
Boundless: A Tale of Infinite Possibility

In a post calamity world of faded technology and re-emerged magic, A young hero finds himself on an adventure to find a home in a world that wants him dead. https://discord.gg/6SyNTbwQsK Original Story by Srinlife Cover Art by Caneera https://www.instagram.com/caneeraw/ Join the Discord! If you have any questions about the book, its a way to message the author directly.

Srinlife · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
164 Chs

Chapter 7.30 - Fool Me Twice

"Darling, please pass the butter."

It was spring. It was a time meant for family, and Serin was spending time with his family, at the moment helping Olma. His beholden, Olma was cooking dinner early as it would take several hours to prepare. It was the first dish they had eaten together, roasted pig. This time with the closest approximation to pineapples that could be found in the multitude of biomes of the dungeon.

While Olma cooked, Avea was watching over the children. Nok was back from school for the weekend playing with his sister Narinci, since Narinci was old enough to walk around now. Avea's child Lilly dutifully followed her mother.

Avea's hair was now long enough that she had begun to bind it into a ponytail. Another year or so, and it would be braided again. Serin wondered if she would resume duty as a guardian or as a mother. Whatever her choice, Serin was sure he had very little say in the matter. Although Constructs were quiet and socially docile, there was a strength in their quiet spirit. Avea would do all within her bounds as a Construct to further her quiet desires, and Serin was happy to help.

What had been an issue was that Serin's [precognition] skill had been warning him all day of something terrible. It had filled him with unease and dread, but he had to put on a smile. It was not the first time it had gone off like this, and whatever threat it was did not have a strong enough presence for him to be tethered to it, instead it was a general feeling of unease.

Serin instead kissed Olma on the forehead as he left the kitchen to spend time with his daughters and his son.

He stood there in the living area with Avea, and put a hand on her shoulder. She leaned into him. Her expression, unchanging, was not needed for Serin to know she was happy with the arrangement as her registered user.

Serin enjoyed the quiet days. Before he had plate, he believed that was what he would have only quiet days. Quiet days working in town, doing as many oddjobs as he could after working for his father, saving up money to visit Walden, and maybe gain some practical magic.

How far he had to travel to get the peace he so wanted. Haven had enemies, but they dared not even strike from the shadows, as Haven always repaid in 100 fold. Serin had built a city and populated it with like minded people who only wanted a safe place to grow, in symbiosis with each other and the world around them.

Every other nation had put away their swords. Haven's defenses could stand against any standing army in existence.

Serin smiled as he thought about his family, and the controlled chaos that would foster them into whatever their dreams took them. Their future was bright.

It was then Serin felt it. A thread of fate. Strong, Dark Red. Absolute. It strummed of death, of disaster, misery, and despair. He saw it led out the house, and he immediately ran to the door. He kept racing as the [message] came in.

[Serin, we have an intruder surrounded in the cathedral. He has something and refuses to speak to anyone but you.]

Serin activated [dash] and sprinted towards the cathedral, drawn not by the words of the [message] but of the dark line of fate that pulled him.


Serin arrived to a dozen of the inquisitor squad in a circle around a black cloaked man holding a serving plate with a glass cover. Inside were four slivers of flesh.

"Don't shoot. We know he has activated a delay spell but do not know what it is." Serin heard from Jericho, who had also arrived, sword in hand. Juni the lancer gole that was part of the inquisition team, stood a few meters off mentally struggling to do something.

"Ah, Lord Serin Aegis, protector of the impure, and king of monsters. I greet you as a Herald of Mephystra. I am glad you finally arrived. That pink haired creature is trying to break the charm on my mind, and will shortly. But not before we chat."

Serin walked forward, confident in his defensive magic. "What is it you wish to say, Herald? You are in possession of stolen property, and due to its nature I am sure you are aware your fate is sealed."

"We wish only for an armistice. You see we were quite hurt by your last attack, and it will take some time to recover and resume our holy genocide against the wretched filth that festers in this hive."

Serin ignored the insulting words and continued the conversation,"How did you get in?"

