
Bounded to the Evil Vampire! He wants to make Children.

Revealing his white fangs, he bit gently on her neck. She tried to struggle but felt helpless like a fish out of water, having no strength. “Pain,” she whispered into his ear, hoping that he would let go but instead, he bit even harder. Struggling, even more. she kicked and tried to shout, but it was to no avail. Just when she was about to lose consciousness, he let her go with an evil smirk on his face. He looked into her Amber eyes filled with hatred while slowly whispering. “You taste even sweeter when angry.” Hearing this, she got even angrier. “I… One day, I will kill you.” A burst of laughter echoed right after she said that and he replied while gently biting her ear. “Well that's for sure! But how will you take care of our children alone?” A shiver ran down her spine, and her voice filled with despair sounded. “PLEASE! LET ME GO!”

badblood · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Prove it!

Golden rays of dazzling sun cast a shadow of a huge building over a girl stranded with a group of girls. The cool breeze blowing with the rising sun touched her face and slightly fluttered her brown hair in the air.

Tropical rays of the sun illuminated her green aqueous eyes, there was a layer of mist in them. Standing with hands on her waist she stared at the crowd, her eyes were full of disdain at that moment.

The group of girls started to laugh at her, she got frustrated and asked while gritting her teeth," What the hell do you guys want from me?"

One of those girls with a lot of makeup on her face came forward and said," You know I just want to hear the truth." She was pretty tall, with the 4-inch heels she was towering over Amber.

"Ashley, she is a liar, we all know." a girl from the group said while pointing toward the girl surrounded by others.

It was Ashley's group. Ashley was the It- girl of the school. She belongs to Steven's family.

She used to wear expensive clothes and accessories. It was due to her power and money that every student wanted to be in her good books.

"I want to hear this from her." Ashley replied while chewing a piece of bubble gum.

Amber didn't want to respond to her as she got tired of answering them again and again for the same question.

"How dare you say Ryker is your boyfriend? You may make others believe in you but we both know this is a big lie. If he is your boyfriend then prove it to us." Ashley sneered at her.

"There is a way to find it out, he must be in there. Go Ashley and ask him to come out and meet us, it's been two days we haven't seen him." the other girl from the group said while pointing toward the haunted building.

Amber rolled her eyes in annoyance; she hated this bunch. They always got on her nerves.

The guy living inside that building was the school's most brilliant student and somehow his family had shares in that institute. This is the reason he lives inside the school boundaries but in a different building. All the girls in school had a crush on him and Ashley was also one of them.

People always seem curious about him because he has a mysterious personality and always does unpredictable things.

Not just the students but also the teachers were big fans of him, even though he sometimes behaves weirdly but no one dares to stand in his way.

No one knew where Ryker belonged and where his family was as he was not very talkative, even though he was one of the most popular students of the school but did not have many friends.

In simple words, Ryker was a big question for everyone studying in that institute. He was everybody's dream boy because of his attractive facial features and handsome personality.

Ashley tried hard to grab his attention but he didn't take her into account. This is the reason, it was tough for her to believe that Ryker could be the boyfriend of a school dork.

Other students constantly bullied her because she was not part of any group; that is the only reason behind Amber's lie about herself and Ryker. Otherwise, she wouldn't take his name.

The whole group of girls tried to break her down. The awkward starring of girls scared her as she didn't know what to do.

Amber didn't want to embarrass in front of them, and sweat started to appear on her forehead.

Finding her nervous, Ashley looked at her with a smirk on her face and asked to raise her temper, "Are you scared now little mouse? I knew you were lying! How could someone as popular as he is interested in you?"

Ashley's girls started to laugh at her, and one of them said, "You are dumb and ugly, nobody even wants to look at you. You think you can make fool of us so easily?"

That was enough to make Amber fired up in anger. She didn't know what to say but immediately replied, "Yes, Ryker is my boyfriend; you guys are just jealous of me!"

"Really? then prove it!" Ashley challenged her.

"Go on, go inside! we will believe you if you dare to this."

Amber started to find an escape door as she didn't want to go and die inside at this young age. She was about to leave when Ashley stopped her.

They all ganged up on her, snatched her bag, started to toss it from one to another, over her head, and one of the girls from their group threw the money inside her school bag through the window into the broken window of the building.

Seeing her bag entering the building made her scared. Her eyes widened, and she felt like crying.

'My money! I worked so hard for it. How can they do that with me?' Now she was more angry than usual. "I am going inside. You all just wait and watch", she furiously told them and turned toward the east wing of the building.