
Boundless Evolution

In a dimension far excluded from all others, there exists a floating marble continent. Within this marble continent, millions of children are created yearly in "nurseries," and are given 15 years to train before they are sent down to the underworld. Within the underworld, there exist 12 overlords with power beyond imagining. They preside over all living humans within their area of judgment and are constantly at war with each other for more tokens and land. Every year, millions of children are sent to the underworld with tokens that can substantially increase one's combat abilities and grant them god-like abilities and are recruited by the overlords to fight for more tokens. One day, an anonymity appears in this world with a special ability that seeks to uproot this world for all of its evil. His name is Eve and he will make this world account for all of its wrongdoings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't own the artwork, if you do and want it taken down message me on discord FamousMrChair#6735 or comment. Discord Server (Just starting up might be scuffed hehe): https://discord.gg/YcVqgmyq

FamousMrChair · Fantasía
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11 Chs

Clash of Titans

In an enchanted forest approximately 30,000 miles away from Eve, trouble was stirring.

Deep within the forest, a clearing of land is wholly veiled to the outside world with powerful magic. Unseen to outside prying eyes, there is a city of dazzling lights, a metropolitan dominated by casinos and gambling: Jade City.

There isn't a single person in the Underworld who hasn't heard of the legends of Jade City. The moment the newcomers arrive in the Underworld, they are approached by recruiters who attempt to lure the more naive ones to test their luck in the casinos of Jade City. Most of these children do not survive their first year. However, for the extraordinarily cunning and lucky individuals who manage to strike gold in the casinos, they earn wealth and power unimaginable. Within Jade City, one can make a million tokens in a single day. This was the fastest way within the Underworld to grow stronger. For every one thousand children who lose everything they have, there is one who is propelled to skyscraper heights of power, even managing to join the top-ranking guilds in the Underworld in just a couple of years. This was a city that makes or breaks dreams.

On her emerald throne at the very top of Jade City, the Queen of Blades sat brewing up a plan to deal with her meddlesome enemies. There is the unknown and unconquered endless stretch of the Underworld to her west, a place full of monsters and terror only the highest-ranking humans could ever attempt to voyage into. She was having diplomatic troubles with the Overlord of Poison to her north, as he was constantly pressuring her into giving up the Kaiser mountains in the northernmost part of her region, a region filled with precious gems and the ancestral birthplace of the oldest dragons. There was simply no way she was willing to give up that treasure trove to one of her enemies without a fight. Still, the Overlord of Poison was one of the oldest and strongest Overlords so that it wouldn't be easy. To add to her troubles, she has already been invested in a 5-year war with the Overlord of Brutality in her southern borders. The Overlord had managed to domesticate the barbaric green skin tribes of the wastelands, adding the power of goblins, ogres, and phantoms to his ranks.

<<What do I do about this?>> Despite being 27 and the youngest person to ever ascend to the status of Overlord, the Queen of Blades looked like she was already in her mid-40s. She hasn't slept in two months. The only reason she could stay awake was due to her highly vast mana reserves constantly energizing her. She wore a simple dark attire of black jeans and a dark blouse. She would be mistaken for a normal human being if not for the amount of pressure her presence alone emitted, as well as the massive dark wings that protruded out of her back muscles. Her skin was deadly pale, and her features were very sharp and defined. Her eyes were broad and focused, her nose slightly crooked, and her canine teeth were slightly sharper than average. Suddenly, a figure in a dark cloak appeared in the air and assumed a kneeling position while floating.

"My lady, the barbarians to the south have launched another assault against our villages. This time, they have made it to-"

"How many villages did we lose?" the supreme being said in a sharp tone, cutting straight to the chase.

"5, they will arrive at Popus City within the week."

"Fucking mongrels. Is there no end to their violence? I want all my available troops to be reallocated to the southern border. We must stop their advance at all costs. If we lose Popus as well, then I'm afraid there's no hope for us in this war."

"But sire, what about our western borders? The monsters there will surely attack once they see us completely undefended."

"I'll deal with the entire western flank on my own."

"The entire western border.... sire that is 1000 miles of land... even for a supreme being like yourself, thats-"

"Are you questioning my judgment right now?"

"No, sire... I understand. What about the Overlord of Poison to the North?"

"I'll handle that as well. I just want everyone to focus on the southern border. If those barbarians advance a step further, I'll have all of your heads."

"Understood, sire." With that, the messenger dissipated, and the Queen of Blades was left by herself.