"Ah. Our last sleeper brought a transit stone and left it here. One time use, I'm afraid. I don't mind telling you since that trick won't work again. The important part is that we were able to find a way in, and should our demand be ignored, we will again."

"And what is your bargain. You have come before the Lord of this land and asked for something, what do you give in return."

The Herald smiled, his teeth pearly white behind a well manicured beard. "You misunderstand, Lord Serin. This isn't a bargain. It's a threat. Cease external activities. Do not involve yourselves in the goingson of others. I have been the herald of your divine punishment for your past grievances. Afterwards, when your wounds have healed, we graciously offer a temporary peace for this generation. Take that time to take one of the blasphemous Gideon's portals and find a new home. Or remain, and face the consequences."

With that the area inside the encased serving tray he held was set aflame. There was no notice, no explosion, just a bright spark, and everything inside was immolated in a quiet flame.

"Interesting, isn't it. This is the gift to all those who follow our goddess Mephystra, the all consuming miasma. It is odorless and tasteless. It is undetectable. It is able to be pumped into an area, breathed in and out, and permeate its enclosure. It burns at 3000 degrees Centigrade, leaving not a trace of those it cleanses with its purifying flame."

The slivers of flesh turned to ash as he spoke.

"This is your threat? We will have a way to detect this before the sun sets."

"I know this Lord Serin. But just like my arrival here and the miasma, the point is not what method we will use, but that we cannot be stopped. Every defense you create we will make an offensive countermeasure. Today's targets are to ensure your compliance and, as a human, guide you back to the path of purity."

Serin narrow his vision, "How could you pump miasma into our nation. We have one entry and exit."

The herald smiled. "Imagine our surprise when during our investigations we found that there was a partially completed tunnel all the way to the edge of Haven? All we had to do was breach and pump, and we could strike at the heart of Haven."

Serin's [precognition] overwhelmed him, then he fell. Whatever happened, it was now too late to stop, as the emotion faded.

"Ah, we heard you could see a bit into the future, well that means you should…"

Serin pulled his pistol and shot the man in through the skull.

"Bring him back. I will have questions." Serin ran.

Serin's soul count went to 2.

Serin ran towards his home. He already knew. But still he ran. His home had a partially built escape tunnel. It was the only unmanned entry to Haven. 'Security by Obscurity'. It was guarded only by homunculi, which would deactivate to anyone with a charm of Haven. It was secured against organic material coming through without permission, but a thin hole drilled through rock to pump a magical miasma through, well, that would slip right past the unthinking guards.

Serin collapsed under the weight in his chest as he came in view of his house, or where his house was. The miasma had activated. It had reached a temperature that turned everything organic into ash. The basalt construction of his home had liquified, and the surrounding dirt and sand was flashed into glass.

Immolated in seconds. Serin reached out with his mana, but there was nothing living inside the cooling pile of magma. It now occurred to him which four slivers of flesh were inside the enclosure held by the herald. Avea, Olma, Nok, and himself. Narinci and Lilly were still too young to have a sliver taken. The slivers were the last chance for keeping his family safe.

In an instant, peace was destroyed. The Herald was true to his word. They had struck at the heart of Haven. Serin's family was nothing more than ashes slowly starting to spread on the wind.


It had been two weeks since the incident. Word had spread and many people had offered condolences. But how do you console a man without any family? Serin's normally dreamlike stare as he thought had been replaced. His face was cold. His eyes, lifeless to the world around him. As he sat in his audience chamber he had made a decision.

'I will safeguard those within Haven. All other priorities are secondary to this objective.'

For the first time in several days, Serin was holding an audience in his audience chamber. It contained the giant golden throne taken as a trophy from the public raid dungeon, which was meant as an intimidation tactic for when Serin performed court with aggressors against Haven. Now he sat in it for this meeting, an internal one. Looking around, there was a pile of clothing, dropped off by a few charitable families knowing Serin only left with the equipment in his [inventory] space and the clothes on his back. There were also a few blankets in the corner, as well as a few books that were from Lord Rezzi and Lord Koni's memory. They were fairytales of great magic. Also in the corner was a blanket, indicating Serin had been sleeping on the floor. Serin no longer tried to hide his depression. Serin was known for being reserved, and for a leader, he was fairly laissez faire. That had changed. He looked cold, like the bitter wind that takes no mercy on a lost child in the woods.

