
Boundless Expanses

The Boundless Expanses call out to all those brave enough to venture into the stars. only the truly strong have the right to decide their own and the fate of others Earth has just awakened spen, the natural energy of the universe. Calamity strikes as the animals evolve into beasts and monsters. Humans lose the seat of Apex Predator. All seems lost until humans awaken their powers and fight to reclaim their world. At the height of human power, spaceships descend from the stars, and out of them walk youths hell-bent on world domination. The humans of Earth realize that they're only a small part of this giant universe ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Everything always seemed oh so easy for the great genius Ash Crimson. The only thing he desired was to get out of the control of the ruler of his area, The Blood Tyrant. His aspirations change when his family dies leaving him alone in this dog-eat-dog world. Now all he wants is to be free, out of everyone's control, and adventure the Boundless stars. Follow Crimson as he takes to the stars in search of power, true freedom, and adventure.

lawlesscalamity · Fantasía
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6 Chs


After a successful day of cultivation, Ash slept peacefully. Despite not needing more than 5 hours of sleep every night because of his cultivation, he still liked to get a full 9 hours.

He was woken up abruptly by the knocking on his door.

Ash groggily got off his bed, which was missing legs because of his lack of control yesterday and walked to the door.

Opening it, his sister's sad face greeted him. "They're leaving in an hour, brother," said Camilla without a greeting.

She flung herself into Ash's arms and embraced him in a tight hug. Even though it's not exactly a rare occurrence for the Crimson couple to go on a mission, it's like a new experience every time for Camilla. She gets just as emotional every time.

Ash returned her hug and softly caressed his sister's smooth white hair. "It's okay Cam, you know it's only for a week, then they'll be back," said Ash with a tender smile.

After a good 10 minutes of just standing there, Camllla finally found the strength to move. It was undoubtedly hard for a 9-year-old girl to be away from her parents for so long.

Ash and Crimson walked down the stairs hand in hand towards the kitchen.

Entering the kitchen, Ash was surprised to find such a feast. The dining table was packed with enough food to last a small army of 50 for a week.

"I hope you don't expect me to eat all this," said Ash with a trace of fear in his voice. 'I would surely explode from eating even half of this,' shuddered Ash as he imagined the scene of himself blowing up into a puff of blood, food, and water.

"No dear, of course not, we thought we could have a big family meal since your father and I are going on our mission today," replied Malinda with an apologetic tone.

Ash frowned slightly as he took a seat.

"It's not like it's the first time," said Ash with an eye roll.

"I'll miss you guys," whined Camilla.

The Crimson family ate in silence and afterward Lionell and Malinda left immediately.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After Lionel and Malinda left, Camilla stormed off to her room. When Ash followed he was met with a locked door and the sound of sobbing.

Thinking that this always happens, Ash did what he usually does when this happens. He went to the training facility the Crimson family had built on their property.

A 2 story building the size of a football field stood at the very edge of the Crimson family property. 2 guards with swords by their sides stood by the only entrance.

When they saw Ash approaching they both stood a measure straighter and shouted in unison "Young master Ash."

The Crimson family didn't have many guards but the ones they did have were fiercely loyal, along with being well trained. Even these two glorified doormen were at level 4, above average.

Ash merely nodded at them before entering the building, no one dared to stop him in his own home.

Ash swiftly walked towards the elevator and went to the second floor, where he then went to a training room in a corner of the facility.

It didn't look like anything special, just a plain white room. However, when one approached the room they would struggle to get within 2 steps of the door.

Despite this pressure, Ash was seemingly completely unaffected.

Without a care in the world, Ash entered the room ignoring the pressure like it didn't exist and opened the door.

"Hey old man, this young master is here for another round," shouted Ash with a cheeky smile as he entered.

"It's you, brat. Why does it feel like you are slightly less useless today," replied the only person in the room, an old man radiating vitality.

Despite his grey hairs, the man's rippling muscles could not be hidden beneath his clothing. This man was one of 3 Level 6 people currently working for the Crimson family. The sword master, Edward Swordhand.

"That's obviously because I broke through to level 2 on Friday night, I awakened my first power," replied Ash with a smug smile. His smile quickly turned to one of horror when he realised he had just don't exactly what he said he wouldn't do.

"Oh that's quite an impressive feat brat, but I don't think you should be telling people that. How stupid can you be, everybody knows how ruthless the Keepsake Kingdom is, if they learned this you would surely die," said Edward with a cold smile.

"Don't worry though, your parents already told me before they left, I just didn't expect your breakthrough to make you so much stronger. Geniuses truly are different" said Edward with a sigh.

Before Ash could reply a wooden sword was thrown at it, he reflexively caught it just before a sword strike was launched at his neck.

"What are you standing around for brat, don't tell me you came here just to chat?" Asked Edward with a laugh.

Ash quickly jumped backwards before struggling to block a flurry of strikes coming from all directions.

"Your reflexes certainly have improved. That's enough for warm, time to get serious," Edward shouted with a wicked smile.

Next thing Ash knew right before his eyes Edward's 1 sword became 3 swords. Foregoing attack, Ash jumped to the left dodging 2 of the swords and barely blocking 1.

'I need to be faster, time to finally use my gravity.'

Before Edward started his assault again, Ash applied negated half the gravity acting upon himself making his speed double. Unfortunately, that wasn't enough to surprise a Level 6 expert.

Expecting it to not work Ash suddenly shifted his gravity to make himself twice as heavy, and he abruptly stopped. The sword strike that was aiming for Edwards's neck suddenly was heading for his arm.

Edward, anticipating the speed-enhanced sword strike towards the neck couldn't move his sword quick enough to protect his arm.

'I've got him,' thought Ash.

Edward dodged to the right and followed up with a strike of his own directed at the right side of Ash's waist.

Ash not expecting Edward to dodge was caught off guard and the strike landed.

Ash grit his teeth and took the blow while sending another strike at Edwards's shoulder.

Edward expecting retaliation, quickly retracted his sword and retreated backwards. Before he could move backwards however he suddenly found himself becoming 4 times heavier and paused momentarily.

That moment was all Ash needed for his strike to land.

Ash didn't expect his attack to be successful and celebrated inwardly. His celebration was cut short by a stinging pain on his shoulder.

"You celebrate too soon, that could mean your death in a real fight," said Edward.

"That's enough for today, I didn't expect you to land a strike on me."

"Even though I didn't use any powers that's still impressive, well done," praised Edward.

"Let's call it a day, its already lunch time and you haven't eaten, after lunch do some running and practice your skill synergy in the virtual room."

"I'm gonna go now see you tomorrow young master," said Edward.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After a light lunch and 6 hours of doing different modes of training. Ash left the training centre.

When Ash entered the house he found all the lights off and a note in the kitchen.

"I went to sleep early, Mom left pre-cooked lasagna in the fridge just heat it and eat," read Camilla's note.

After enjoying Malinda's amazing food, Ash went to his room.

The room which was still in a mess was very quiet, but that didn't bother Ash. He liked the quiet.

He laid down on his bed trying to sleep but kept on tossing and turning restlessly.

Ash sat up on his bed and decided to cultivate.

"Looks like tonight I'm gonna be in my Sea of Soul," said Ash with a sigh