<<I said I would handle the entirety of the western border as well as the Overlord of Poison, but is this even possible for me? I'm so tired...>> Suddenly, the air surrounding the entire city began to freeze with a chilly, eerie aura. It was almost like time itself stopped, and everything within a 10 mile felt a creep up their spines. It was the aura of a supreme being, the highest power of the world.

Immediately, the Queen of Blades assumed a fighting stance and looked around for the source of this power.

"Anna! How long has it been? You're all grown up now! I remember when you were just a little girl who had no clue what she was doing. I guess the previous Overlord of Blades really favored you?" said a middle-aged man in a blue suit. He looked very refined, with long blonde hair and freakishly long ears. His eyes were a deep ocean blue, and his skin had an unnatural pale blue tone to it. His grin spread from ear to ear and emanated malice that could terrify anyone who just looked at him.

The Queen of Blades whirled around her and found the sinister man right behind her. He had used a long-range teleportation skill and appeared right behind and dared to have the most arrogant smile painted on his face.

The Queen of Blades was infuriated. She had enough problems to worry about, and now the Overlord of Frost had come into her territory without any permission. Her pride wouldn't stand for this.

"Regeltori. How dare you stroll into my domain. You must really think I'm a joke. Haha, you better have come prepared because today is the last day you draw your breath."

The air shimmered, and a wave of force emitted from the Queen of Blades as she materialized a flaming scythe—a massive dark red staff attached to a long dark blade that seemed to be perpetually on fire.

"Woah, calm down! I'm not here to fight, only to make you a deal. The Kaiser mountains. I'll pay a billion tokens for the area. That should be enough to cover the costs of the area. I could really use some more dragons in my army right now, especially with what that stupid volcano overlord is doing in the East. It's better than losing it for free to the old poison geezer anyways, right?"

The Queen of Blades started bursting out laughing. This situation was way too ridiculous. It seemed like everyone around her wanted a piece of her. This world couldn't be more unfair.

"Shut the fuck up and die."

The Queen of Blades burst forward at lightning speed, closing the distance between her and the Overlord of Frost in a fraction of a second. With a burst of momentum, she swung her scythe straight towards the man's neck.

"Tsk, too slow."

The Overlord of Frost teleported behind the Queen of Blades and sent her flying downwards toward the ground with a kick at her back.

"Dear Anna, don't you forget. Even if you are an overlord now, you are still in the 8th phase, while I have reached the supreme 10th phase. You are decades behind my skill. Don't forget your place."

The Queen of Blades grimaced in pain from the kick that was imbued with frost magic and attempted to use her wings to create an updraft but not before the Overlord of Frost advanced again.

"Incantus Derst Frodusto!"

Bawling up his fist in a spiraling tornado of cold mist, the Overlord of Frost impaled the Queen of Blades in the solar plexus.

"It's over. You pathetic littl-" before the Overlord of Frost could even finish his sentence, the Queen of Blades that he thought he had just killed disappeared into metal dust. Suddenly, multiple Queen of Blades popped up all around him, all appearing to be afterimages.

"I bet you haven't seen this before. Silly Regeltori, you don't truly believe me to be as weak when we first met? I surpassed the 10th phase years ago."

In unison, all of the Queen of Blades started rushing towards the Frost, each of them wielding a scythe that seemed to turn everything around it into steam and ashes.

"Crap, who is the real one? Can I escape from this one?" the Overlord of Frost panicked, creating a mist of ice particles that provided a smokescreen for him.

"Incantus Horsto Ferocious!"

With another surge of power, the Overlord of Frost summoned a wide-scale tornado that blew away the afterimages.

<<Found you!>> The Overlord of Frost reached for his magical tome to cast another spell to freeze the real Queen of Blade completely.


Before he even knew it, his right arm was cut off.

"ARRGGHHH," the Overlord of Frost's voice blasted through the entire city. His cry of death permanently deafened every mortal human below phase 3 in a 10-mile radius. The Overlord of Frost has never felt such pain in his life, and he now finally realized that his life was in mortal danger.

<<No way... I am getting beaten by this... amateur of a girl. I need to leave now before it's too late.>> Immediately, the Overlord of Frost attempted to cast a wide-range teleportation spell-


This time, the Overlord of Frost found both his legs detached from him and saw the loom of death in front of him. He saw the real Queen of Blades in front of him, glowing with dark red eyes, and her wings started growing ever more widely. It appeared as if a dark shadow was rising behind the Queen of Blades, a monster that terrified him.

The Queen of Blades laughed maniacally at this pathetic sight of the previously proud Overlord.

"Poor Regeltori, what were you saying? Not that it matters anyway because you're already dead."

"Incantus Der-"

With a final slash through his chest, the Overlord of Frost was dismembered.