Arriving to court were his spymaster Dana, the General of the Protectorate Edel, and Master Restin of the Cradle Agency. Also there was Kara, Rico, Nix, and Spar, the four members of the Forged race.

They bowed upon reaching Serin. "Greetings Lord Serin, we thank you for seeing us this day and wish to ask how…" Serin had cut them off.

"This meeting will be kept short, as I am only confirming what I already know. Dana, if we focused all of our assets on mapping out the cult of Mephystra, could we achieve this?"

"Lord Serin, I know you are grieving. Maybe we should table this discussion…"

"Spymaster, please answer the question." Serin's look was cold, his tone was neutral, but everyone knew he was angered at her response, as he had let out enough mana to create a pressure surrounding himself. As soon as it almost made the 7 present buckle and kneel, he reeled it back in. "Please don't make me repeat myself. I wish not to delay what needs doing."

"We don't have the numbers. Even if we started fostering unplated to take the path of shadow, it would be years until we were ready for it."

"As I thought. General Edel, Do we have the protectorate numbers needed to occupy the entirety of the GWA?"

"Lord Serin, we do not. Even though the GWA is vastly underpowered, they have us beat in numbers over 100 to 1. We could not hold ground against them, however we could begin coordinated strikes…"

"Thank you General Edel. It is as I thought."

"Master Restin, based on our current population, what is our expected growth in 20 years?"

Master restin nodded, "Assuming that we continue at our current trend, we will have roughly 8 thousand people by that time."

"That will never be enough."

"Excuse me Lord? Is this about the rumor that Nighmora received?"

"It is, and I will enlighten the others present, and I will be frank. We were offered an armistice because our enemies are preparing to lead a war against us. We received a report from NighMora that they have initiated what they call their '20 year plan'. I fear that we face extermination."

"But we will repel them like before." Edel commented.

Serin shook his head. "Suicide bombs, attacks on trade routes, embassy bombings. This enemy has shirked the normal playbook of War. The report I have received is shocking. Also shocking is the report stating that every non-human killed by the cult of Mephystra imparts extra experience to every member of the cult."

"We are in a race against time against an enemy that had declared total war from the shadows. If it was as simple as destroying a few military objectives, we would do so, but this enemy must be rooted out or they will simply fight smarter."

"But Lord, Why will it take 20 years?"

Serin replied, "Because they need that much time to prepare an army."

He continued. "Call a town mandatory meeting. Everyone will be in attendance. I will make the announcement myself. Before you go, I would like the members of the Forged to stay behind. I have a pact I wish to offer."


Gathered together was the entirety of Haven. Schools were emptied, and walls were left unmanned by people, the homunculi instead set to "shoot on sight, then alert" If there was ever a time to be exposed, this was it. All non-haven citizens in the city, embassy workers, merchants, and tourists in the resort were dismissed and told to return in 3 days.

Of course, Serin was true to his word on the day of the incident, by sunset the entire city was warded against magical miasma, so that was not an attack. His [precognition] told him he would not need to worry about this gathering. He had too many other red lines he could see.

His outfit had changed. His normally light colored tunic was replaced with black, as a Lord in mourning.

There was no banquet. All assembled waited as he spoke. Serin walked up. He looked at his stamina. He had never used his [repose] skill. It calmed the mind at the cost of stamina. Serin usually had a calm mind, or as enemies of 'the subjugator' would say, 'Nerves of Steel'. But now Serin was using it to keep from breaking down. He knew when his stamina ran out he would be ineffective as a leader, so while the skill was activated, he made his speech.

"It has been a long time since I have spoken to the entirety of our nation. And as much as it brings solace to me to see so many happy families here gathered to hear this announcement, even mandatorily, I regret the words I will need to speak, and the actions I will need to take. That being said, know that I love you all, and today will be one of great change."

"Haven has had enemies, since the first questboard was made for it as an unnamed town, we have stood against so many foes. And while we wished for them to never learn from their methods, they would not have stood as nations had they not adapted. Our enemies have decided that we are not meant for this world. And they have shown they are capable of striking at our heart."

