, Jace, Everlynka, and Daniel gathered at the entrance of the forbidden forest. "Why is Daniel here?" everlynka asked with her right eyebrows raised. While rubbing the tip of his nose in embarrassment, Jace answered in a very low tone, "He found me sneaking out and followed." If not for the silent forest, his words would not be heard and for that, he received a glare from everlynka.

"Or what? Were you trying to leave me out of your glorious adventure?" questioned Daniel with a hint of anger.

"There is nothing glorious about this adventure but it's full of risks and life-threatening danger." Retorted everlynka. "Oh! So, you know it's dangerous. I thought you guys were going on a walk to Disney land." He retaliated sarcastically.

Their eyes locked in a battle of wills, an unspoken tension brewing between them. The air crackled with an electric charge, as if the universe itself held its breath, anticipating the outcome of this silent confrontation. In that fleeting moment, time stood still, and the world around them faded into insignificance.

"Now, now, now. Since we are all here, we should all head in before it's too late." Intervened Jace, as he pulled both of them deeper into the forest.

The fearless souls ventured into the heart of the forbidding forest towards the bloodwood teak region, their steps resolute and unwavering despite the oppressive aura that surrounded them. They moved in unison, their footsteps echoing with a steady cadence that defied the unsettling silence of the woodland.

The flickering glow of their lanterns cast eerie shadows that danced along the gnarled trunks and tangled underbrush as if the forest itself stirred in anticipation of their arrival. Each member of the group, their faces etched with determination, pushed forward, their eyes scanning the darkness for any signs of the lurking unknown.

The forest seemed to hold its breath as if testing the mettle of these audacious adventurers who dared to tread its haunted domain. Branches brushed against their shoulders like ghostly whispers, sending a shiver down their spines. But their collective resolve only grew stronger, undeterred by the forest's attempts to intimidate.

A chorus of nocturnal creatures filled the air, their calls serving as a haunting symphony that both challenged and encouraged the group's audacious pursuit. The echoes of distant howls and hoots reverberated through the trees, each sound a reminder of the untamed wildness that lurked just beyond the light.

Through thick undergrowth and tangled vines, the group forged ahead, their footsteps crushing fallen leaves and twigs beneath their boots. They relied on each other, their presence a source of reassurance amidst the encroaching darkness. With every passing moment, their camaraderie and shared bravery grew, intertwining their spirits like the roots of ancient trees.

As they traversed the labyrinthine paths, their collective senses sharpened, attuned to every rustle and whisper in the menacing night. Their gazes swept across the shadowed landscape, searching for clues, for the tell-tale signs that would unravel the enigma that had drawn them here.

Time became a distant concept, eclipsed by their unwavering determination and unyielding spirit. They were warriors of light, traversing the realm of shadows, unafraid to confront the darkest corners of the unknown. With each step, they moved closer to the heart of the forest's secrets, undeterred by the macabre tapestry that unfurled before them.

For within this labyrinthine realm of fear and trepidation, these intrepid souls found solace in each other's bravery, their unbreakable bond shielding them from the sinister embrace of the forest. In their united front, they became a force to be reckoned with, carving their path through the depths of darkness, resolute in their pursuit of the truth that lay hidden within the haunted woodland.

"Wait a moment!" said Daniel as he walked a few steps towards a bush and bent on one of his knees in an attempt to pick a piece of dark red stained cloth. He rubbed the stain between his index and thumb finger and sniffed on it, "it seems like blood. The stains seem to have darkened a bit, which means there seems to have been a scene that might have occurred last night. The blood may either be of the victim or the suspect."

"Right, but if you look closer at the piece of cloth, it seems to be a piece from our uniform which makes it a higher chance that the injured is a student. If I'm not wrong the high chance points to the disappeared student from last night," said Jace as he walked towards Daniel before adding his point.

Everlynka patiently listened to both of his comrades' viewpoints before searching for any other clue they might find. After a while of searching around, she noticed a blurry mark on the stem of a tree. She moved closer for a clear look and seeing her like this, the boys followed behind her. She brushed off the small colony of carpet beetles that were covering the mark. Soon the mark was visible to everyone leaving everyone to look at each other in confusion. The mark was of an eagle.