Serin saw his stamina take a hit as his thoughts lingered on his family. He shook it away. Tears come later. "And while I wish it wasn't my family that was targeted, I find some solace in the fact that if there was a sacrifice to be made, it was mine. I would not wish this pain upon any of you, you who have suffered so much to get here."

The crowd gathered did not know what to say. This is the first time Serin had been seen outside his audience hall in weeks. Not since the incident.

"We are at war. Some of you, the Demis, the Changelings, the Planetouched, were around the last time this happened. And just like then, we are on the clock. Our enemy will not be here in twenty days. But instead we have 20 years. While this seems like a lot of time, it is not. Our enemy has just as much time, and should we perform sustained actions against them during this time, they will simply whittle us down with terrorist actions. We are located only here, while our enemy is on the move, in tunnels in the mountains, hiding in the streets of allied nations. This time our enemy is not kobolds and wyverns, it is the most insidious monster on this continent. It is that of Humans, hearts filled only with malice. Their goal is simple. In 20 years they plan to purify this nation and all within it. All humans present are considered defiled as much as non humans are.

For the majority of Haven's citizens, this is their only home. There is nowhere else to go but run. However, some of you did immigrate from other places. Before I continue, I will make this offer only once. If you wish to permanently leave Haven, we will let you do so now. You may enter this [gate] and go to Ston, where you will be given paid passage and credits to start a new life. However if you continue to stand here and count yourselves as one of us, then there will be no backing out."

A [gate] appeared. Roughly 50 humans went through it, taking Serin up on his offer. Serin recognized mostly those of the Northern Kingdoms. Of a population in the thousands they would not be missed. After 30 or so minutes, the [gate] closed.

"Alright. Now, with those who have remained, before I continue, we will root out those who have stayed with ill intent in their hearts."

Serin hard fed mana into his [precognition] skill, opening the floodgates of possibility. Of the thousands of drawn lines that his subjects had tied to them, almost none showed the dark red of danger. Except two. Serin motioned to Juni, and the protectorate present, and the two were ushered on stage. Both Human, relatively nondescript.

Juni did a scan of their surface thoughts. "I detect no malice or ill content with these two Lord."

"Juni, out of all those present, these two set off my [precognition]. Why are they a danger to anyone here? Don't worry about scratching too hard."

"By your command." Juni nodded and then motioned for the other inquisitors, who restrained the two present. Her hair flared and here eyes glowed along with the gem in her forehead. They both began to scream. The crowd watched nervously.

"Rhel here mixes bloodroot into the potions he brews, making them highly addictive so he can ensure a steady supply of customers. Murta smuggles out Haven weapons through her connection Maurice who just fled the city through the gate. Rhel's deceit was hidden behind a sense of duty to outperform his competition, so his surface thoughts were those of guilt, and Murta believes that war should be equal to all nations and that will bring peace, which drove her actions. Neither of which are hearts which are easy to find guilt on the surface of one's mind. I can pull their memories for evidence if necessary for their trial."

"That won't be necessary. We are skipping the trial today."

Serin walked over and shot them both. Serin's soul count went to 4.

"Time is of the essence, and their guilt was without question. I now know the entire populace of Haven only wishes for its own prosperity without inflicting woe upon one's neighbors. That being said, we will have to make many changes. All of the changes revolve around one central idea, and that is to grow Haven as quickly as possible. In strength as well as in number."

"Our enemy has declared their start date of their war 20 years from now. A human plates at 18 years. For our Enemy's plan, twenty years assumes 2 years of additional specialized training after plating. In short, our enemy is breeding its next army as we speak. This is the clock we are against. So I will be making a mandate. We are to reproduce. We must increase numbers. This is a war at home now that we must win before we meet the enemy in battle. No one wishes to see their children march to war, but it will be necessary for us all to continue. No one is above this mandate."

Murmurs started among the crowd.

"Additionally, for the next twenty years, a war tax will be incurred on all teams heading to the dungeon. This will be used to pay for an increase in population of the Forged. They have agreed to provide 2 members to the protectorate for every 3 lattices and shells we provide for them. That will be their duty for the remainder of their lives. I understand that this is a difficult time, and if anyone has any questions for me directly, I will answer them."

"How can normal families support additional pre-Academy younglings? It is hard enough with 1." This was a question brought up by Darius, the once-criminal enslaved human representative.

Serin answered without hesitation. "We are opening Haven's coffers to pay for child care. Additionally, those who are unable to perform the duties of their work due to pregnancy shall be considered employed by the government and paid as such. For the next twenty years, there will be a line in the Merit chart for children sired, allowing an increase of Merit and additional housing opportunities for those that reproduce in abundance."

"How will we encourage those that are not in a relationship to sire children. The harvest festival only comes once a year." This was from Bilol, the changeling representative.

"All of the dusted mead that we have held in reserve, including the aged stocks, will be released to bars around the city. Dust mead will also be increased in production."

"What about the Demis people? We do not take well to polyamory or promiscuity. We may produce more children at a time but only with our paired mate. We seem to have a bit of a disadvantage compared to the other races of haven." This was from Ephraim.

Serin let out a sigh. "Ephraim. In olden times, when your people's extinction was threatened, what did you do?"

"Well, we…" a look of horror, then of resolve covered his face. "We forced the plates of children through fighting."

"And if you did in a few months they became an adult, correct?"

"Yes." His answer was terse.

"To all the demis in the crowd, there are two options for survival. You can make the sacrifice yourself, knowing that your bonded mate laid with another. Or you can sacrifice the childhood of the next generation."

Ephraim was confused. "Why does it matter? There are only so many Demis females, and if they are all pregnant, how could promiscuity increase the numbers? Certainly there are other males willing to 'lend a hand'."

Serin looked at Master Cellic, the diviner and head of the office of racial studies. "Perhaps Master Cellic can fill us in. Master Cellic care to answer his question?"

Master Cellic nodded, "A Demis chaste behaviour is without question. However, in the uncommon instance where a changeling found themselves pregnant by way of a Demis, without fail, either twins or triplets were born. This has happened several times, and the names of the parents and children have been left out for their safety."

Serin then looked at Ephraim. "Demis reproductive ability is not only for their females. I would not ask this burden. Ever. I would rather wait 100 years and grow naturally. But our enemy will not wait, and they know they will beat us in numbers. Everyone will have to make sacrifices."

Ephraim nodded. "I will meet with my people and we will decide as a people what sacrifice we choose."

Next was Hamil, representative of the Parasites. "How can we aid you Serin. We are willing to do anything, even snap enemies if that is your wish. But I fear that will not be enough."

Serin nodded. "Prior to this, Merit of a Parasite was not counted when determining a person's standing. That changes today. All merit is counted again for those who have a Parasite. So as far as Haven is concerned, having a passenger will immediately double your merit score. That rule is effective immediately, and is retroactive, so all those who previously volunteered will see their standing increase."

The crowd gasped. Merit was the score in which every person was judged on in Haven, and affected their social standing, their opportunities, and their capabilities for advancement.

Having a parasite just became as powerful as joining the protectorate. Or slaying a tyrant.

"Is there anything else we can do to prepare?" It was Ben. Serin's Father. Serin had not seen his father since the funeral.

"Yes. Each Representative will be given a breakdown of all the ways we are requesting assistance. Everyone in Haven will need to do their part if we are to survive. I will be meeting with the council of representatives to discuss."

With that, Serin looked down at his stamina, which was dangerously low. The [repose] was draining him faster than he could have thought. He needed time to grieve. Serin then gave one final address to the crowd.

"The toll so far has been great. I will ask for sacrifice. This is not for you or me, but the continuation of every race that makes this nation great, as every single one is targeted for extinction. With that, I hope that one day these dark clouds will part, and the sun finds us again."


This ends Chapter 7! The next Chapter posted will be Chapter 8.0 As a note, today the waters go from murky to dark. This is your disclaimer

On a side note, anyone kept track of how much time has passed in the book? If you think you have the right answer, Post your comment below!

As a hint, by chapter 4.1 2 years have passed since Serin left his Burb.

Srinlifecreators' thoughts